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Multiple characters?


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If this new Doom has a multiple-character setup, such as a team of marines, what if you had the ability to switch characters? I mean, it would be kinda cool to control different men at different times, especially if they had different weapons proficiencies, like they do in Delta Force. You could use one marine's abilities to benefit the group in a situation that calls for it. Also, to split up the weapons among a group would be much more realistic. How many people do you know of that could ever carry the amount of weapons currently available in Doom? Nobody! Seriously, those weapons and their ammunition put together probably weigh over 600 lbs. And if it is only a one-character action scenario, I think the marine should have a realistic carrying capacity, such as carrying either the chaingun or the rocket launcher, not both at the same time. What do you think?


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1) Character Switching:
No, this would rape Doom of it's classic 'alone and in hell' feeling.

2) Carrying Capacity:
We've talked about this in great detail over the past months and many conclusions have been drawn. We think a point system would be best. The pistol is 2 points, the shotgun in 4 points... and unless you have a backpack there are only so many points you can carry.

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Why you want to put something completely unrelated like multiple charcters in a game like Doom3?! Doom is THE ego shooter, and "ego" doesn´t mean multiple egos! The feeling of lonelyness is essential for Doom, and you would destroy it with stuff like that.

The second point with "who could ever carry the ammount of weapons" - it´s a game! Overdone realism destroys a game. Play for example the QuakeFu mod for Q3A, it has many realism features and is no fun at all. For example: when a bullet hits you, you start to bleed, your health constantly goes down, you move slower, you die... it´s realsitic, but it´s complete shit!

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deadnail said:

1) Character Switching:
No, this would rape Doom of it's classic 'alone and in hell' feeling.

2) Carrying Capacity:
We've talked about this in great detail over the past months and many conclusions have been drawn. We think a point system would be best. The pistol is 2 points, the shotgun in 4 points... and unless you have a backpack there are only so many points you can carry.

What´s with that point 2), I don´t remember the discussion. A point system is way to complicated for a feature that doesn´t add anything to the gameplay.

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Guest PFCGray
Lord FlatHead said:

"We" ? Speak for yourself, d00d.

Times change. Thats all I have to say.

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Here is my suggestion:

Doom is a long way in the future so theoretically wouldn't they have Anti-Gravity by then (I read SCI-FI books too much)
So therefore wouldn't they have some sort of handheld device that could, when attatched to a marine it weighs him and stores that information in memory, then when he picks up a weapon the device measures it and provides a force to counter act the new weight therefore it is as if he was not carrying anything.....

This device would have a limit though so you can only can one of each weapon, to do this you would walk over the weapon take the ammo, but leave the weapon behind, if enemies could pick up the guns though it could get bad, so make spare weapons (on ground) destroyable.
(Ammo Limit as well, Duh)

Goddamn I Rabbit on!!!!! (No Warren Here!!)

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Guest Employee 2-4601

The thing about Anti-Grav makes sence; the Doom Guy is able to fall enourmous heights without getting hurt so either he has Super Dooper Boots 10k or he has an anti grav field around him.

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Guest TheCyanideX

It wouldn't be DOOM in my opinion.... DOOM GUY IS A MAN_ARMY.... who needs more men? It be something a little less DOOM to me.

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