kain Posted March 9, 2001 lets make it an anime!! no not one of those cheesy anime's where little children run around capturing lost soul's and put them in colorful balls. No!! i got the idea while watching akira(best anime ever 2nd best to gundam wing endless waltz)and it should have too much blood and allot of death and really gothic!! 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 9, 2001 If you want to watch Anime don't screw around. Go for Akira, Trigun, Battle Angel, or especially Gunsmith Cats. Hell, even Blue Seed 9 has it's moments. If there's one thing I learned from your post it's that apparantly marijuana is very cheap in your locale. I'm moving. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted March 9, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:Doomers are ball shit snakes. That´s right, doomers are ball shit snakes, just like Britney Spears. 0 Share this post Link to post
kain Posted March 9, 2001 deadnail said:If you want to watch Anime don't screw around. Go for Akira, Trigun, Battle Angel, or especially Gunsmith Cats. Hell, even Blue Seed 9 has it's moments. If there's one thing I learned from your post it's that apparantly marijuana is very cheap in your locale. I'm moving. :) how about Ghost in the shell? thats a good movie! 0 Share this post Link to post
Cyberdemon Lord Posted March 9, 2001 Tetzlaff said:That´s right, doomers are ball shit snakes, just like Britney Spears. ?????????????What!!!? 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted March 9, 2001 It's good that you want to involve labor groups in the making of this movie: http://www.ieda.com :) 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 9, 2001 kain said:how about Ghost in the shell? thats a good movie! I don't think so. I thought Ghost in the Shell was... REALLY underdone. The animation was, for the most part, a joke. There were some good scenes but a few good scenes alone does not make an anime. Have you ever seen Princess Mononoke? Now *THAT'S* a damn good Anime... and it's over two hours long. 0 Share this post Link to post
EllipsusD Posted March 10, 2001 If you ever get a chance, read the Ghost in the Shell manga. Much better than the movie. And try watching Cowboy Bebop or Neon Geneis Evangaleon. Good stuff. Evangalieon particularly. It is basically that many years in the future creatures called angels appear. After the second one dies and creates the second impact, destroying much of human life in the process, things quiet down. To prevent the angels from attacking again Evas were creted by man in the image of demons to protect mankind. The religious undertones in this are great (the explosions the angels cause are in the shape of crosses), and the guy who made it started going crazy halfway through the series, bringing out some of the most philisophical scenes I have ever seen in an anime. It is definately worth a look. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 10, 2001 Cyberdemon Lord said:?????????????What!!!? There was a really weird newbie here before you entered, a guy called "Username" (no kidding) who had a... well, "curious" way to express himself... 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted March 10, 2001 deadnail said:If you want to watch Anime don't screw around. Go for Akira, Trigun, Battle Angel, or especially Gunsmith Cats. Hell, even Blue Seed 9 has it's moments. If there's one thing I learned from your post it's that apparantly marijuana is very cheap in your locale. I'm moving. :) akira...man, it's been too long... 0 Share this post Link to post
Cyberdemon Lord Posted March 10, 2001 Zaldron said:There was a really weird newbie here before you entered, a guy called "Username" (no kidding) who had a... well, "curious" way to express himself... No kidding!? What, before I entered? That would be pretty funny! 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted March 10, 2001 Anime for a doom movie............hey that is a good idea, just as long as it doesn't resemble the friggin doom comic...................................Argh now that was complete and utter crap, ok it was not manga but it was still crap. (Doom Comic) The problem however is it will be done in japanese, translated badly to English, and they might stuff it up badly but apart from that Pretty cool Idea! Akira was weird. I didn't understand it............ who was akira? Where was he? 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 10, 2001 Lord BaZTArD said:Anime for a doom movie............hey that is a good idea, just as long as it doesn't resemble the friggin doom comic...................................Argh now that was complete and utter crap, ok it was not manga but it was still crap. (Doom Comic) The problem however is it will be done in japanese, translated badly to English, and they might stuff it up badly but apart from that Pretty cool Idea! Akira was weird. I didn't understand it............ who was akira? Where was he? Akira was a movie about a science experiment to synthetically modify one's 'aura'. By changing a human's aura to that of an ameoba makes them similar... you have the power to absorb everything you touch. Akira was the very beginning, the nuclear blast. He dies right away. The movie is about Tetsuo Shima and his ascension into a similar fate with similar, yet different consequences. It's not too difficult to follow. 