SoKatH Posted March 1, 2001 My God! This enfatuation with this AYB phenomenon was amuzing for the first little while. I mean how couldn't a badly dubbed Jap game be funny, but for the love of Christ! it's gone wayyy to fucking far. The obsession with it is sickening, I know it may not seem that irritating in text, but try going to school where you can't walk down the hall without someone screaming something related to it, or walk into a computer class without fucking hearing invasion of the gabber robots! FUCK! It's getting so motherfucking irrititating, I dunno, just the fact that there was a thread a couple o' threads down that told the newbies here that they needed to know this FUCK! It's sickening. And iD didn't start it! It's from a Genesis game (Zero Wing) that was only made in english for a European release, stupid non-english-speaking Japanese, (although I admit it was kinda amuzing the first 74 TIMES!!!) And I don't even know why the fuck it's on, iD just wants another fucking easter egg/in joke (yay dopefish) that they can tack on to their games. And in case any of you wanted to know, a 'zig' is the fighter they use. Well, that post contained no coherence oh well, to sum it up: I am fucking sick of the AYB phenomenon and soon it'll end up being like Cheeze Whiz, it was great in the beginning, but now no one gives a fuck about it! S./ 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 1, 2001 Why do you think I refer to this phenomenon as 'Faggoty Internet Trend #1138"? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 1, 2001 Faggoty Internet Trend #1139 : The "amen" phenomenon. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dark_Fox Posted March 1, 2001 Dashiva said:Amen, that's all I'm going to say. Dude what the fuck is with this amen crap?! 0 Share this post Link to post
Dashiva Posted March 1, 2001 It's a word, and I am entitled to use it. What the fucks with all this duck crap? 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 1, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:Faggoty Internet Trend #1139 : The "amen" phenomenon. You don't even get the 1138 reference, do you? Damn man, just when I was starting to think you were a halfway decent person... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest fraggle` Posted March 1, 2001 In A.D. 2101 War was beginning. Captain: What happen ? Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb Operator: We get signal Captain: What ! Operator: Main screen turn on Captain: It's You !! Cats: How are you gentlemen !! Cats: All your base are belong to us Cats: You are on the way to destruction Captain: What you say !! Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time Cats: HA HA HA HA .... Captain: Take off every 'zig' Captain: You know what you doing Captain: Move 'zig' Captain: For great justice 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Clone999 Posted March 1, 2001 deadnail said:You don't even get the 1138 reference, do you? Damn man, just when I was starting to think you were a halfway decent person... This has nothing to do with doom whatsoever. Fuck, Soktah, you've done it again. Go join a "Fucked up japanese shit" forum. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 1, 2001 deadnail said:You don't even get the 1138 reference, do you? Damn man, just when I was starting to think you were a halfway decent person... No, but please explain, 'cause I'm just DYING to find out. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 1, 2001 If you want the complete AYBABTU experience, you should go to 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 1, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:No, but please explain, 'cause I'm just DYING to find out. You ever seen a pre-Star Wars Lucas film called 'THX-1138'? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 1, 2001 deadnail said:You ever seen a pre-Star Wars Lucas film called 'THX-1138'? Nope. I'm 16 years old and never really liked Star Wars anyway. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted March 1, 2001 This phenomenon made it into Time Magazine. I will post a scan of the article when I get home. Of course, they wrote "somebody set US UP the bomb" instead of the proper spelling, but oh well. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest tropikal Posted March 1, 2001 dont bother uploading it, go here:,9171,100525,00.html 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted March 1, 2001 Clone999 said:This has nothing to do with doom whatsoever. Fuck, Soktah, you've done it again. Go join a "Fucked up japanese shit" forum. Yes, it has nothing to do with Doom whatsoever... except, as Mr. T (currently known as Esco) would say, dat message is hidden on da Doom 3 website, fool! 0 Share this post Link to post
