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Story Lined, I lost the Plot! (Pun Intended)

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Hello all, I Am LORD BAZTARD, Ind I just joined this forum, So I will says this........MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
!!!!Your in for it now!!!!

No Seriously I Bring this piece of Advice: FLAME ALL NEWBIES

<Realizes What He Just Typed>

*Ahem* Except of course for me ................................

The main Reason I started this thread was to voice my opinion on the Doom 3 Engine test. Absolutely Fudging Awesome, My Jaw Hit the Floor So Hard, I have to climb UP to get to the floor of my house..................................

This is my opinion of what the story could be, based on the Tech Video, and the end of Doom 2, I haven't read the books, I cannot find them anywhere

I could be wrong.


It has been several years, since The Giant Icon of Sin was Destroyed, taking the realm of Hell with it, The Doom Guy (I think his name was Flynn Taggart Thats what I am calling him) Flynn Taggart returned a hero and so began the task of rebuilding our Empire, He is now the commander of the UAC Moon Base
on the Moon IO.

Story: A small space ship approaches IO moon base (At least that is what I assume the thing that came out of the ceiling was. (A docking Space ship. The room was a docking bay.) and asks for permission to land, while circling the base for permission, a small blue streak of light zips over the hull, then becoming a circle of light before it changes to a Glowing red circle, something moves through it, then it is gone. The ship lands and the side of the ship extends to a ramp at the edge of the room, on board the ship the pilot unbuckles himself from the ship and leaves the cockpit, only to come face to face with a Hell Knight.

The Demon quickly reacts and punches the marine in the face, sending him flying back into the cockpit, smashing into a computer screen knocking him unconcious. moving quickly, the Knight performs a spell and a blue bolt flys into the marine, The marine glows blue before being possessed by a demon, killing him, all that is left is a decaying corpse, the Beast then throws a green bolt into the roof, ripping it apart, and jumps out, landing on the floor of the bay. Creeping silently and in the shadows it sneaks out of the room.

The Corpse in the cockpit gets up unsteadily and jumps into the back of the ship, then walks out into the docking bay. In the control room, Taggart enters and sits at his desk monitoring the surveillance cameras remotely via some quick and untracable hacking into the mainframe, the first camera he switces to is the docking bay camera, when he sees the Zombie walk into the bay, In sheer horror he watches as the beast walks out of view. Panicking, he gets his shotgun and sounds the Alarms, and runs toward the loading area.

He runs past several confused researchers, and hurries towards the rapidly closing door, just rolling under it in time, Getting up and picking his gun back up, he runs around the corner, right into the path of oncoming zombies, in surprise he slips on the floor and slides helplessly towards the monsters, stopping at their feet.

The Zombies are just about to attack when a disturbing non human voice echos around the cavern "Leave Him", Taggart looks in the direction of the voice and sees The Knight of Hell standing on the second level of the room, the Demon Continues "Ah, Taggart, So Nice to see you again, You think after you destroy our home we are going to leave you alone? No, our planet is a fireball, thankfully a group of us watched you as you made your way home back to this dimension and made plans to follow you, however with all our technology rather screwy we had to devise another way through, Which we just mastered, the only catch is it could send one through. ME. So My job is to re open the wormhole, and let us back in to this place, which we will claim as our own." Taggart Responds "It won't work this time asshole, The UAC are better prepared this time, You will not succeed!" To this the Demon only grinned, and the sight revolted Taggart, He was just about to speak again when another voice spoke, this one was human "Punch That Dickhead Out, and take him to the Brig" As the speaker was standing in the shadows, only one thing could be seen, A label on his suit that read UAC Executive ...........

The End

Whoa this is long! <Looks back into distance, Beginning cannot be seen>

That is my uninformed insane rambling over
Your Turn

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Jesus Christ how many people have to use the Archvile icon?

Jesus Christ how many people have to predict what the story should be?

Name one game made by iD made in the last decade where they have actually PUT EFFORT into the storyline. None, not one. The story is tacked onto the end, just a little reasoning behind the mayhem. The story doesn't matter in iD games.

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Guest Nodus

Am I the only one that really didnt get an erection looking at the tech movie thing. It really wasnt that impressive, I think its hyped up so much you all think youll be cool if you tell us about your sexual experiences with your keyboards.

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deadnail said:

Jesus Christ how many people have to use the Archvile icon?

Jesus Christ how many people have to predict what the story should be?

Name one game made by iD made in the last decade where they have actually PUT EFFORT into the storyline. None, not one. The story is tacked onto the end, just a little reasoning behind the mayhem. The story doesn't matter in iD games.

Hey! I Picked that Icon in a gruelling selection process!
(Ok I picked it Randomly)

But as for the story, I was not predicting it, I was bored, I have writing talent, (I Do.......Seriously) and the video, although it was only a tech demo it seemed to have a sequence to it and that is how I interepreted it.

I never said I was telling you the story, I made it up.

I agree though. ID game plots were always one paragraph in a manual, it is a garantee that they will do the same again,
It was a purely creative excercise. (Only way I will!)

I didn't want you to actually flame me! (I'm Actually Allergic to fire y'see!)

And Nodus: You Sick Sick Sick Person, Sex with a keyboard indeed!
I do not wish to know your dirty habits.

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Io´s geography´s modified each second. The moon´s just a blob of sulphur and magma, under intense thunderstorms because of Jupiter magnetosphere...

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deadnail said:

Jesus Christ how many people have to use the Archvile icon?

Jesus Christ how many people have to predict what the story should be?