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted March 10, 2001 deadnail said:Akira was a movie about a science experiment to synthetically modify one's 'aura'. By changing a human's aura to that of an ameoba makes them similar... you have the power to absorb everything you touch. Akira was the very beginning, the nuclear blast. He dies right away. The movie is about Tetsuo Shima and his ascension into a similar fate with similar, yet different consequences. It's not too difficult to follow. Oh ok, Thanks man, Makes sense now, just thinking about it. I probably didn't get because of the way I was introduced to it, The guy on the TV Channel before the movie started said "that this is an enjoyable movie about a little guy with a really really big gun" I was mislead!!!!! I better watch it again. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest UAC stockholder Posted March 12, 2001 Anime sucks because they always have some stupid crap like little pink kitten creatures that talk and turn into space ships, and crap. Anime nevers stays serious for long. I don't think DooM would be a very good anime, cause teh doom guy never jumps and he doesn't have a sword, lol. Doesn't shoot fireballs and any of that anime crap. 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted March 12, 2001 Lord BaZTArD said:Akira was weird.I didn't understand it............ who was akira? Where was he? oh god no! NO! NO! NOT AKIRA! ANY THING ELCE THAT FILM SCREWED WITH MY HEAD FOR WEEKS! HELP ME! ARRRRGGGG........GURIHGJHJ.....NI! NI! NI! \ME GO'S MAD AND ENDS UP IN A PADDED CELL WITH HIS PET CARROT CALLED FLUFFY 0 Share this post Link to post
EllipsusD Posted March 12, 2001 UAC stockholder said:Anime sucks because they always have some stupid crap like little pink kitten creatures that talk and turn into space ships, and crap. Anime nevers stays serious for long. I don't think DooM would be a very good anime, cause teh doom guy never jumps and he doesn't have a sword, lol. Doesn't shoot fireballs and any of that anime crap. It's nice to know that people still make intelligent comments around this place. Stupid. It's people like you that make me want to hit my head against the wall. I can see that you have watched Tenchi Muyo, which is a comedy (wavering on adult comedy) with a few dramatic elements. One or two series' is not nearly enough to judge a entire genre on, got it? Why don't you try reading up on what anime really is before you start bashing it. Would you prefer a Doom movie to be live action? That's going to be believeable. Nearly every enemy would have to be CGI, which we are not technologically advnced enough to make seem realistic given the setting. If a Doom movie were to be made (and this HAS been stated before) it would have to be full CGI ( the Final Fantasy movie) or Anime. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest UAC stockholder Posted March 12, 2001 Ok, so your saying anime would be more realistic then live-action? Watch aliens or starship troopers. Anime would be less realistic then the game itself. I never watched tenchi muyo, my friend described it. Ok, and not every anime has little pink creatures that turn into spaceships, but anime humor is very lame. Hell, you can't have a anime movie without something being incredably cheesy in it. That little girl in "endless watlz" what in the hell was that? A little girl is going to lead thousands of soldiers on the batlefield? I'am so sure. Doom is never funny, its gothic and critical and lonley, the total reverse of anime. Now if anybody says endless watlz is the best anime has to offer, I have to doubt that doom should be tainted by the infulence of anime. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted March 12, 2001 .........NN.........NN............OOOOOO................. .........NNN.......NN........OOOOOOOOOO............. .........NNNN.....NN.....OOOO..........OOOO.......... .........NN.NN....NN....OOO................OOO......... .........NN..NN...NN....OO....................OO......... .........NN...NN..NN....OO....................OO......... .........NN....NN.NN....OOO................OOO......... .........NN.....NNNN.....OOOO..........OOOO.......... .........NN.......NNN........OOOOOOOOOO............. .........NN.........NN............OOOOOO................. 0 Share this post Link to post