masterhassan Posted March 1, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:Nope. I'm 16 years old and never really liked Star Wars anyway. now you shall die for dissing star wars. im gonna shove my guitar up your ass 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 1, 2001 Men in fancy shirts and big hairy creatures with silly names zapping around in space ? No, thanks. Give me Seven of Nine anytime. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 1, 2001 Hell, every time I'm beginning to think I understand Flathead something else rolls around that fucks up my rhythm. He hate Star Wars. Damn! And I'd've figured him to be all over softcore homosexual erotica. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dark_Fox Posted March 1, 2001 Dashiva said:It's a word, and I am entitled to use it. What the fucks with all this duck crap? Don't talk to the duck like that.. He gives scary anal.. And you may like it =P Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen ! Praise the LORD! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dark_Fox Posted March 1, 2001 NiGHTMARE said:Yes, it has nothing to do with Doom whatsoever... except, as Mr. T (currently known as Esco) would say, dat message is hidden on da Doom 3 website, fool! My Van is Hellava fast foo, drink yo Milk! 0 Share this post Link to post
SoKatH Posted March 1, 2001 Clone999 said:This has nothing to do with doom whatsoever. Fuck, Soktah, you've done it again. Go join a "Fucked up japanese shit" forum. You noticed did you. Yeah well I got news for you jackass, there's plenty of other threads with no doom relevance what so ever. And for the love of God, spell my name right. S./ (BTW, I like Star Wars...) 0 Share this post Link to post
Dashiva Posted March 2, 2001 Dark_Fox said:Don't talk to the duck like that.. He gives scary anal.. And you may like it =P Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen ! Praise the LORD! I'm an Atheist dude. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest weApon-X Posted March 2, 2001 In A.D. 2101 fing Krieg an. Kapitän: Was geschehen? Mechaniker: Jemand stellte uns der Bombe Bediener auf: Wir erhalten Signal kapitän: Was! Bediener: Hauptbildschirm anmachen Kapitän: Es Ist Sie!! Katzen: Wie Sie Herren! sind! Katzen: Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns Katzen: Sie sind auf der Weise zum Zerstörung Kapitän: Was Sie! sagen! Katzen: Sie haben keine Wahrscheinlichkeit zu überleben bilden Ihre Zeit katzen: HA HA HA HA..., Kapitän: Entfernen Sie jeden ' zig' Kapitän: Sie wissen, was Sie Kapitän tuend: Verschieben Sie ' zig' Kapitän: Für große Gerechtigkeit 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest weApon-X Posted March 2, 2001 In A.D. 2101 war began. Captain: What occur? Mechanic: Someone set up us to the bomb user: We receive signal captain: Which! User: Main display put on captain: It is them!! Cats: How it gentlemen! are! Cats: Their whole lower surface are belong to us cats: They are on the way to destruction the captain: Which it! say! Cats: They do not have probability to survive to form their time cats: HECTAR HECTAR HECTAR HECTAR..., Captain: Remove for everyone ' zig ' captain: They know, what them captain doing: Shift ' zig ' captain: For large justice 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted March 3, 2001 weApon-X said:In A.D. 2101 fing Krieg an. Kapitän: Was geschehen? Mechaniker: Jemand stellte uns der Bombe Bediener auf: Wir erhalten Signal kapitän: Was! Bediener: Hauptbildschirm anmachen Kapitän: Es Ist Sie!! Katzen: Wie Sie Herren! sind! Katzen: Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns Katzen: Sie sind auf der Weise zum Zerstörung Kapitän: Was Sie! sagen! Katzen: Sie haben keine Wahrscheinlichkeit zu überleben bilden Ihre Zeit katzen: HA HA HA HA..., Kapitän: Entfernen Sie jeden ' zig' Kapitän: Sie wissen, was Sie Kapitän tuend: Verschieben Sie ' zig' Kapitän: Für große Gerechtigkeit A.D. 2101 Sota oli alku. Kapteeni: Mitä tapahtua? Mekaanikko: Joku järkkäsi meidät pommi Käyttäjä: Me otetaan signaali Kapteeni: Täh! Käyttäjä: Pää näyttö laittaa päälle Kapteeni: Se olet sinä !! Kisulit: Kuis panee herrasmiehet !! Kisulit: Kaikki sinun tukikohta ovat kuuluu meille Kisulit: Sinä olet tiellä tuhoon Kapteeni: Mitä sinä sanot !! Kisulit: Sinulla ei ole mitään mahiksia selviytyä tee aikasi Kisulit: HA HA HA HA .... Kapteeni: Ota pois kaikki 'zig' Kapteeni: Sinä tietää mitä sinä teet Kapteeni: Liiku 'zig' Kapteeni: Suurelle oikeudelle 0 Share this post Link to post
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