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The other engines...

Guest cHOWyunFATAL

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Guest cHOWyunFATAL

At first..sorry for my bad english, im from Germany.
But shitten on it...now my question:
What do you think about the other new engines coming, and the projects behind them? For example Max Payne, UT2 etc
Or Gamez with "old" tuned engines like RTCW or DNF.
Do you think they have a chance with a rival like dOOm3 ???

If this Topic is just a repetition of an old one...sorry...im new here ;)

K, cya guys

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Right about now engines don't mean shit to me. Soldier of Fortune used the ol' Quake 2 engine and it was a helluva lot more fun that Quake 3 Arena.

Unreal Tournament... Quake 3... these are both engines that have a SHITLOAD of potential but unfortunately we're not going to see them exploited as much as I'd like. It's all a big scheme to get me to upgrade my damn video card.

But to directly answer your questions...
Max Payne = Can't wait!
Unreal 2 = Nothing known yet.
Return to Castle Wolfenstien = Can't wait!

Sure they have a chance to rival Doom 3! Graphics are, AT BEST, 1/5th of any video game. Audio, Video, Control, Gameplay, and Longevity.

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I too have been waiting for Duke4ever for eternity... I remember reading stuff about it in February 1791 or something, and being disappointed because the system requirements were going to be a P200 with 64Mb RAM... shit, games stuff always seems funny in retrospect (except SOF, which is still awful).

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Bite your tongue Zork boy, SoF is cool. Good level design, fast paced gameplay, frantic multiplayer, the only thing it's missing is a few more levels.

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A few MORE levels ? After four levels I was declared clinically braindead (OK, don't make that joke, it's way too easy). The AI is dreadful, the maps are well-made but nothing special, and the gameplay is too repetitive for words.

In general I've always felt that Raven games can't touch their bigger id brothers. Heretic, Hexen, SOF, ST Voyager : cool maps, good story and decent gameplay, but it always seems like something's missing.

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Bah. The AI is decent, they just 'stand still and shoot' a little too often. If they did the jumps, rolls, or runs for cover more often it'd be a lot better.

Heretic and Hexen were incredible. Sure, they didn't have the lasting power that Doom did, but they had everything else.

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deadnail said:

Bite your tongue Zork boy, SoF is cool. Good level design, fast paced gameplay, frantic multiplayer, the only thing it's missing is a few more levels.

SoF good level design?! You like SoF more than Q3 because you just seem to enjoy single player games more than multiplayer, and also SoF´s violence and weapons etc. That´s at least a matter of taste, ok. But the level design in SoF was really bad! Just one way in, one way out, straight through all the time. I never seen so many useless doors for example, 20 doors that were just wall textures and 1 door to continue the one way. And it had some really terrible unrealism in the levels, I remember for example a little chapel, which looked nice from outiside, but from inside it was just like a garage, or in that castle in the end, living rooms inside the building without windows, the same piczure on the wall all the time and cheap stuff like that.

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deadnail said:

Bah. The AI is decent, they just 'stand still and shoot' a little too often. If they did the jumps, rolls, or runs for cover more often it'd be a lot better.

Heretic and Hexen were incredible. Sure, they didn't have the lasting power that Doom did, but they had everything else.

Yeah, the tome of power r00lz.

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Guest cHOWyunFATAL
deadnail said:

Right about now engines don't mean shit to me. Soldier of Fortune used the ol' Quake 2 engine and it was a helluva lot more fun that Quake 3 Arena.

Unreal Tournament... Quake 3... these are both engines that have a SHITLOAD of potential but unfortunately we're not going to see them exploited as much as I'd like. It's all a big scheme to get me to upgrade my damn video card.

But to directly answer your questions...
Max Payne = Can't wait!
Unreal 2 = Nothing known yet.
Return to Castle Wolfenstien = Can't wait!

