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I know this has been brought up before, but I just really liked that post... So, who would you like to see as an actor in a Doom-movie... ???

I'd like to see Phil Anselmo (PanterA) do it...
Now it's your turn...

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Tony Danza could be a Seargant so long as he gets his head blowed off... heheheheheh.

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Patrick Duffy the Demon Slayer ! :)

Actually, funny you brought that up since I've been studying the marine model in the MacWorld movie and I think that guy has a few characteristics of Bruce Willis.

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Disorder said:

LOL... how about Bob Saget?

Let's make Regis a Zombie...

Richard Simmons as a demon possesed boss...

and Tom Green as the Devil...

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Nobody known in the media, someone new, a fresh new actor. Well-known stars and hollywood superstars would make this movie look like some kind of fast-profit cheap B-style movie.

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Guest Relajo
Charon said:

Let's make Regis a Zombie...

Richard Simmons as a demon possesed boss...

and Tom Green as the Devil...

Jennifer Lopez, she has a nice butt.
Jackie Chan, he can kill a Cyberdemon with a toaster.
Bruce Willis, this guy can set off a nuke while sitting on it.
Danny de vito, imagine him carring a BFG 9000!
Mary Kate & Asley Olsen, just to be killed in the first 2 minutes of the movie.

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Guest JudgeDooM
Charon said:

Let's make Regis a Zombie...

Richard Simmons as a demon possesed boss...

and Tom Green as the Devil...

Britney Spears should be the final boss. You have to avoid being hit by her music and lyrics.

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Too hell with Arnold S. or Sly Stallone, I would rather choose a completly unknown actor to play the doomguy, but if I had to choose an known actor it would either be "Kurt Russell",even though the movie "Soldier" was a peace of shit, You got to admit,
Kurt was is tight military fitness in there, that was the buffest
I'd ever seen him. My second choice is my man,"Michael Biehn" how easily ya'll forget he actually played a "SPACE MARINE", can
ya'll say "ALIENS"!? He also played a NAVY SEAL in two movies. And for good humor,maybe hollywood would throw in "Bill Paxton" for a "Hudson" type rebirth roll. "GAME OVER,MAN!!!! GAME OVER!!!

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Guest D-clone


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Relajo said:

Jennifer Lopez, she has a nice butt.
Jackie Chan, he can kill a Cyberdemon with a toaster.
Bruce Willis, this guy can set off a nuke while sitting on it.
Danny de vito, imagine him carring a BFG 9000!
Mary Kate & Asley Olsen, just to be killed in the first 2 minutes of the movie.

No I am Not insane.

My Idea: Brendan Fraser, Only problem is that doom is not a comedy and I have never seen him in a serious role, so probably not, oh well, thats my suggestion

The Olsen twins last 2 minutes?????
how about 2 seconds................

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Guest Lament

Because that's how long their slow, extremely painful death will take....

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Well it seems no-one is reading this thread (post) anymore
so I will slip this one in:

Matt LeBlanc

He played a marine in the Lost In Space remake and did a good job of it,
so he would be a suggestion.

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LorD BaZTArD said:

Well it seems no-one is reading this thread (post) anymore
so I will slip this one in:

Matt LeBlanc

He played a marine in the Lost In Space remake and did a good job of it,
so he would be a suggestion.

Matt Leblanc has the right looks for a tough space-marine. But he reminds me to much of Friends... You don't want Doom to be a happy movie if it ever will be made...

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Guest Employee 2-4601
Lament said:

Because that's how long their slow, extremely painful death will take....

I agree with Lord Flathead: Bruce Willis.
He looks(kinda) like Flynn Taggart(Doomguys real name i think?).

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