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Anyone need all the cheats?


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I may be a newbie but I know all of these:

IDFA-All weapons + ammo
IDKFA-All weapons + ammo + keys
IDSPISPOPD-Walk through walls (DOOM 1)
IDCLIP-Walk through walls (DOOM 2, Final DOOM)
IDCLEV-Warp to episode & level
IDMUS-Change music
IDBEHOLD+I,V,R,S,A or L-Power up
IDDT-All map and monsters (Type twice)
FHALL-Kill everything in level except lost souls
FHSHH-Nothing will attack unless you push the fire key

Did that help anybody?

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Guest Heretic

If you are going to cheat with Doom, think it would be better start playing things like Super Mario or Tetris.

For me, 3D shooter games are based on the need to kill to survive on the game, and not on the easy and simple fun of killing the same way you kill an ant with your foot.

Play Quake on nightmare skill and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

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Guest DoomJustSender5

And this has WHAT to do with Doom 3?


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Guest Dark_Fox

God you fags spread like a plague!

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Guest Dark_Fox
Heretic said:

If you are going to cheat with Doom, think it would be better start playing things like Super Mario or Tetris.

For me, 3D shooter games are based on the need to kill to survive on the game, and not on the easy and simple fun of killing the same way you kill an ant with your foot.

Play Quake on nightmare skill and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

cheating is for little babies who want to walk around with god mode on and a rocket launcher, there is NO skill involved. Mod makers used cheats for testing certain things..

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Psyonisis said:

1. Who cares?
2. Some of them don't even exist
3. Get off the forums

Cool signature dude. LOL

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Guest JudgeDooM

No, it didn't help anybody. 'Cos no real Doomer needs it. Plus, once more, it has nothing to do with Doom 3.

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Guest D-clone

Im know I'm not a newbie, and I also know that you can go to gamefaqs.com (or anywhere on the net) to get cheats instad of asking for them in a forum.

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Zaldron said:

Don´t even try, it´s a lost case...

You guys are all fucking cock sucking asswipes!
I offered cheats to anyone who wanted them. I didn't say that I use them did I?!

I can't belive just about everybody on doomworld is so thick!

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thanx for thee codes,all though I beat alll the games over a million and ten times,I still need the codes so I can go on one of those demon blasting sprees in the game,know what im saying.

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I can't belive just about everybody on doomworld is so thick!

Only when talking to newbies...

I don´t care if you use cheats or not, i´m not particullary interested in your gaming records. Besides, half of your cheats don´t even exists...

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Oh...is that so....you are a bunch of dumbasses, aren't you!
I suppose you've tried them all?

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Guest tropikal

this is laughable. i can teach u how to play really really really good if u dont mind losing a few thousand times and u will never need to use a cheatcode again.

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