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What demons to keep in doom 3,vote!

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what demons should be in doom 3?
Place your post reply here and the prize will be...er..uh,just put you reply here for what demon to keep in doom 3.Nuff said.

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Guest JudgeDooM

Everyone exept the Revenant. If id don't include the CyberDemon, I'm gonna jump off a cliff.

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I'd like to see them all, heavily modified of course.

If iD don't include the Revenant, I'm gonna throw JudgeDoom off a cliff.

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Imp, Zombie, a Spiderdemon of some kind, Cacodemon, Cyberdemon, Archvile, Dopefish, Commander Keen and John Romero's fat head on a big bloody stake.

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deadnail said:

I'd like to see them all, heavily modified of course.

If iD don't include the Revenant, I'm gonna throw JudgeDoom off a cliff.

i want mancubus and cyberdemons to be in doom3.well all the monsters too.i want the bull demon to have really large muscles(like in doom64)and the mancubus to ave really large fucking mssile launcers

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Guest Dark_Fox

Demon (Doom64's are pefect)
Pain Elemental
Lost Soul
Baron of hell <-- My favorite monster..

No NO!
Reveant <-- God its gay..
Lost soul (annoying but I also like them.)

Of course duck should be the Main boss, he would whup on all yo asses!

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Guest JudgeDooM
deadnail said:

I'd like to see them all, heavily modified of course.

If iD don't include the Revenant, I'm gonna throw JudgeDoom off a cliff.

Eheh! Sorry, but I don't like him. He always appears at the wrong moment, scaring the shit out of me! Then I have to run to avoid his fuckin homing missiles. Ok, it adds tension and challenge, but damn, I fuckin hate him! But of course, if id puts them in the game, there's nothing I can do against that...

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Guest JudgeDooM
Dark_Fox said:

Of course duck should be the Main boss, he would whup on all yo asses!


I imagine that, a gigantic yellow duck, throwing *quak* as missiles, and you have to avoid them.

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I'd like to see Mr. Cyberdemon (cause u know...u always gotta call him mister so he doesn't blow you up into taco meat)

And Mastermind...he was kinda cool...but too easy to kill, slow bastard. Chaingun got annoying.

And the standard grunting and weezing zombie/sarge guys would be nice.

And the Demons...ahhh...the pink gorillas.

Monsters I could do without:
* Pain elemental (sorry if you are PE supporter):
grr...all the lost souls.
* Arachnotron...garsh...just annoying as hell.
* Heavy weapon dude...just like Mr. Spidey, but ten times as annoying

Other monsters could be redone with more varied attacks, and better taticts.

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JudgeDooM said:


I imagine that, a gigantic yellow duck, throwing *quak* as missiles, and you have to avoid them.

Yeah! Or not. Even better.

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A apologize beforehand for being a raging asshole but wouldn't you rather them have better tactics?

Taticts... damn man, LOOK at your message for one fucking second before you hit post will ya? That's just insulting.

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Don't get so worked up. Did you notice that the section of monsters that I didn't want, had an asterisk (*) before each item?

The last line of my post had no asterisk. I guess i should have inserted a DICK there or something because that is what you are acting like.

And I'm sorry to call names...it's immature I know. I'm not here to fight with ya..,

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The Unknown said:

i want mancubus and cyberdemons to be in doom3.well all the monsters too.i want the bull demon to have really large muscles(like in doom64)and the mancubus to ave really large fucking mssile launcers

I like them all. Doom 64's Demons are good... I like the Barons as well. You no what else they should have, the big boss on Doom 64.

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JudgeDooM said:

Eheh! Sorry, but I don't like him. He always appears at the wrong moment, scaring the shit out of me! Then I have to run to avoid his fuckin homing missiles. Ok, it adds tension and challenge, but damn, I fuckin hate him! But of course, if id puts them in the game, there's nothing I can do against that...

No,no,no...you got it all wrong you fool! You have to run TOWARDS the revenant and beat the crap outta him in a boxing match. Actually I never fought one without god made but its hella fun to get into a berzerker boxing match with a rev.

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Have the following:

Former Human Soldiers
Former Human Sareants
Former Human Commandos
Nightmare Imps
Nightmare Demons
Lost Souls
Cacodemons (Oh yes)
Hell Knights
Barons Of Hell (Oh yes)
Pain Elementals
Arch-Viles (Oh yes)
Cyberdemons (Oh yes)
Spiderdemons (Oh yes)
Icons Of Sin

Commander Keen

New monsters:
Satan (Why not? There has to be a real leader!)

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deadnail said:

I'd like to see them all, heavily modified of course.

If iD don't include the Revenant, I'm gonna throw JudgeDoom off a cliff.

NOOOOOO! If he jumps or gets thrown, you'll have to do me too!!

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Lazer said:

I like them all. Doom 64's Demons are good... I like the Barons as well. You no what else they should have, the big boss on Doom 64.

Oh yeah!! How could I forget to add that one to my list!! But Satan should be the big guy! cause the Icon Of Sin is just the gateway and the 64 one is the mother of monsters but wher the hell is Satan!?

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Guest D-clone

morphing monsters that turn into your soldier friends, and then kill you. Sorlag, Klesk, and Orb should be monsters in D3.

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Guest Dark_Fox
D-clone said:

morphing monsters that turn into your soldier friends, and then kill you. Sorlag, Klesk, and Orb should be monsters in D3.

Klesk would work.. but the rest would look gay..

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Guest Archvile46

Spider Masterminds
Barons of Hell
Lost Souls
Various Types of Zombies

There are a few others I wouldn't mind, but those should definately be included. But please, get rid of those damn Pain Elementals.

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Guest DoomJunkie666

Revenant(too tough!? What!?)
Mancubus(he needs some work though)
CyberDemon(Simply the original)
Arachnatron(fuggin plasma-gun!)
Cacodemon(another original)
Barons(both types)
no Lost Souls, they were no fun with the Rocket Launcher
Zombies(both types)

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