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Weapons reload?


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What do you guys think of the idea of the weapons having to be reloaded in the game, such as clips on the pistol or the tube in a shotgun holding only eight shells, something like that? The chaingun (if present) could be fed by a 200-round disitegrating-link belt, the rocket launcher would have to be hand-loaded, or fed by a belt, the plasma rifle could also be fed by a belt, and the BFG 9000 could have an energy cell pack attached to the back and would have to be replaced after every five shots or so. This could make for more immersive and realistic gameplay. It would also make it more challenging, because if you run out of ammo in a firefight, you just might die. I think it would be fun. I tried quake with the Navy SEALs mod and it made it much more challenging and enjoyable with this option. And if the incorporate it into the new Doom, it should come with a menu option to turn it off for those who don't want to have to worry about ammo count.


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I really hope id adds a reload system. Otherwise the weapon´s functionality will be highly unrealistic in a game that looks pretty much like a cinematic.

I hope they go for the AvP reloading method : Clips. Games like SoF and Half-Life use a ridiculous "bullet saving" method that, somehow, let you save your uncomplete clips and, again somehow, refill them using other clip(s). Now, this can be done, but in the heat of battle that effect is pretty lame.

I prefer seeing in the GUI : "36 bullets - 8 clips" than "288 bullets".

Weapons like the chaingun should be fed by a belt. The rocket launcher could use a drum, like the one in SoF, giving you the chance to fire a certain amount of rockets before manual reloading.

Weapons like the Plasma Rifle and the BFG should use 2 types of ammo simultanously. While both weapons need power to work, you can´t just "spit" energy as some kind of projectile. Instead, the weapons should be fed by the armor´s power source located in the life support system (recharged with plain old cells). This power source should be used for things like HUD enhancement, GPS, and more besides the hi-tech weapons energy storage.

The other ammunition should be Hydrogen containers. This should be the matter that, thanks to the power source and the weapon mechanics, obtains a plasmatic state, so useful to toast enemies. Other elements could be used too, Helium, for example. Altough the effectiveness with this components should be lower, or even have different results.

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I think that the new Doom game might include reloading as that seems to be the way a lot of games are going nowadays. However, saving half-full clips is pretty much guaranteed to not be included. It might add an extra dimension of reality to the game but it's also a hassle and not exactly something which fits in with the Doom mentality.

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I am also for the reload feature. But it should be a smooth and very quick reload, like in Soldier Of Fortune (I almost hate everything in SoF, except those small welldone details). Not like Halflife´s Gordon Freeman, he reloaded his weapons slowly like a dumb farmer boy :)

But I think the energy weapons like the Plasma Rifle should have some sort of energy accumulator instaed of ammo. And the combat chainsaw should have enough fuel for the whole game ;)

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Guest Employee 2-4601

I think that weapons reloading should be inluded(clip based, not bullet based), but still, Necromancer has a good point: an option to turn the reloading on/off should also be included.

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