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My ideas for weapons

Guest Salt Acid

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Guest Salt Acid

No, I'm not a newbie (Does Turbo Orbot ring a bell?), so I wont say flamethrower (although it is a good idea) or a Newer BFG (i.e. 10,0000). You may not like my ideas (A twelve year old has way different ideas than an eighteen year old), but I really dont give a crap about what you dont like, because these are only ideas, and hell, it would be a mearicle if even half of these are made into the commercial relese.

Baseball bat: Knock off a demons head and score a home run.

Deomons Arm: After being lucky enuogh to cut off a Former Humans arm with a knife, you can slash them with thier own weapon.

Flame Throw... Umm... Never mind.

Industrial Staple Gun: Self Explanitory.

Scilenced Beretta .45 calibur pistol

M900 20 gauge sub automatic sub shotgun: Spew out shotgun shells as fast as an M16 - At the highly expensive cost of accuracy. A LOT of recoil. (too many subs?)

M200 16 Gauge shotgun: Shoot out MUCH more accurate shells: at the cost of power and speed. Some recoil.

Imps Hand: Rip off an Imp's hand and pinch a nerve that triggers a fire ball to come out.

Uzi....Nevermind (I thinks it's a good idea)

M90 sub machine gun

M200 .50 calibur machinegun

.75 calibur anti tank rifle

Rocket Propelled Grenades(RPG)


Stinger Mini Missle Launcher

Tri rocket launher: Baisicly an RPG that has 3 barrels. NO, it dosent shoot 3 rpgs at a time, it just shoots one, so you dont have to reload every shot.

Cyberdemons Hand: If your lucky enough to kill a cyberdeamon with a knife (You'd have to be god to do that, or you can shoot about 50 rockets at him then slash him with a knife) you can take his hand and shoot out rockets like theres no tomorrow.

Brainwashed Cacodemon: Sortta like the Snark in half-life, only that it's bigger, bolder, and attacks you for no reason sometimes even if there are other targets around. Use with
caution-and with full health.


Pinball Grenade: Bounces around untill it hits a living target: Including you.

MNB(Mini Nutron Bomb): Almost the same exact thing from PD, only that it explodes, not create this blck hole thingy.

Proximity mine

Timed Mine

Remote Mine

Sentry gun: Rip off a sentrygun and use it happily.

Enhanced Gattler Gun: 6000 RPM



Muzzle Loader Rifle

Explosive Barrel

So, whatcha think?

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Hey, ripped off Archvile hand is on place 2 of my Top 10 Bad Weapon Ideas list: http://www.doomworld.com/forums/doom3/messages/11482.shtml

Come on, ripped off Cyberdemon or Imp or whatever hand, that´s just ridiculous... doesn´t matter if you are just 12 years old, I mean, I don´t remember that I wanted to play with ripped off hands when I was 12...

Try to bring your weapon list in a system, not just helter skelter. Start for example with 1) Melee weapon: ..., 2)pistol: ...

BTW, what is a Staple Gun?

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Guest PFCGray

I think I lost track of what ones there were after I think it was the former human hand. C'mon! there aren't even half as enought keys on the keyboard for all those f***ing weapons! My dexteriy is bad enough as it is!

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Guest Salt Acid
PFCGray said:

There aren't even half as enought keys on the keyboard for all those f***ing weapons!

PFCG, you dont need all those facking keys on your keyboard. Looks like you havent played any of the newer FPS's. Baisicly, all the weapons are divided into catigories. #1 would be low tech weapons, so you would press 1, then use the arrow keys to select your weapons. Then Cat. #2 would be pistols and so on...

Now, let me try that again:

1)low tech:
Baseball bat: Knock off a demons head and score a home run.
Explosive Barrel
Industrial Staple Gun: Self Explanitory.
1890 Muzzle Loader Rifle
2)Pistols and medium tech
Scilenced Beretta .45 calibur pistol
Smith and wesson .357 magnum

3)Newer Rifles and medium tech
M900 20 gauge sub automatic sub shotgun: Spew out shotgun shells as fast as an M16 - At the highly expensive cost of accuracy. A LOT of recoil. (too many subs?)
M200 16 Gauge shotgun: Shoot out MUCH more accurate shells: at the cost of power and speed. Some recoil.
M90 sub machine gun
M200 .50 calibur machinegun

4)High Tech and explosives
.75 calibur anti tank rifle
Rocket Propelled Grenades(RPG)
Stinger Mini Missle Launcher
Tri rocket launher: Baisicly an RPG that has 3 barrels. NO, it dosent shoot 3 rpgs at a time, it just shoots one, so you dont have to reload every shot.
Proximity mine
Timed Mine
Remote Mine

