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How far does doom3 goes, huh?

Guest s999cop

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Guest s999cop

How far does doom3 goes, huh? like finsihed half? solo or deathmatach maps? how many screenshots available? how many levels? you guys wanna know , do you? lets find someone who is capable to communicate with id, or know alot about doom3, so we can hear from more.

besides, i always wanted to say to have 2 different versions of doom3: deathmatch and solo should have different styles maps, you know the maps sort of like doom2map1 or the map in quake3's outerspace, having bouncing platforms everywhere, you know solo is also important, so both even are the best

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Guest gesheed

Well, buddy, doom3 can be very good, if they ID worked really hard on that, I think doom3 should involve all that demons and black mass, kinda thing!! I like that really like it, and I hope I can see it!!

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Guest cHOWyunFATAL

Hey...isn´t it a must that there is a difference between Solo and Multi Maps???
Good Singleplayer maps aren´t playable in multi. Sure, if there is just a boring level design in single player mode, you can play it in multiplayer mode too. But when the guys who are making the maps habe taken their work serious, then there MUST be different styled maps for single and mulitpayer...

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How far is Doom 3 goes? You mean how done is it? Well, the engine is at a displayable level, although we don't even know if it's finished or if the levels shown will even be in the game.

How many levels? How the fuck are we supposed to know?

How many screenshots available? How many frames in that movie?

Carmack himself said that the game is focusing on Single Player, so you know what? Fuck multiplayer. Who cares?

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The game Alice has been doing quite well without multiplayer. But to leave multiplayer out altogether in a Doom game? Even if they have to recycle their Quake 3 netcode, I seriously doubt they'll leave out some sort of multiplayer option.

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Guest Nodus

Why do you morons keep saying this? Wouldnt you be much more impressed with the damn game if you just left it alone until it was done. What if you really did get to go into the id building and look at what they were doing and know everything about the game. Then once it came out youd be all disapointed and youd be whining about it and youd wish you were dead and then youd kill yourself and then Id be happy.

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GooberMan said:

The game Alice has been doing quite well without multiplayer. But to leave multiplayer out altogether in a Doom game? Even if they have to recycle their Quake 3 netcode, I seriously doubt they'll leave out some sort of multiplayer option.

Probably there will be unsupported coop, and standard nothing-new DM. That´s a wise move, since people plays mods more often. They´ll leave CTF and such for the community...

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