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Doom3 music - end it once and for all


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I've posted a little contest over at Team Insanity (www.doomworld.com/insanity) dealing with the Doom3 soundtrack. I know some of you guys who have a strong opinion on this aspect of the game might be interested in this. Enjoy.

P.S. there's prizes.

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Sonic Mayhem it´s probably a good option. Go to their webpage and download the free MP3´s. Play the ASF mute combined with Winamp playing one of this files. Sometimes it evens resemble the visual situatiion. Quake´s intro from Reznor also works with the footage, but the old DooM midis don´t...

UPDATE : I originally wrote FLA, i got confused...

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Buh, sneh. If only the prizes were something I cared about I'd put together a bigass page explaining my personal thoughts. Oh well, fuck it, I'm on week four of unemployment and I'm enjoying every Goddamn minute! :P

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deadnail said:

I'm on week four of unemployment and I'm enjoying every Goddamn minute! :P

You seem to work the other way, not like everyone I know...

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No, I just finished the Dungeon Quest of Ergeitz again. What the hell are you saying freakass?

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Over my dead body... :)

Don´t take that too seriously, I plan to live AT LEAST to see DooM3...

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Zaldron said:

You seem to work the other way, not like everyone I know...

What he means is that not having a job isn't really a good thing. lol

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Zaldron said:

Over my dead body... :)

Don´t take that too seriously, I plan to live AT LEAST to see DooM3...

I will not stand for this kind of slander against my person!

/me cocks revolver

What the hell are you insinuating, you cockney bastard?!

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OK, this is ridicule...

I was just saying that people ussually don´t get happier when they´re unemployed...
That´s it, the whole mistery, woooooooo....

Besides, your revolver´s no match for my double-bladed axe.

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deadnail said:

Buh, sneh. If only the prizes were something I cared about I'd put together a bigass page explaining my personal thoughts. Oh well, fuck it, I'm on week four of unemployment and I'm enjoying every Goddamn minute! :P

Well dammit, you had your chance to name one, I had that prizes thread... but no matter, it probably woulda been something illegal eh? Well I just wanted to do it for the fun of it, and I cared enough to waste some $50 of mine on it so there. You're unemployed you lazy bitch, you have all the time in the world.

Come to think of it, I got more accomplished when I was busy 10 hours each day than I did when I was unemployed and unschooled, so I see your predicament. Well if you're bored one day, I'd be interested in what you have to say.

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Zaldron said:

OK, this is ridicule...

I was just saying that people ussually don´t get happier when they´re unemployed...
That´s it, the whole mistery, woooooooo....

Besides, your revolver´s no match for my double-bladed axe.

When I work I get in such a rut that I can't get anything accomplished. On top of this I usually work 3rds so it's not like I get any daylight to myself.

On the other hand, I have done *nothing* but sit on my ass for the last few weeks and GODAMMIT it feels good to relax.

Oh, and by double-bladed axe do you mean 'Battle Axe'? Screw you hippie, it's all a matter of how the dice roll...

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Oh... I am SO gonna enter that contest. Hehe... yeah... and... I'm gonna WIN too.

So, what... should I have little sound samples of the different songs, and put it on a site, or what? I guess that'd be easiest...

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Lüt said:

Well dammit, you had your chance to name one, I had that prizes thread... but no matter, it probably woulda been something illegal eh? Well I just wanted to do it for the fun of it, and I cared enough to waste some $50 of mine on it so there. You're unemployed you lazy bitch, you have all the time in the world.

Come to think of it, I got more accomplished when I was busy 10 hours each day than I did when I was unemployed and unschooled, so I see your predicament. Well if you're bored one day, I'd be interested in what you have to say.

You damn right I've got all the time in the world, you, um, busy bitch.

You're right though, I'm not getting anything accomplished. No drive. I'm perfectly content to sponge for a while. Fuck it, I'm due. ;)

What I have to say? I always have some meaningless dribble to spit out; just email me with a topic and we can get the boat rollin'...

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Ok... last question...

If two bands basically have the same members, play the same music, etc., can I just use them both for this and count as one band? 'cause, in this case, they have the same style, and only the singer is changed, but they switched names, labels, etc.

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If it's the same band under a different name? Sure, shit happens I guess.

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Guest Clone999
Zaldron said:

Sonic Mayhem it´s probably a good option. Go to their webpage and download the free MP3´s. Play the ASF mute combined with Winamp playing one of this files. Sometimes it evens resemble the visual situatiion. Quake´s intro from Reznor also works with the footage, but the old DooM midis don´t...

UPDATE : I originally wrote FLA, i got confused...

I think Doom 3 will be great. It's too far in for ID to fuck up now. D1 and D2 rocked...why not stop now?

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