5)Extreme Tech and Experimental Weapons
Brainwashed Cacodemon: Sortta like the Snark in half-life, only that it's bigger, bolder, and attacks you for no reason sometimes even if there are other targets around. Use with
caution-and with full health.
Pinball Grenade: Bounces around untill it hits a living target: Including you.
MNB(Mini Nutron Bomb): Almost the same exact thing from PD, only that it explodes, not create this blck hole thingy.
Sentry gun: Rip off a sentrygun and use it happily.
Enhanced Gattler Gun: 6000 RPM

BTW, a staple gun is an automatic stapler with a pistol grip, that you can find in stores. Baisicly, its ment for things that require BIG staples.

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Baseball bat: I think a rusty length of pipe would suit the game better.

Daemons Arm: Um, no. This isn't Redneck Rampage.

Industrial Staple Gun: Only if at some point you lose your guns. When you get a firearm this should be discarded.

Silenced .45: Well, a Beretta is actually a 9mm pistol. I think you mean a SOCOM... and considering the fast-paced fragging of Doom I'm not sure a silenced pistol would be that effective anyway.

Your shotguns: Drop them both in favor of the USAS-12. That's a semiautomatic 12 gauge with 20 round drums. BTW, 16 gauge shells have MORE kickback than 20 gauge shells.

Imp's Hand: Again, Doom... not Redneck Rampage or Shadow Warrior.

Uzi: Doom, not ghetto.

M90 Sub Machine Gun: What the hell is this? An uzi now this? God, do you mean an M950 or an FN-P90? Either way, no. Think big guns.

M200 .50 cal machinegun: Well, this is better. However, the minigun would make this obsolete. This weapon is also a bit too heavy to be used fully without being mounted.

.75 cal anti tank: What the hell? .50 BMG rounds shoot though tanks like a hot knife through butter.

Rocket Propelled Grenades: A single shot rocket launcher several hundred years from now? I'd've thought they'd be obsolete.

Bazooka: See above, dammit.

Stinger Mini Missle Launcher: Isn't this the Devastator from Duke Nukem 3D?

Tri Rocket Launcher: Ah, a fan of Turok 2 are we? With this ready then what the hell are those other three rocket launchers doing here?

Cyberdemon's Hand: Dammit, cut it out. Doom, not Redneck Rampage.

Brainwashed Cacodemon: Where do you put it, huh? How do you fit a 500 lb sack of flesh into your pocket?

Grenade: Good.

Pinball Grenade: Bad.

MNB: A singularity grenade? ...interesting, although what's to stop it from eating the whole damn level?

Proximity mine: Wow, every game has these nowadays.

Timed mine: These too.

Remote mine: And these.

Sentry gun: Um... okay. Despite the fact that these don't have triggers and are heavliy weighted to counteract recoil how would these be even worth it?

'Enhanced' GE Minigun: Double the rate of fire? Yeah, right. If ever bullet did only 1 damage you could beat all the bosses lined up a few seconds. Too many bullets, would drive multiplayer to a crawl when 500 bullets doing 12 damage each is a helluva lot more 'video game' logical.

Knife: Sure, the standard Special Forces M9.

Fist: Why when have a bootknife/bayonet with you?

Muzzle Loader Rifle: What the hell? You pausing your crusade against the legions of hell to do a little moose hunting? Um, hell no. Just no.

Explosive Barrel: Overdone. Let's see crates FULL of grenades that make HUMONGOUS blasts instead.

That's what I think.

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Baseball bat: Knock off a demons head and score a home run.

- Yeah that'd be fun.

Deomons Arm: After being lucky enuogh to cut off a Former Humans arm with a knife, you can slash them with thier own weapon.

- I don't think bashing with severed body parts could kill anything.

Flame Throw... Umm... Never mind.

- Flamethrower would be nice.

Industrial Staple Gun: Self Explanitory.

- If it's any good.

Scilenced Beretta .45 calibur pistol

- I thought it's caliber. Anyway, I'm fine with it, just without the wimpy silencer.

M900 20 gauge sub automatic sub shotgun: Spew out shotgun shells as fast as an M16 - At the highly expensive cost of accuracy. A LOT of recoil. (too many subs?)

M200 16 Gauge shotgun: Shoot out MUCH more accurate shells: at the cost of power and speed. Some recoil.

- FYI 20 gauge is smaller round than 16 gauge. 10 or 12 gauge pump-action shotgun and maybe 16 gauge automatic shotgun would be just fine for me.

Imps Hand: Rip off an Imp's hand and pinch a nerve that triggers a fire ball to come out.