EllipsusD Posted March 12, 2001 UAC stockholder said:Ok, so your saying anime would be more realistic then live-action? Watch aliens or starship troopers. Anime would be less realistic then the game itself. I never watched tenchi muyo, my friend described it. Ok, and not every anime has little pink creatures that turn into spaceships, but anime humor is very lame. Hell, you can't have a anime movie without something being incredably cheesy in it. That little girl in "endless watlz" what in the hell was that? A little girl is going to lead thousands of soldiers on the batlefield? I'am so sure. Doom is never funny, its gothic and critical and lonley, the total reverse of anime. Now if anybody says endless watlz is the best anime has to offer, I have to doubt that doom should be tainted by the infulence of anime. I'm not even going to get into the topic of how cheezy game-to-movie translations have been done in the past, there have been dozens of posts about that already. The only way the enemies in Doom could be done in any way realistically is to have them done CGI (imps/zombies being the only real exeption). It is highly doubtfull that a team with much talent would be working on the CGI, so it would be tough to make the demons look realistic/frightening. Personally, I don't favor a Doom movie. All it is going to do is tarnish Doom's image (kind of like the books, but with more media), but if a movie were to be done, it would probably turn out best in anime form. And in defence of you remarks towards anime... don't bring anything you've seen on the Cartoon Network up as an arguement. Endless Waltz had more than half an hour removed from it, and even uncut it still wasn't that great. Believe it or not, I have seen some anime that is very serious and has no humor at all, and until you know more about it, don't start judging it. 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted March 13, 2001 Lüt said:.........NN.........NN............OOOOOO................. .........NNN.......NN........OOOOOOOOOO............. .........NNNN.....NN.....OOOO..........OOOO.......... .........NN.NN....NN....OOO................OOO......... .........NN..NN...NN....OO....................OO......... .........NN...NN..NN....OO....................OO......... .........NN....NN.NN....OOO................OOO......... .........NN.....NNNN.....OOOO..........OOOO.......... .........NN.......NNN........OOOOOOOOOO............. .........NN.........NN............OOOOOO................. Alright LUT. EAT BINARY 11100000001110000111111111111100000000111110000000011100000000111 01110000011100000111111111111100000000111110000000011100000000111 00111000111000000111000000000000000001110111000000011100000000111 00011101110000000111000000000000000001110111000000011100000000111 00001111100000000111111111000000000011100011100000011111111111111 00000111000000000111111111000000000011111111100000011111111111111 00000111000000000111000000000000000111111111110000011100000000111 00000111000000000111000000000000000111000001110000011100000000111 00000111000000000111111111111100001110000000111000011100000000111 00000111000000000111111111111100001110000000111000011100000000111 Anime Is the way to GO. Since there is only two numbers in binary and I am 1! You therefore are 0!! You Lose!!!!!! Anime For Doom Movie! (If You Can't read it, or can't understand it, It spells YEAH!) (I Can't do the S Like That) (Its Readable Highlighted) 0 Share this post Link to post
Necromancer Posted March 13, 2001 I have a solution to the Doom movie problem. How about not even making it? With the current storyline, it would be horrible if based on the game. To expand it wouldn't take a lot of imagination, but then it could be completely changed and make a "Rambo" type movie, which sucked ass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 Share this post Link to post
GooberMan Posted March 14, 2001 UAC stockholder said:Ok, so your saying anime would be more realistic then live-action? Watch aliens or starship troopers. Anime would be less realistic then the game itself. I never watched tenchi muyo, my friend described it. Ok, and not every anime has little pink creatures that turn into spaceships, but anime humor is very lame. Hell, you can't have a anime movie without something being incredably cheesy in it. That little girl in "endless watlz" what in the hell was that? A little girl is going to lead thousands of soldiers on the batlefield? I'am so sure. Doom is never funny, its gothic and critical and lonley, the total reverse of anime. Now if anybody says endless watlz is the best anime has to offer, I have to doubt that doom should be tainted by the infulence of anime. You can tell this UAC person has never watched anime like Ghost In The Shell, Akira, and Neon Genesis Evangelion... POKEMON BURN IN HELL YOU DAMN ANNOYING LITTLE CREATURES! EAT BFG PLASMA! 0 Share this post Link to post
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