the-widow-maker Posted March 14, 2001 1-Cacodemon(the sound clinches it) 2-Daemon(again nice sound) 3-Mancubus(bloody!) 4-Chaingunner 5-Pain elemental If you think my ideas are stupid then why are u even talking to me???! 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 14, 2001 Hmph, I thought this cavalcade of top-ten-etry would stick to the General Forum but I guess I was wrong. 1 - Cacodemon (Yeah, I like how it just spills) 2 - Former Humans (I like how they grab the hole in their chest as their lifted off their feet to land on their backs) 3 - Cyberdaemon (It's just fucking satisfying to see the bastard erupt and only leaving some blood and hooves) 4 - Arachnotron (I like how it's brain splits and the sound) 5 - Commander Keen (He just has it coming) To be simply argumentative: Daemon - Poor animation. I dislike how the blood is still falling while the body is flat on the ground. Mancubus - Looks like rotted chicken falling off of the bone. Pain Elemental - What? It just explodes. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 14, 2001 At this rate, we´ll soon start topten-ing our asses... Anyway, here they are : 1- Mancubus (love how the fat pulls the skin down, showing the bones) 2- Arachnotron (combined with a shotgun blast, this dead sprite sequence looks like something out of SoF) 3- Baron of Hell (not much because the sprites but the sound, it´s just amazing) 4- Cacodemon (nice flow of blue goo) 5- Chaingunner (a gory dead for a damned motherfucker) 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted March 14, 2001 deadnail said:Pain Elemental - What? It just explodes. There's one frame where you can see a lost soul popping out... the skull is red with yellow eyes and it looks really cool. I used to think the Mancubus was the best one. I still think it's a pretty cool death scene, but not entirely fitting when the last thing you put into it's body is a pistol shot. I like the Caco's eye falling out, but not much else; it looks like some kid threw a can of blue paint at it. The demon's blood is a nice touch also. I never bothered to notice if it's timing was proper but I like how it splats. Kinda similar to a few of those "realistic" action movies I've seen; in particular, one with Chow Yun Fat where some terrorists take over a hospital and Chow and some dude run around killing everybody in the end. They did a great job with the blood and bulletwounds in that one. 0 Share this post Link to post
nightmare imp Posted March 15, 2001 here are my fives: 1.imp:just the way it hits the ground with that"aurghhh!" 2.cacodemon:a messy death 3.those damn arch-viles,falling to peices 4.cyberdemon"KA-BOOM!" 5.demon(bulldemon,whatever)the snarl and loud thud! 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted March 15, 2001 I didn't like the caco demon one too much on my version of doom I redid it so it explodes in burst of purple plazma - oh and the sound was good but i redid that to fit in with my new set of frames HUBUBULEEE! - it says when it dies 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted March 15, 2001 Zaldron said:At this rate, we´ll soon start topten-ing our asses... Anyway, here they are : 1- Mancubus (love how the fat pulls the skin down, showing the bones) 2- Arachnotron (combined with a shotgun blast, this dead sprite sequence looks like something out of SoF) 3- Baron of Hell (not much because the sprites but the sound, it´s just amazing) 4- Cacodemon (nice flow of blue goo) 5- Chaingunner (a gory dead for a damned motherfucker) TOP TEN DOOMWORLD ASSES...... only kidding! (so sorry) 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted March 15, 2001 ok here it comes..... 1 pain elemental (look at the way the skulls just burst out) 2 imps (simple but efective) 3 gibs (all of them) 4 cyber demon (that was one big mother fuckin' gib man) 5 mancubus (it's mr creasote.....sorry monty python joke) 6 yaks (uuhhhg thump!) 7 barons and hell knights (slop!) 8 spider demon (just look at the way it falls) 9 chain gunner (off with his head!!!) 10 former humans (they are in pain!) one's I didn't like cacodemon (the corpse was too big and you could walk through it) vile (didn't they nick that death off catacomb abyss*) lost soul (should have been chunks of skull in that) * catacomb abyss is an old heretic style game based on the wolf 3d engine - if you ever come across it play's got zombies in it and magic weapons 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted March 15, 2001 deadnail said:Hmph, I thought this cavalcade of top-ten-etry would stick to the General Forum but I guess I was wrong. but we have nothing elce to talk about! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Hell Crusader Posted March 15, 2001 1 - Mancubus 2 - Archvile (I love it when this asshole dies) 3 - Cacodemon 4 - Chaingunner 5 - Cyberdemon 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest D|RE Posted March 15, 2001 Lüt said:There's one frame where you can see a lost soul popping out... the skull is red with yellow eyes and it looks really cool. I used to think the Mancubus was the best one. I still think it's a pretty cool death scene, but not entirely fitting when the last thing you put into it's body is a pistol shot. I like the Caco's eye falling out, but not much else; it looks like some kid threw a can of blue paint at it. The demon's blood is a nice touch also. I never bothered to notice if it's timing was proper but I like how it splats. Kinda similar to a few of those "realistic" action movies I've seen; in particular, one with Chow Yun Fat where some terrorists take over a hospital and Chow and some dude run around killing everybody in the end. They did a great job with the blood and bulletwounds in that one. what is the name of that movie?? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Employee 2-4601 Posted March 15, 2001 Heres my 5: 5: Arch-vile: Just got to love that 4: Spider Mastermind: Nice anim with some good sounds 3: Chaingun guy: need i to say more? 2: Demon: the sound... And finally the one we have been waiting for 1: Cyberdemon: a nice gibbing anim 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted March 15, 2001 Hell Crusader said:1 - Mancubus 2 - Archvile (I love it when this asshole dies) 3 - Cacodemon 4 - Chaingunner 5 - Cyberdemon 1. Mancubus (love the sounds) 2. Arch-vile 3. Cyberdemon (splat) 4. Baron & Hell Knight (pretty cool sound) 5. Spider Mastermind (kaboom) 0 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted March 15, 2001 1; The ArchVile. Eerie sound, and the death is kinda half-gib, half regular death. 2; Pain elemental. Look at the frames in WinTEX, and you can see how the skulls it so kindly hosts tear it to pieces upon it's death. Shudder. 3; Arachnotron. The sound clinches it. 4; Cacodaemon, I love the eye popping out. IMO the PSX version has a better death sound. 5; 'Cyberdemon64'; To me, it makes more sense to see it explode in such a manner. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 15, 2001 Lüt said:There's one frame where you can see a lost soul popping out... the skull is red with yellow eyes and it looks really cool. I used to think the Mancubus was the best one. I still think it's a pretty cool death scene, but not entirely fitting when the last thing you put into it's body is a pistol shot. I like the Caco's eye falling out, but not much else; it looks like some kid threw a can of blue paint at it. The demon's blood is a nice touch also. I never bothered to notice if it's timing was proper but I like how it splats. Kinda similar to a few of those "realistic" action movies I've seen; in particular, one with Chow Yun Fat where some terrorists take over a hospital and Chow and some dude run around killing everybody in the end. They did a great job with the blood and bulletwounds in that one. Dude I love that movie! It's really dramatic how they have to get the babies out 'cuz of the smoke! Kickass film. 0 Share this post Link to post
PainElemental Posted March 16, 2001 BOOM... ...I'm dead... MWUAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA- I am FOREVER! 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted March 20, 2001 1.Cacodemon-Love the noise it makes when it dies, plus it splits open and its guts just all fall out. 2Cyberdemon-ARRRGGGHH!!!-BOOM!!!!! 3.Arachnotron-Makes that cool little death sound, then its legs collapse, and it dies. 4.Chain-gunner-Goes Ohhhhhh! and then splits apart at the shoulder. 5. BullDog/Spectre-Demon-Makes that little Arrrgghh! noise and then Thump! 0 Share this post Link to post
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