- somehow I don't think that would work...

Uzi....Nevermind (I thinks it's a good idea)

- I don't.

M90 sub machine gun

- Another SMG? If it's better than uzi why not.

M200 .50 calibur machinegun

- That calibur reminds me really of middle-age and round table and such things... just drop the M??? thingies from 'em.

.75 calibur anti tank rifle

- I don't think you gonna penetrate much tank armor with that... maybe some light armor like APCs and such. Besides AT rifles were used back at WW 2, and definately they had a reason for not using 'em after RPGs and such were developed. Finnish soldiers actually used AT rifles as sniper rifles back then after panzerfausts and such were available.

Rocket Propelled Grenades(RPG)

- A bit too bulky weapon really... and meant more for antiarmor stuff. Deadnail has a better rocket weapon idea, kind of a rifle that shoots some 1/2 of a soda can sized rockets if I recall correct.


- See above.

Stinger Mini Missle Launcher

- See above.

Tri rocket launher: Baisicly an RPG that has 3 barrels. NO, it dosent shoot 3 rpgs at a time, it just shoots one, so you dont have to reload every shot.

- Sigh... see above...

Cyberdemons Hand: If your lucky enough to kill a cyberdeamon with a knife (You'd have to be god to do that, or you can shoot about 50 rockets at him then slash him with a knife) you can take his hand and shoot out rockets like theres no tomorrow.

- ...

Brainwashed Cacodemon: Sortta like the Snark in half-life, only that it's bigger, bolder, and attacks you for no reason sometimes even if there are other targets around. Use with
caution-and with full health.

Where the hell does one fit a CACODEMON?


- Good.

Pinball Grenade: Bounces around untill it hits a living target: Including you.

- Bad.

MNB(Mini Nutron Bomb): Almost the same exact thing from PD, only that it explodes, not create this blck hole thingy.

- What is this thing?

Proximity mine

- I hardly ever use those things in any game. Too slim chance of someone actually trippin' 'em

Timed Mine

- I don't think there's much chance that the monster and the explosion would ever meet, unless you drop it behind an unsuspecting target or something, or just use to destroy inanimate objects.

Remote Mine

- Like explosives in HL? that'd be nice.

Sentry gun: Rip off a sentrygun and use it happily.

- Yeah like it's gonna have a trigger for ya.

Enhanced Gattler Gun: 6000 RPM

- Isn't it gatling gun? Oh well maybe a bit too powerful, but would be cool.


- Yeah right. That would really hurt demons. But anyway it's possible to run out of ammo sometimes so it's better than nothing.


- Oh boy...

Muzzle Loader Rifle

- What's that?

Explosive Barrel

- Yeah barrels are nice.

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I am getting so freaking pissed of stoming all over these trashy weapons ideas.

*Baseball Bat - no, no, no, no, no! Clubs dont work against demons (just makes them turn their head to one side and pisses thme off).

*Demon arm - wouldn't the thing try to kill you? And it isn't much use if you don't have an imp's or demon's gargantun strength behind it...
(remmebers the scene in Starwars:phantom menace, when that one guy wiht the long ears kept killing droids with a driod arm that had a laser and was still clutched on his leg).

*Flamethrower (or jsut plain fireball throwing?) - flamethrower is good in limited amounts (and better if replaced by plasma rifle)... if you meant the imp abiltiy to throw fireballs I am going to kill you!!!

*Industrial Staple Gun - no, plain ol' 9mm pistol does more damage and ammo is more common.

*Silenced Pistol (of xx caliber) - The demons, imps, and zombies could probably hear this just as clearly as a normal pistol (supernatural or extraordinary hearing).

*Super Dooper Zombie Killer Shotgun - one word: NO!

*Super Dooper Zombie Killer Shotgun#2 - another word: NO!

*Imps Hand - I said i would kill you if I saw this...

*Uzi - a ripoff from shadow warrior eh? Im sure iD would get sued over this. NTM stormed by us fans for ruining such a good game with it (we might even take uzis ourselves and shoot up the iD headquarters).

*M90 - don't you mean P-90? yeah, it would be good but 007 already has a RCP-90 (virtually the same as a P-90) in a n64 game and it would be a ripoff. It doesn't fit the doom universe very well either.

*50cal - maybe if it's on a turret, but then again it would probably be shooting at you (and do plasma-rifle equivalent damage).

*75cal - Don't you mean a 75mm (ie, about 3 inches across per bullet)?

*RPG - or rockets... as they are commonly called.

Bazooka - you already have a 75mm anti-tank weapon - that IS a bazooka you idiot!