Name one game made by iD made in the last decade where they have actually PUT EFFORT into the storyline. None, not one. The story is tacked onto the end, just a little reasoning behind the mayhem. The story doesn't matter in iD games.

deadnail, i think you've brought up the point that id doesn't give two shits about plot a couple of times now, people just ARE NOT listening...you are correct, though, which is why i am not concerned about that part of doom 3 at all.

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deadnail said:

Jesus Christ how many people have to use the Archvile icon?

Jesus Christ how many people have to predict what the story should be?

Name one game made by iD made in the last decade where they have actually PUT EFFORT into the storyline. None, not one. The story is tacked onto the end, just a little reasoning behind the mayhem. The story doesn't matter in iD games.

The story does matter in iD games. Imagine Quake2 without the whole Strogg war story! It would be different without the story, don´t you think?

Does a story need 1000 words to be a story? I think you also can tell stories just with images, moods, intense situation for the player. Doom2 for example "tells" a story about hell, lonelyness, violence, fear and victory, but without many words. Or wouldn´t you call this a story?

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Guest Nodus
LorD BaZTArD said:

Hey! I Picked that Icon in a gruelling selection process!
(Ok I picked it Randomly)

But as for the story, I was not predicting it, I was bored, I have writing talent, (I Do.......Seriously) and the video, although it was only a tech demo it seemed to have a sequence to it and that is how I interepreted it.

I never said I was telling you the story, I made it up.

I agree though. ID game plots were always one paragraph in a manual, it is a garantee that they will do the same again,
It was a purely creative excercise. (Only way I will!)

I didn't want you to actually flame me! (I'm Actually Allergic to fire y'see!)

And Nodus: You Sick Sick Sick Person, Sex with a keyboard indeed!
I do not wish to know your dirty habits.

You asking ME to go away?

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deadnail said:

Jesus Christ how many people have to use the Archvile icon?

Jesus Christ how many people have to predict what the story should be?

Name one game made by iD made in the last decade where they have actually PUT EFFORT into the storyline. None, not one. The story is tacked onto the end, just a little reasoning behind the mayhem. The story doesn't matter in iD games.

Ya people fuck off I made that icon for me! If you haven't noticed it's called psyonisis.gif

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Zaldron said:

Io´s geography´s modified each second. The moon´s just a blob of sulphur and magma, under intense thunderstorms because of Jupiter magnetosphere...

Yeah, your right, oops, forgot.

Although According to deadnail, he says that Doom, in the doom bible, was set in 2704.

So therefore, wouldn't they have some kind of terraforming process by then?

I must admit I Randomly selected a moon, Io sounded good.

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LorD BaZTArD said:

Yeah, your right, oops, forgot.

Although According to deadnail, he says that Doom, in the doom bible, was set in 2704.

So therefore, wouldn't they have some kind of terraforming process by then?

I must admit I Randomly selected a moon, Io sounded good.

You can´t terraform lava...

Europa, Titan, Oberon, Ganymede and Iapetus are better places to install human placements.

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Tetzlaff said:

The story does matter in iD games. Imagine Quake2 without the whole Strogg war story! It would be different without the story, don´t you think?

Does a story need 1000 words to be a story? I think you also can tell stories just with images, moods, intense situation for the player. Doom2 for example "tells" a story about hell, lonelyness, violence, fear and victory, but without many words. Or wouldn´t you call this a story?

Don't actually DEFEND iD Software for their lax storylines.

The only reason that the Quake box had a language warning on it was because of this stupid line from the manual: "Maybe you can get to the asshole personally."

Yeah, very mature.

iD's storylines are just tacked onto the end, and basically structured before the game is produced to give some sort of motif to the graphics.

Would Quake 2 be different with a Doom-like story? Sure. All the alien languages would be latin instead, and instead of cyborgs all the enemies would be zombies and demons. They'd behave exactly the same, though, and the levels (although the goals would be artistically different) would be basically unchanged. Go here, do this switch, go here, collect this item, go here, use this item, go here, exit, go here, do this switch, go here, kill this boss, next zone.

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I don´t want to defend iD´s storylines, I just try to bring up a another point of view. Stories are not dependant on words. A good story does not necessarely need many written details like a role playing game. The happening is important, and the way you are involved to it.

"Go here, do this switch, go here..." is just something like a skeleton of the story, and I think it´s basicly the same in all shooter games. You can also reduce for example Halflife´s story line to a "go here, destroy this to get there..." skeleton.

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Who sounds like MACVILEHORE? ME???



No Special Brand Coffee here.

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Zaldron said:

You can´t terraform lava...

Europa, Titan, Oberon, Ganymede and Iapetus are better places to install human placements.

But on Red Dwarf.........................................

<Thinks about that>

You are right, Lava cannot be terraformed.

(For those that have a sense of humour as bad as mine, tell me what the joke is..............................................)

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Guest Dark_Fox

Razor burn is bout as fun as your story, mistakes across the board, and not very well put together.. =\
Telling you that as a writer to a writer..

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Hey, I never said I was a good writer, I said I had writing talent (Which at the current moment, anyone who can string a sentence together has! Ha Ha)

And As I said over and over again: (In Different words)

It was not perfect, I watched movie, I got idea, i scribbled messily on paper, tried to read unintelligible notes and strung it together, The whole point of this thread was to see what others thought the story might be.

And I wanted to Flame oldies before they could flame me!
Boredom was a factor here too..........................

I can have an opinion if I like...........................
And I this This thread should end.........................
(Thousands of cheers from forum users)

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Guest TheEternalVile
Psyonisis said:

Ya people fuck off I made that icon for me! If you haven't noticed it's called psyonisis.gif

sorry psyonisis.
didn't mean it

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Psyonisis said:

Ya people fuck off I made that icon for me! If you haven't noticed it's called psyonisis.gif

Can I still use your icon?

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