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I´m sure every old-timer here noticed how weird things are getting. In fact, this is not a DW only tendency, but it´s spreading around all the Internet. The reason? DooM3 engine footage.
It´s curious how 1 minute of badly compressed stuff can shock the community that much. If I were given the chance to have or not the video released, I would have chosen to... wtf, I still would have chosen to have it.

Anyone here saw the VE, Shacknews or Stomped comments about the DooM footage?

Sometimes I can´t believe how stupid´s people. One single person can be smart, but the whole crowd always seems to behave in the most low IQed way posible.

Let´s take the gaming sites polls, to start with something. Roughly 70% of the people thinks that the trailer is completely awesome. Nothing wrong here, what would you expect?

Then there´s the people comments, and this is where things go wrong. First there´s the guys (like us) that say they have pissed all over while seeing the ASF, those who say that iD owns them, etc. Probably many of them are currently checking this forum right now.
Then there´s the Epic fanboys reactions. Don´t get me wrong, I have nothing against Unreal players, but some of them has so much hate to iD that they just simply don´t care how good the game could it be. They even say that U2 engine is superior, wich is completely wrong.
Then there´s those skeptical guys that can´t imagine themselves buying a GeForce3, and sticking to their VooDoo3 cards.
There´s even a large group of people that thinks that if you run Unreal 2 under a GeForce3, it will gain instantly dynamic lighting. Yeah, right, what are for programmers, huh?

Going back to those who came here, those who we call newbies. DW has some popularity among all the DooM related places. Stomped´s DooM3 forums are empty, and even New DooM´s DOOM3 specific forum is reasonable empty. But here... here we have 6 new guys per day, and I´m not kidding. And there´s even more guys reading and not posting than those who actually do.

No one likes newbies, that´s for sure, otherwise they would be called "new guys" or "visitors" or something less insulting. And they´re always bitching about "I´m not a newbie I have DooM since it came out".

I think it would be deadnail´s job to make a "welcome" post for the new people. But as a user, he´s so willing to have new people as I do. Don´t get me wrong, I was once a newbie, and so everyone here. Even some of them are now regulars, with 200, 300 posts. What´s the trick to enter without being flamed?

There´s 3 options :

1) Make some smart and original post. Here´s an example :

GOOD STUFF -> Engine related questions, Impressions about the trailer, Weapon balancing issues, Netplay and how important it could be, Blend between the DooM1&2 storylines and DooM3 one, technical aspects, modding support, Level ideas, easter eggs, etc...

SO BAD STUFF IT HURTS! -> New weapons, new enemies, release date, Unreal vs Quake engine, Quake is crap, X is a moron, super friggin cool ideas!!!, General or Editing forums stuff, completely non-related to D3 topics, etc (an etc much bigger than the good stuff one *sigh*)...

2) Don´t mess up with the old timers unless it´s some kind of joke.

3) Have a really cool signature that we start ROTFL-ing

Someone said a couple of posts below : "You need newbies and you know it" My ass, if newbie´s an insult, why we should need more of those?

The only way to post stuff here without being kidnapped and used as experiment subject in MACVILEWHORE coffee lab is to follow somehow this basic rules.

deadnail should make an introductory post, since he´s moderator, but oh well, wtf...

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Flathead, you´re not supposed to drink THAT pot of coffee... it´s the one for our lost cases...

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Every group of people is the same; blacks, whites, locals, foreigners, gays, straights, and even people on this forum.

A few winners.
A whole fucking lot of losers.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

I still find it amusing that the big Mac Expo film was released across the 'net in a Microsoft format. =) Just admitting defeat.

And as for greeting the new people... don't I already do that?

WTF? Shacknews? You mean people STILL go there? LOL.

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Zaldron said:

Flathead, you´re not supposed to drink THAT pot of coffee... it´s the one for our lost cases...


God, that was gay... (sorry dude)
Anyway. I agree with Zaldron. Too many newbies here. I once, was a newbie too. But at least I took some time to read older posts so I wouldn't make stupid comments like these people do...
Some of them are posting things like : Doom3 should have new demons. (LOL)

We talked about this almost 7 months ago or something like that...

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some of you (insted i have never post stuff like "doom3 should have new demons" and that stupid thing), can considier me like a newbie but belive me, i am not, is just that i have changed my nickname 3 times, cause i dont know why somebody errased my old posts, but whatever, just to make enfasis in that of saying stupid things about doom

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Guest Dark_Fox
deadnail said:

Every group of people is the same; blacks, whites, locals, foreigners, gays, straights, and even people on this forum.

A few winners.
A whole fucking lot of losers.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

I still find it amusing that the big Mac Expo film was released across the 'net in a Microsoft format. =) Just admitting defeat.

And as for greeting the new people... don't I already do that?

WTF? Shacknews? You mean people STILL go there? LOL.

Clinton.. Nuff said

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Guest Dark_Fox
Disorder said:


God, that was gay... (sorry dude)
Anyway. I agree with Zaldron. Too many newbies here. I once, was a newbie too. But at least I took some time to read older posts so I wouldn't make stupid comments like these people do...
Some of them are posting things like : Doom3 should have new demons. (LOL)

We talked about this almost 7 months ago or something like that...

I spent a whole fucking year just reading, I then got me account and began posting.. That maybe a bit overboard but try to just glance at the message topics titles or we get the same shit over and over..
I'll shut up. =)

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Dark_Fox said:

I spent a whole fucking year just reading, I then got me account and began posting.. That maybe a bit overboard but try to just glance at the message topics titles or we get the same shit over and over..
I'll shut up. =)

I've had pretty much the same experience. Around a year of just hangin around here before I even registered. I don't really even speak up that much now and I've been registered for over a year. I just don't think it's that neccesary to respond to every fucking post, no matter what it's about. If what you're gonna say is either intelligent or hilarious then by all means, say it. But if yer gonna waste everyone's fucking time, don't start bitching about us being total assholes to you. Murrr.

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Guest Dark_Fox

I only bitch when a newb or even a damn older member says somthing stupid..
God, I've even seen someone say, "How about Doom 3 have sound.. "
My god, the idiot did not know how to setup his sound card so he spend his entire Doom Experience without sound..

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Guest Dark_Fox
deadnail said:

You can tell your duck to shut her beak while you're at it!

Well, he will hurt me if I try to boss him around.
Duck plez be quiet.. plez.. not the bat.. oh god!
*smack* *crackle* *pop*

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