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JC: "graphics are awesome!!..... oops!"

Guest D-clone

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Guest D-clone

Graphics geeks:

Just wondering, with detail level that hisgh, how many monsters can simoltaneously be on the screen with a high-end system in 2002?

Remember that packs of imps is one of the important things that makes doom what it is.

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1) FYI, Zaldron is the hailing Emperor of the graphics geeks.

2) With LOD becoming more and more flexible, who knows? It will really depend on the power of the video card... but you can expect no less than Serious Sam. iD *MAKES* benchmarks, they don't limbo under them.

3) I disagree. I loved the heavy duty firefights, true, but I feel the art, music, and pace of the game meant more to me than crowd control.

4) Have fun around here. Some people are dicks but if you act your age we can all get along. No whining, it just makes it worse. ;)

Hey Mac, spare this one too willya?

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The polycount limit will be VERY large for the DooM3 engine. I guess there could be like 30 enemies on screen, altough your "high-end" system will die miserably. 5 to 7 enemies is my guess for nice framerates.

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Guest Dark_Fox

Yes, so the doom marine model in the movie was like 35,000 triangles, 35,000 * 30 = (A Big Ass Number)

That sound bout right, may want to double check my math Zaldron, I'm not the great modeler that you are =P

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deadnail said:

1) FYI, Zaldron is the hailing Emperor of the graphics geeks.

2) With LOD becoming more and more flexible, who knows? It will really depend on the power of the video card... but you can expect no less than Serious Sam. iD *MAKES* benchmarks, they don't limbo under them.

3) I disagree. I loved the heavy duty firefights, true, but I feel the art, music, and pace of the game meant more to me than crowd control.

4) Have fun around here. Some people are dicks but if you act your age we can all get along. No whining, it just makes it worse. ;)

Hey Mac, spare this one too willya?

Dude that's Elyuca! He changed his name

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Dark_Fox said:

I'm not the great modeler that you are =P

WTF means that? You never saw one of my models...

Bah, anyway... let´s make some calcs : if there´s a Marine in front of you (dead or alive) you´ll be seeing 35,000 polys JUST for him. Now, people likes to have +30 fps per second. That means we need 1,050,000 polys per second JUST FOR ONE MARINE. The GeForce3 can handle something (supposedly) between 50 and 75 millions per second. After the 20 texture passes, the count falls to 33% of that (more or less). So we have 2,000,000 polys per frame to use. That´s a lot, but that´s just a raw data rendering. The whole dyn calcs must be solved each frame, just like the bumpmaps. That´s why I suppose the system only can draw 7 guys (in a very complex area) at acceptable framerates. GeForce2 will really suffer this...

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Psyonisis said:

Dude that's Elyuca! He changed his name


Oh yeah. Whoops. Hey ElDClono, stick to one fucking name willya? I ain't got that many brain cells to waste on you.

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Guest D-clone

god cant take me out!
I am not his creation!
I am the creation of another human!

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