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Newbies forget who they're talking to

Guest D-clone

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Guest D-clone

Ok, why in the fuck do you newbies come in here trying to convince us of something that you completely made up. Like "the chainsaw and the bfg will be back" and "it will be a complete remake" and "there will be some new monsters".
God, it makes me want to fucking shove a railgun up your ass.

All we know about Doom 3:

-There is no official name yet
-The engine was built from scratch with the Q3 engine as reference, or something
-What you saw in the techdemo is the only footage ever to be released to the public
-Only 2 people outside of id have seen the game before the techdemo, that we know of

Most important:
Sure, he said "our next game" and he's also said that the next game will be a "new doom", but he DID NOT SAY *IN* THE TECHDEMO THAT IT WAS DOOM!

I mean, I'm pretty confident that what I saw was doom, but am I 100% sure, no!

Im also wouldnt be very surprised if they call the game "something" without the word 'doom' in the title, but still haveit be the 'new doom'

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You forgot to mention how heavily the engine utilizes nVidia GL extensions.

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Guest Dark_Fox
D-clone said:

God, it makes me want to fucking shove a railgun up your ass.

I perfer small yellow animals for the ass pluggin..

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Right. First off, I dislike the word newbies. Second it’s not the newbies fault! I can give at least five web sites with wrong info about id Software. So blame the editors who write this shit first, and than the ones who believe it, and come here talking about it. So please, help the new guys and feed them correct info. Thanks.

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Guest Dream Destroyer
Phoenix said:

So please, help the new guys and feed them correct info. Thanks.

Ummm, if you take a second look above, you'll realize THAT HE DID FEED YOU THE CORRECT INFO.

newbie = idiot.

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Dream Destroyer said:

Ummm, if you take a second look above, you'll realize THAT HE DID FEED YOU THE CORRECT INFO.

newbie = idiot.

I realized that the first time I read it. The sentence you quoted from me was meant for the remaining vets around here.
Newbie = little knowledge about specifics
Idiot = can be any one, wont last long here though.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

I'll make a very clear point. A lot of newbies run in here saying, yah, you were all newbies at one point too. Yah, we were, and we survived. What do most of the newbies do? They run in and act like the be all and end all of doom. They also make it seem like we "need" them. It's stupid and pathetic. So many newbies make anti-oldie posts that they pretty much cut them selves out. We pick on them as a sort of initiation practice.

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Fair enough. I made some anti oldie posts myself, and probably am on the black list too.
Meanwhile, I am fascinated by the new engine, and think I found a new home here. And for now plan to shut up until I got a full grip on what John Carmack invented.

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