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DOOM original music by Cynic Guru

Guest cynicguru

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Guest cynicguru

I have been a LONG time fan of Doom (I still have LAN parties with Doom). Anyway, I'm a professional violinist and I front a rock band here in Los Angeles called Cynic Guru. I finally decided to write a tune to show my gratitude for this awesome game. The song is called DOOM, and it describes the life of a DOOM marine cutting through imps, snorting pigs, and cacodemons. Have a listen...you might get a kick out of it! It was recorded at Skotlapop Studios in Los Angeles....and it sounds pretty cool!!! I'd love to hear what some of you think about it!


All the best,
Cynic Guru

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Guest CRiZ

Woah! That's awesome. I was expecting only instrumental.

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Guest tropikal

thanx for the song man! i bet that was fun to write. i really dig the filter style vocals. he's one of my fav vocalists.

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Damn modem, took me a while to get it. What do I think?

Hmm, for some reason this reminds me of early Savage Garden. Ever so slightly rock, mostly alternative, with a touch of industrial for good measure.

I like it. Still... no one ever does a remix of "Shawns Got The Shotgun!" from Doom 2... oh well.

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If that's the song I'm thinking about, then there is a Slayer song almost identical to it... I forget the album name, and the song name... There are I think 2 songs on that cd that are almost identical to Doom 2 songs. Not to mention the fact that their singer looks a tad like John Romero... hmmmmm... And this album came out before DooM. Oh well. :)

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Behind The Crooked Cross is the name of the song. The album is South of Heaven I think.

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I like the lyrics. Especially the last line :) The music isn't really to my taste but it's not too bad though.

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Stphrz said:

Behind The Crooked Cross is the name of the song. The album is South of Heaven I think.

Yes, that is one of them. South of Heaven is actually the other song. Listen to it more closely, the drums are identical to the one Doom song, and the guitar is very simular.

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Man you've got some good recording equipment. The music isn't my type at all but somehow I liked it. That's unusual so congratulations.

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Guest alfredo


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