Stinger Missile - what would be flying all the time that would be big enough you would need this? (don't even think up of monsters to use it on - they are called "dragons" and exist in rpgs - leave them be!)

3x Missile Launcher - Why would you need to reload every shot when you could just have it belt-fed or clip fed.

*Cybie's hand - Prolly weighs about 300 lbs and you would probably have to have it's central computer to use it (making it an awkward device to use). I do agree that you should be able to steal his rockets though (and he should ahve a limited amount).

*Caco - They probably have one of these anyways, but it will probably roam the halls of it's own free will (not attack you if you dont attack it... you dont control it).

*Pinball grenade - Why not just have a grenade that has two modes to it. First mode detonates whenever it hits anything (can receive 2 shocks - 1 from throwing it, the other from hittign something). Second mode waits 3 sec before detonation.

MNB (mega negatron ass-buster) - Yep, jsut not as something you use activly as a weapon (sorta like a bomb thingy that you would get to use in quake2, place it somewhere and run).

Mines - NO MINES!!!

Sentry guns - probably kill you anyways, not exactly like it would be controllable without the main base computer.

Knife, fist - definatly, but I would go as far to say as no fist if there is a knife.

Barrels - a doom classic!

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I will ask you guys first, you think I should muderize this one with my coffee lethalness? Or should I just let him go? I don't have time to decide, goin to my g/f's house ::::))))).

When I get back tommorow I will look at what you guys want me to do and it shall be done. Keep them damn newbies in line 'til I get back k?

BTW dumb peckerwood there already is a bfg10k, and it is the best bfg of them all, easily owning the gay little pussy bfg in quake3, and owns the doom bfg as well, haven't you ever heard of quake2?

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Guest Clone999
Tetzlaff said:

Hey, ripped off Archvile hand is on place 2 of my Top 10 Bad Weapon Ideas list: http://www.doomworld.com/forums/doom3/messages/11482.shtml

Come on, ripped off Cyberdemon or Imp or whatever hand, that´s just ridiculous... doesn´t matter if you are just 12 years old, I mean, I don´t remember that I wanted to play with ripped off hands when I was 12...

Try to bring your weapon list in a system, not just helter skelter. Start for example with 1) Melee weapon: ..., 2)pistol: ...

BTW, what is a Staple Gun?

If you ever mention ripping off the hand of a creature and using it...I'LL RIP YOUR BRAINS OUT AND SHOVE YOU THROUGH A MEAT GRINDER! "Nuff said.

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hey, there's a few good ideas in there. For example, you could pick up a broken sentry gun, somehow find a place where you can fix it a bit so it can be used like a normal gun.

You could get your first rocketlauncher when you tear it of the dead cyberdeamon's arm, and slide it down your own. It would sorta be like you have your arm in a long tube with a trigger in the end. (that thing would probably be a bit heavy tho ;)

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Clone999 said:

If you ever mention ripping off the hand of a creature and using it...I'LL RIP YOUR BRAINS OUT AND SHOVE YOU THROUGH A MEAT GRINDER! "Nuff said.

Nicely said

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sirgalahadwizar said:

Yeah, and where are the energy weapons (down deadnail, down boy!)?

Doom 1 and 2 both had very radical energy weapons mind you, and since this is the future... To not have any pulse guns, plasma rifles, or at least a bfg would not be logical - it would mean a total step backwards in technology. And from what iv'e seen in the mpeg, that is not the case.

Besides, doom wouldn't look good with *that* kind of post-apocalyptic perspective (which would be sorta like the road warrior but with truobles with demons instead of gas). Im thinking quake1 was this kind of post-apocalyptic nightmare, doom isn't.

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DiSTuRBeD said:

hey, there's a few good ideas in there. For example, you could pick up a broken sentry gun, somehow find a place where you can fix it a bit so it can be used like a normal gun.

You could get your first rocketlauncher when you tear it of the dead cyberdeamon's arm, and slide it down your own. It would sorta be like you have your arm in a long tube with a trigger in the end. (that thing would probably be a bit heavy tho ;)

Think about it, a sentry gun would probably either be some rotating ball on the cieling or some kind of floating ball that patrols the halls, or some big-ass gun that shoots bfg blasts (or large missiles) and weighs about 1200 lbs.

*Big-ass gun weighs too much (marine says "...im big but not that big")
*Floating ball will try to escape or kill you (kinda like catching a lost soul). It probably has the same crappy weapon as the cieling turret.
*Ball on the cieling wouldn't be very useful to use as a weapon because it's not accurate and removing it from it's cieling mount would probably break it. Besides, a rocket launcher or plasma rifle would probably do more damage.

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