Guest D-clone Posted March 10, 2001 hey, how much cpu and gpu power will it take for the doom 3 engine to calculate locational damage in real time? like if you shoot somebody in the arm, the engine will actually draw an appropiate depiction depending on the angle of the bullet, speed, size, blast radius etc... also, if models were not just a model and a skin, but an actual skeleton, muscle model, blood model, and skin model. can that be? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 10, 2001 Seperate models for skeleton, blood, muscles and skin ?? This is a 3D game, not biology class. 0 Share this post Link to post
Dima Posted March 10, 2001 I wouldn't say it would take much power... You see in Soldier Of Fortune there was a very good locational damage system and it all ran very very good! Yeah, it was the Quake 2 engine but still, if id includes a locational damage system (I very much doubt and I think it is very unnessesary) it won't drain much power (especially with the Geforce 3 that finally can offload all the work from the computer). I read on one site that during one demo (of 3dmark 2001 I think) the geforce 3 did 95% of the work and the cpu did only 5%!! Trust me, to play Doom with all options in high resolutions, you'll need a monster pc! 0 Share this post Link to post
masterhassan Posted March 10, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:Seperate models for skeleton, blood, muscles and skin ?? This is a 3D game, not biology class. i've been waiting for someone to make a game with all of the actually body parts inside. and a game where you can rip clothes. like you taek a knife to a guy and he looks exactly teh same only blood squirts out...where'd teh blood come from? it should leave a cut in his clothes. like if you torch a guy witha flame thrower he should be all black 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 10, 2001 Well, as you can see in the MacWorld movie enourmous advances are being made in the field of model detail, though we're still pretty far from anything that complex. Remember: "A few years ago we were lucky to have three triangles for a nose on our characters." -- John Carmack 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 10, 2001 To start, lets say that tomography-like models are FAR away. That kind of detail would not add anything to the gameplay. If things are going to blow, then add the proper gore models like the bolt-on system of SoF. Now, if you want realistic locational damage, processed in real time, you must add a very strong physics system, with emphasis on Newton´s Law and Mechanics. Only a skeletal enhanced model could react accordingly, something that SoF could not do because they used framed (fixed) animations. The biggest impact is while rendering the interaction between the model and the world. Vector-assisted deformation is quite simple, just a matter of moving bones. Imagine the big difference on processing times if you would calculate : 1. A soldier falls to a planar ground 2. A soldier falls to a NURBS floor, his arm hits a corner, while one of his legs ends over a cliff. Thanks to Nvidia GF3 T&L system, there are actual betas of games that just use 5% of the CPU to process rendering-related stuff. This leaves to us an enormous amount of power to use, altough I boubt we´ll see this in DooM3. Games USING the DooM3 engine, yeah, we´ll see this technology became a reality in just a few years. If you want to see live skeletal collision between models/world, you should get Hitman : Codename 47. If you´re dragging a corpse down the street, and turn around a corner, the body will bend perfectly... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 10, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:Well, as you can see in the MacWorld movie enourmous advances are being made in the field of model detail, though we're still pretty far from anything that complex. Remember: "A few years ago we were lucky to have three triangles for a nose on our characters." -- John Carmack Yes but when will this detail and interaction stop??? Okay, let's play a little scenario out. You see an imp. You plug it in the heart with your shotgun and it dies. Now, you sheath your weapon and pull out your bayonet. You make a brutal lash to it's belly and open it wide. Now you put away your knife and do the 'interaction' weapon (like for moving complicated switches and stuff, kinda like the arm in Trespasser). Now you pull out it's intestines, rip one end in half and stuff the other end into it's mouth. Do we really need the level of interaction to make a self-contained shit recycling center out of an imp??? I'm all for violence in games, I still enjoy it. Doom is fine, though, I don't see much need to make it worse. SoF is all the detail we'll ever need I think, how much more do you want (or will have time to inspect)? 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted March 10, 2001 Zaldron said: I think in all the quotes from id guys around, one said the animations will have 32 bones, so there will be chances of plenty of locational damage 0 Share this post Link to post
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