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Hey Zaldron!

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By the way there is no JAMESBOND! There is only the Cyberdemon Lord!

You want to know why I changed my mind?
I want to be freinds! Not enemies! I'm a DOOM fan just like the wrest of you...

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Well, peace´s always welcome here, at least for me...

But did you have to bring up a whole topic just for that?
You´ve could replied to my message...

deadnail, do your magic here please...

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Zaldron said:

Well, peace´s always welcome here, at least for me...

But did you have to bring up a whole topic just for that?
You´ve could replied to my message...

deadnail, do your magic here please...

Well I don't seem to see your names much in the other forums very much...

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I don´t hang out on the other forums. Talking about DooM, a game we had for years seems boring to me. I don´t edit for DooM, or at least I don´t post my works. The other forums have no sense.

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Guest Dark_Fox

*scratchs himself*
Shake on it?

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Guest Dream Destroyer
Cyberdemon Lord said:

I apologise to these dudes:

And any others...



MACHVILEWHORE? You dis'ed Machie? Man, I have this funny feeling I missed something really big and cool.

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Cyberdemon Lord said:

I apologise to these dudes:

And any others...



What the piddley shit did you do to me? Huh?


Bitch ass Cyberdemon. You ain't shit, I can take your bitch ass out with a fucking shotgun. Don't fuck with me, I'm a pimpass nerd with a Pentium and an hour to spare pluggin' your big ugly ass, biotch. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeot.

Zaldron and Stphrz have better senses of humor than they let on.
MACVILEWHORE is just, well, kinda funny in that special way.
Dark_Fox is a little confusing but I'm cool with anyone into anthro.
deadnail's kinduva fruitass, he usually doesn't make any sense.

The guy you really need to watch out for is D-Clone. That wacky assed Yucatanian freak will sneak up on you like... wait, did I just hear someth...

/me falls down dead as laughter echoes into the distance

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Guest Dark_Fox

I'm a very well educated person, now I'm going to my glue sniffin if you don't mind..

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I'm going to reply to this just because I'm so fucking bored. Dennis Miller isn't in his best form right now.

If anyone asks just pretend I wrote something clever here.

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/pretending mode on

Yeah, that´s completely true, in fact, the government shouldn´t allow this kind of operations on Russia...

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Guest Dark_Fox
deadnail said:

I'm going to reply to this just because I'm so fucking bored. Dennis Miller isn't in his best form right now.

If anyone asks just pretend I wrote something clever here.

I'm experimenting in new ways to fuck up my Win.ini..
Yep, its 10.45pm here.. not a damn think to do.. I can't find my starcraft CD.. FucK!

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Zaldron said:

/pretending mode on

Yeah, that´s completely true, in fact, the government shouldn´t allow this kind of operations on Russia...

<sincerity style="false" size="999">
Yeah, I know. I know. Those Ruskies didn't ask for this kind of treatment. Sure, I vehemently dislike just about everything about them but, shit man, this is just fucking CRUEL.

Someone needs to step in, and it might as well be us.

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I think´s all Bill Gates fault. I mean, you can´t get involved in such dirty work without a proper monopoly safekeeping your records and anonimity. It would be a madman´s work to erase the evidence by yourself without waking up the press comments.

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I think it's more of the Pope's fault. I mean, fuck, he was the one caught with his pants down.

Jesus was right, don't trust the established Church. Power corrupts but... DAMN man, how long has this shit been goin' on for? How come no one stepped in before?

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Well, the media blackout´s starting to fall apart. The extremist cults are not going to let this happen. The Chuch can´t get involved without backfiring. Russia´s just the first of many, my friend. Soon we will see deep changes in the World.

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You're right, this is the darkest portent of mankind since the death of Jesus Christ.

BTW, what the fuck were we talking about again?

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Was that the best you can do or were you intentionally trying to be inane? If so, you should listen to 2wo more often.

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deadnail said:

What the piddley shit did you do to me? Huh?


Bitch ass Cyberdemon. You ain't shit, I can take your bitch ass out with a fucking shotgun. Don't fuck with me, I'm a pimpass nerd with a Pentium and an hour to spare pluggin' your big ugly ass, biotch. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeot.

Zaldron and Stphrz have better senses of humor than they let on.
MACVILEWHORE is just, well, kinda funny in that special way.
Dark_Fox is a little confusing but I'm cool with anyone into anthro.
deadnail's kinduva fruitass, he usually doesn't make any sense.

The guy you really need to watch out for is D-Clone. That wacky assed Yucatanian freak will sneak up on you like... wait, did I just hear someth...

/me falls down dead as laughter echoes into the distance

Dear deadnail

HHHRRRMMM! Fuck you! You wonna be enemies fucker, you got it.....donkey raping shit eater!

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Guest tropikal
Zaldron said:

I don´t hang out on the other forums. Talking about DooM, a game we had for years seems boring to me. I don´t edit for DooM, or at least I don´t post my works. The other forums have no sense.

this entire thread should be deleted. time to go play e1m1 for the first time again...

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deadnail said:

I'm going to reply to this just because I'm so fucking bored. Dennis Miller isn't in his best form right now.

If anyone asks just pretend I wrote something clever here.

He never was in good form to begin with.

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Cyberdemon Lord said:

MACHVILEWHORE, Enemies:Easter bunny

You spelled my name wrong bitch!! Time to DIIIIEE!!!!

/me picks up Cyberdickmon Lord, gets him in the torture rack, than opens the elevator shaft access door, hurls his ass down there hearing him hit the gorund with a loud *SCRUNCH*.
/me than throws down a couple HIGH-BASTARDIZATION newbie coffee grenades down the shaft, shuts the door and runs for cover.


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