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Alright..no Satan..what do you want ?

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Guest Dream Destroyer

I want to see Alanis Morsette. She was god in Dogma, and she can be Satan in Doom 3.


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Dream Destroyer said:

I want to see Alanis Morsette. She was god in Dogma, and she can be Satan in Doom 3.


Whaddya tryin' to do? Scare me to death?

Alanis Morsette....*shudders*

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Guest Dream Destroyer
Cyberdemon Lord said:

I still think that destroying Satan should be the real end to the DOOM saga...

Correction, the real end to the Doom Saga should involve the marine getting laid.

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Dream Destroyer said:

Correction, the real end to the Doom Saga should involve the marine getting laid.

Laid by what?

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Guest Clone999

A BFG Cyber-Demon named "Acheron", with a few secondary wepons.
supercharged Imp Fireball
s.charged caco shot
Rocket Launchers

Anything else he should have?

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GooberMan said:

If Alanis Morrisette is Satan, well, there's an obvious solution right there.

Eww. :)

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Guest Dark_Fox

Several small rabid chipmunks would do just fine..

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Guest JudgeDooM

I want the big duck, with his quack missiles :)

No seriously, I donno. I would like the Cyberdemon as the final boss.

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Guest Hitmamta

I think an absolutely huge demonic red dragon, kind of based on what happens in Revelations at the end of the bible, would make a great end boss. It would start by doing strafing runs of shooting rows of fire that stay around for awhile. After you manage to hit its wings enough it lands and attacks you from the ground. But the mother fuckers so big you can only shoot its feet and legs from the ground which does just about nothing. So you have to find high ground to start attacking its weak spots, which are little gaps in its armor at the joints, eyes, and mouth.

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NO SATAN!!!! If you incorporate religion of any form into the Doom games, it'll just get labelled as an overdone movie idea thrown into a computer game. That would totally suck.


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Well if id Software is worried about the Moral Majority they can call the Big Guy something else. There are so many evil figures. One example the God Mars in the Roman Empire. Give the concept a new name, Morcanus. Paint the graphics as our Satan. Use blue instead of red. So, one must defeat the God of Wars Morcanus to have peace.

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Holy shit fucking people! I haven't read the forums in less than a day, and the new posts are already at the bottom! FUCK OFF YOU ASS RAPING NEWBIES. Don't post like mad and maybe you'll get some respect. As for the rest of you, how can you possibly find the time to read these forums 100 times a day?!

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Guest TheEternalVile
Clone999 said:

A BFG Cyber-Demon named "Acheron", with a few secondary wepons.
supercharged Imp Fireball
s.charged caco shot
Rocket Launchers

Anything else he should have?

The first boss in wuake was a satan kinda dude.
The thing with including satan is that those bastard Chucrch people will try to fucking murder the game(hey, it might happen).
It could be some lab experiment gone wrong and/or some crazy guy (too resident evil)
Dont know. just leave it up to ID.They'll think of something

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