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Response to "Many peple will..."

Guest PFCGray

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Guest PFCGray

Since there were too many replies on the post titled "Many Will Not Like This Post.....", I decided to post a new. Deadnail, I hope you knew who you were messin with when you made your little comments about Liberals and pagans (He-Man). I happen to be both (not He-man, just sorta pagan).

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Anyone remember this christmas episode of He-Man where him and She-Ra celebrate love with that skull guy (skulltar)? LOL they were like
He-Man and She-Ra "Merry Christmas, Skulltar"
Skulltar "And merry Christmas to you too"

LOL I pissed my pants

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masterhassan said:

i miss masters of the universe. i loved that show. i still have soem of my he-man figures

Should LorD BaZTArD's appology be accepted? I don't know...hmm...what do you guys think?

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I said I never said you had to accept my apologies,
so leave the bushes alone!

On an unrelated topic - You People miss HE MAN?????????


He Man??


ok seriosly, I liked He Man when it was on, however I got sick of it as it sucked shit!
Let IT GO!!!!!

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Psyonisis said:

Anyone remember this christmas episode of He-Man where him and She-Ra celebrate love with that skull guy (skulltar)? LOL they were like
He-Man and She-Ra "Merry Christmas, Skulltar"
Skulltar "And merry Christmas to you too"

LOL I pissed my pants

That´s funny! I loved to play with the Masters action figures when I was a kid. I was always on the side of Skeletor and his evil buddies :) With old bricks we build castles for the Masters in our garden...
But what are this episodes, was there a Masters cartoon series? We havn´t had this in Germany I think. LOL, "merry Christmas, Skeletor..." - really? :)

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I'm an Independant but I lean more towards Republican politics than Democrat. I just dislike the core concept of Liberals to throw money at problems to fix them when it's been clearly shown over the last 60 years that it doesn't work and I'm damn glad that Bush won 30 of the 50 states (as if Florida would've made a fuckin' difference). Gore was going to introduce another 3 billion dollars in taxes just to throw more money at problems that Clinton's money throwing didn't solve. That's not government if you ask me.

As for Pagans... when did I attack them? Didn't you watch TV between 75 and 85? Angry Christian groups attacked cartoons left and right and blamed all the hippies and violence on them. Personally I don't give a fuck what you are, as it's none of my Goddamn business. My denying what the Christians did wouldn't be right either, I was just pointing it out.

You're too fucking defensive.

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Guest PFCGray

I just realized what you said. Thanks for tellin me. Sorry to overreact.

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No problem. =)

Overreaction is quite common when politics or religion are concerned, and it's almost always uncalled for. Heheh.

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Lord BaZTArD said:

I said I never said you had to accept my apologies,
so leave the bushes alone!

On an unrelated topic - You People miss HE MAN?????????


He Man??


ok seriosly, I liked He Man when it was on, however I got sick of it as it sucked shit!
Let IT GO!!!!!

Yeah I kinda miss He-Man and Skeletor. I just recently got the G.I. Joe and Transformers movies on DVD. Retro is a fad right now so we can exploit it and just look back on the things that used to entertain us when we were young.

I know a chick with a tattoo of the Thundercats logo, but I'm not supposed to talk about where it is.

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Tetzlaff said:

That´s funny! I loved to play with the Masters action figures when I was a kid. I was always on the side of Skeletor and his evil buddies :) With old bricks we build castles for the Masters in our garden...
But what are this episodes, was there a Masters cartoon series? We havn´t had this in Germany I think. LOL, "merry Christmas, Skeletor..." - really? :)

Yeah that Christmas one was real

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deadnail said:

Transformers movies on DVD.

Nah I do not miss He Man, however one show that you did mention that I do miss is the Transformers! they ruled!
They Still Rule!
The Later series were odd though (beast wars)
Transformers Will always RULE
I watched the Movie on Video last week, Still cool.

See! I'm not that Insane.

<remains to be seen>

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deadnail said:

Transformers movie on DVD.


Haven't seen it, is it just like an extended version of a TV episode?

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Oh no, it's much more action packed (it even says dirty words like 'shit' in it!). It's all about a planet-eating machine that's recruited the Decepticons in order to destroy the 'Matrix'... the only thing it fears. Naturally the Autobots have control over it.

Rent it, but make sure you get it on DVD or it might be the censored version.

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Lüt said:


What? Idontgeddit!!

Could you explain please?

Penny Arcade is normally funny.

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Well, I don't get it either, but I haven't seen the movie so I can only assume it's not a sad movie.

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Guest fraggle`

sorry if this is wrong, my memory is rusty...

i am adam, prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle grayskull. this, is cringer - (laughs) my fearless friend.

fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my MAGIC SWORD and said:


cringer became battlecat and i became:


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