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OH MY GOD!DoomSick was the only who figured!

Guest s999cop

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Guest s999cop

OH MY GOD!DoomSick was the only who figured!

my quote was too short, yeah yeah , i know, i didn't really pay attention to what i typed, you know just randomly...so..

EXACTLY, Doomsick, that's what i meant. you got it, im talking about the map in Q3(if anyone plays in here), it's Q3M7(goto planetquake.com and check it out. that map is many ppl's favorite, and you could fall in the outer space of nowhere, got it?

Doomsick, yo man yo smart

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We understood your message... basically. What we were talking about was the savagery with which you imposed upon our language.

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It isn´t "Q3M7", it´s q3dm17, The Longest Yard, a very simple but fun, symmetric space map. Although it´s not the only space map in Q3, you can fall in the outer space (which must be very fascinating for you) also in the maps Space Chamber, Bouncy Map (<--I hate this map, it´s really shit), Apocalypse Void and finally in The Very End Of You.

q3dm17 is the only space maps I realy like, generally the gothic and base style maps in Q3 are much more fun.

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Guest s999cop
deadnail said:

We understood your message... basically. What we were talking about was the savagery with which you imposed upon our language.

well, even though english isn't my first language, it's still my second, besides im living in us, so, how about you ,deadnail?
where you live?

By the way, i know english very well, but im only having a problem that the thing i wanted to say in my mind, i just kinda forgot to put on; or i thought i did already, so sometimes i just mess up the structure of my saying, maybe next time i should check everything that i might miss before click on the botton, right?

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English is my first language and I'm a native of Michigan, to the north of the Continental US.

Was that whole last paragraph a question? :)

Damn man, relax, we're just razzing you. Just think about what you should type before you type, that way you can formulate a clearer string of words in your head. Or not so we can have a laugh, doesn't really matter heheh.

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hey deadnail, i'm from michigan too, the frozen wasteland tundra northern, michigan...i'm cold

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it's one of the most fun levels in quake 3...now go edit your quote before you cause more trouble;)

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doomsick said:

hey deadnail, i'm from michigan too, the frozen wasteland tundra northern, michigan...i'm cold

Southwest Michigan, really on the edge bordering Indiana. You in the upper peninsula?

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no, northwestern lower michigan. i was in your area about two weeks ago, still no snow?

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Nope. Snowed for two days straight, then sun a day, now today it's starting to snow again. Gotta love it! If you don't like the weather in Michigan... wait 15 minutes. ;p

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it's sunny here today...and the snow is turning to mush, funny what a few hours north can do.

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Wasting a topic to understand your sig it´s pretty bad, but having ANOTHER one just to announce the winner is really lame.

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