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D3: basic M,W and S

Guest Clone999

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Guest Clone999

Basic Monsters, Weapons, and Storyline.
Pistol/duel pistols
Shotgun/duel shotguns
Super Shotgun
Tri-Barrel Shotgun
Chain Gun/duel
Grenade Launcher/duel
RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade)/duel
Auto-Rocket Launcher(Sweet...^_^)
Laser Rifle/duel
Laser Cannon/duel
BFG 8,000/automatic BFG 8,000
BFG 9,000
BFG 10,000
Atomic Missle Launching device (a.k.a. "Boom Cannon")

Monsters: (Only a few listed)
Imp w/ several variations(Super Imp, Nightmare Imp, Specter Imp)
Demon w/ one or two variations
And God Damnit, if they leave the fucking Cyber-Demon out, I'll just get out a shotgun and blow their fucking damn asses off.

After you kicked many asses and pissed off many Demons, about a year of hell, about 10,000 frags, you finally came home. The 7 gates of hell were closed for all time. Human technology moved on. A project at U.A.C. that was important to the entire human race, the creation of a Stargate. Unfortunately, the demons found out how to link the seven gates to the stargate, causing the hell gates to open as soon as the stargate opened. When U.A.C. tried to shut off the SG, Demons poured out and slaughtered everyone. The Demons had returned. This time you would have to fight their true master.
The huge Cyber-Demon like megahulk who had ruled all hell scince the beginning of everything, had exploded into heaps of gore and flame, the 8 Icons of Sin surrounding you crumbled, and the hundreds of demons were washed away with the immense flame whirling around everywhere. You didn't care if you died anymore. It was over. You stood calmly as the flames engulfed you. You could rest knowing that the bastards would never return. Right?

Send me your comments.

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May I take this opportunity before ducks and coffe invade to say that storyline is pretty lame for a game that's supposed to be concentrating solely on a single player experience....

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TWENTY SIX WEAPONS ? Yeah, why not. And while they're at it, id might as well re-create Mars in its entirety from satellite photos.

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TWENTY SIX WEAPONS ? Yeah, why not. And while they're at it, id might as well re-create Mars in its entirety from satellite photos.

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Guest JudgeDooM

Mmmh. The weapons ideas are ok. We won't flame you (at least I won't) for giving your ideas about weapons. The storyline is kinda mix between Final Doom and Quake. So, I don't think it will work. Plus, I don't think Id will mind about the storyline, they're known for that too :)

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Guest Clone999
GooberMan said:

May I take this opportunity before ducks and coffe invade to say that storyline is pretty lame for a game that's supposed to be concentrating solely on a single player experience....

Fuck you.

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