Sure they have a chance to rival Doom 3! Graphics are, AT BEST, 1/5th of any video game. Audio, Video, Control, Gameplay, and Longevity.

you´re right...Graphics are just a piece of a game, there is really not just graphic. But in the case of doom 3 there is only graphics! There are a few screenshots, and the video.
I don´t know how good or bad the sound quality is, or the gameplay...whatever...i only can guess that it will be a very good game. the first thing I thought when i saw the game...
"i will have more fear as when I played the marine campaign of AvP." You can say what you want..AvP has the best atmosphere from aaaaaall the games. I remember myself screaming in my room, panicly pressing power button on my pc!

Okay...SoF...i bought the german version, but i downloaded the blood patch. I waited a long time for that game, and it wasn´t such a good game as i suggested. You can play it one time, and after that there is no more motivation. But maybe it´s just my personal problem ;)

öhhhmm...ok..i c...i´ve written to much...it´s midnight, im a bit drunken...so that´s all for the moment folks!

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deadnail said:

Bah. The AI is decent, they just 'stand still and shoot' a little too often. If they did the jumps, rolls, or runs for cover more often it'd be a lot better.

Heretic and Hexen were incredible. Sure, they didn't have the lasting power that Doom did, but they had everything else.

A game that not too many people know exits for computers is Resident Evil. Now, I know that it wasn't great but it was a totally new way of presenting a game(at the time when i first played it). I think that it had some sort of potential, until they made a bunch of(pretty bad) sequels. It had awesome(almost DooMlike) atmosphere and a cool storyline. Okay I'll get to the point. If a new, computer only Resident Evil game came out(I know it wont happen) that ran on, say Q3's engine, it would be a game that I think a lot of DooMers would enjoy.

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Guest Dark_Fox
deadnail said:

Bite your tongue Zork boy, SoF is cool. Good level design, fast paced gameplay, frantic multiplayer, the only thing it's missing is a few more levels.

I love SOF, the levles where awesome! I still can't stop playing the Bosnia levels over and over and over..
The Unreal 2 engine and DOOM3 are what I'm waiting for.
Screw Duke4 and TF2 they will never come out..

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Windowpain said:

A game that not too many people know exits for computers is Resident Evil. Now, I know that it wasn't great but it was a totally new way of presenting a game(at the time when i first played it). I think that it had some sort of potential, until they made a bunch of(pretty bad) sequels. It had awesome(almost DooMlike) atmosphere and a cool storyline. Okay I'll get to the point. If a new, computer only Resident Evil game came out(I know it wont happen) that ran on, say Q3's engine, it would be a game that I think a lot of DooMers would enjoy.

I've been in love with Resident Evil since the moment I first put it into my Playstation. I own them all, including Code Veronica, as well as Silent Hill and the Parasite Eve series.

The best?

Parasite Eve 2. Try it! =)

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Heh, I've got the first resident evil and silent hill, but I think silent hill just makes resident evil look like childs play!

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deadnail said:

Right about now engines don't mean shit to me. Soldier of Fortune used the ol' Quake 2 engine and it was a helluva lot more fun that Quake 3 Arena.

Unreal Tournament... Quake 3... these are both engines that have a SHITLOAD of potential but unfortunately we're not going to see them exploited as much as I'd like. It's all a big scheme to get me to upgrade my damn video card.

But to directly answer your questions...
Max Payne = Can't wait!
Unreal 2 = Nothing known yet.
Return to Castle Wolfenstien = Can't wait!

Sure they have a chance to rival Doom 3! Graphics are, AT BEST, 1/5th of any video game. Audio, Video, Control, Gameplay, and Longevity.

Everyone (or at least 90% of the people) seems to have their own definition of "engine" : Graphics. This is entirely wrong, this is mostly true in the Quake1/2/3 engine evolution, but the meaning is a lot more complex.
There was never a game that had so great gameplay, that the gameplay itself was limited by the tech. But there are features that are dropped or just ignored because the very basics of the engine can´t allow that kind of operations without a major upgrade.
But having a clean, revolutionary engine made from scratch allows the developers to make use of hundreds of new features. Some of them very small and only known by the programmers, while others are key elements of the game.
We´ll be seeing a lot of improvement gameplay-wise with this engine. Even if DooM3 doesn´t turn to be revolutionary on this aspect, you´ll have a lot of fun due to this features...

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