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Carmack Quickie


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FPS Center shot up a quick Q&A session with id Software's John Carmack about the GeForce III. Here's the whole shibang:

Do you think that the Geforce 3 has reached the limit where we can't get any better in quality? What is the next step?

We desperately need more color precision at each pixel. A typical rendered pixel in the new engine may be a composition of 20 textures, and every multiply in a graphics algorithm loses some precision in the final output. It is often possible to get output granularity worse than from a 16 bit image.

Moving to 64 or 128 bits per pixel calculations is the most important thing for the next generation of cards.

How does the GF3 compare to all other video cards on the market right now?

I haven't evaluated other aspects like 2D and video playback, and cost is definitely a factor, but from a pure 3D standpoint, it is just plain better at everything.

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Dima said:

Carmack Quickie


BTW, please try to stop posting one thread after the other, your gettin as bad as the newbies.

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I know, sorry :)
That was cause my prevous posts were too long and I couldn't add something that had nothing to do with the subject of the post.

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If there's anyone who isn't sick of GeForce3 previews/reviews yet, check out http://www.digit-life.com/articles/gf3/index.html. It's a huge (and I mean HUGE) article discussing pretty much every aspect of the GF3.

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Yeah I read it some days ago and it has exellent information!
No other reviews are needed

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