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DooM3 Engine methodes

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Ok here are some ideas/questions what methodes/algos could have been used in the new DooM engine:

Rendering method:

I'm pretty sure that JC's going to use something 'completely new'(but only for id)- namely portal/areas based engine(Unreal already used it 3 years ago, but that's not the important point). The advantages of this method are:
-the brushsides/faces don't have to be split up and since the 3d cards of the new generation(GF 1&2&3) can handle 2048*2048 textures that wouldn't be a problem for the HUGE lightmaps(more on that later). In fact, if a face in Q&Q2&Q3 was larger than 128*16x128*16 lightmap texels, it had to be split up into smaller pieces. That's not a problem anymore.
-Fast lighting calculations

Lighting method:
I think JC could have used some methods I'm going to describe here:
1. Light subdivision
Since the map is divided up into ares and each area has portals pointing to other areas that can really accelerate the lightning proccess. In the beginning the light has 6 frustums, that are split up against the portals they're in- and then, using the stencil buffer, they're drawn so that only the litten parts of the siurfaces would be affected by the light in question.

2. That's quite similar to the 1 method and to the method the Q3MAP tool uses(everybody who's looked into its source knows what I'm talking about). In this method the split up frustum sides are projected on the faces and then, using something like a scanline algo, the light values are computed and stored into the lightmap.

3. Quite similar to 2 one- but only computing the visibility of every light on every face visible from that light and have the 3d card compute the lihghting values(I'm quite sure JC uses exactly that method in DooM3)

Sound Subsystem

Since sounds and lights are waves, quite similar methodes could be used for the sound engine(just imagine the echos of your steps if you walk into a large room:)

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1) Firstable, DOOM won't use lightmaps of any type!
Secondable, GF3 supports texture of the size 4096*4096@32 bit.
2) You can't be sure of anything else.

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And what is he going to use?

Vertex lighting???

Yeah, they won't be PRE-computed, they'll be computed on RUN-TIME, but they'll exist. Maybe only as 'visibility maps', but they will be there. You know, not everybody will have GF1&2&3, and then DooM3 will have to use something different from NV_REGISTER_COMBINERS...

Dynamical lightmaps...that's it

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If you watch the MacWorld movie, you'll notice all lighting and shadowing is done real-time on a per-pixel basis. There is no such thing as lightmaps and vertex lighting in Doom 3.

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