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Guest PFCRon

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Guest PFCRon

Something just hit me; I didn't even know there was anybody left in the WORLD that still loved DOOM! It's such an old game, I thought I was the only person in the world who still played it, along with my friends. Now that this DOOM 3 is coming out, do you think the craze will start again?

BTW, where ARE all of the old guys that were here when I first joined as PFCGray? About the only old guy I see around here is Zaldron. I guess they got tired of the newbies, but hey, times gotta change. Make way for the new and out with the old!

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PFCRon said:

BTW, where ARE all of the old guys that were here when I first joined as PFCGray?

I'm still here... And, yes, I believe when Doom3 comes out, people will go nuts and wet their pants....

BTW. Why did you change your name?

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Guest PFCRon
Disorder said:

BTW. Why did you change your name?

Look at my post in the geneal forum entitled "Formely PFCGray". And I think you specifically even made the comment about nobody liking me.

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deadnail, Maonth, Lüt, NIGHTMARE, Lord Flathead, Dark Fox, Epiphany, Disorder, Dima and many others (forgive me, Im so tired that I can´t remember more names) are still here.

Some of them fit in the "old" department, while others (like me who started posting at www.doomworld.com/forums/doom3/thread_closed10) could be considered old by today´s standards. There´s a lot of people who read but never post, and they have been here since thread2.

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I'm here... sometimes. Usually I hang out in the General forum.

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Zaldron said:

deadnail, Maonth, Lüt, NIGHTMARE, Lord Flathead, Dark Fox, Epiphany, Disorder, Dima and many others (forgive me, Im so tired that I can´t remember more names) are still here.

Some of them fit in the "old" department, while others (like me who started posting at www.doomworld.com/forums/doom3/thread_closed10) could be considered old by today´s standards. There´s a lot of people who read but never post, and they have been here since thread2.

I've been here for a while but usually don't speak unless its important. Been especially quiet lately 'cause I get annoyed by all the dumb new people but its started to calm down a little now. How 'bout Jeremy? He's been around for a long time. BTW where is he?

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Windowpain, that´s one of the oblivious, sorry :)

Jeremy? Jeremy pretty much dissappeared since SoKaTh started mocking him, like 10 threads before this one...

Who else? MACVILEWHORE, Perforator, Dream Destroyer, the list goes on...

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Zaldron said:


Hey, whatever happened to him? That's somebody I haven't seen here in a long time.

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PFCRon said:

And I think you specifically even made the comment about nobody liking me.

I doubt that...

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PFCRon said:

I guess they got tired of the newbies, but hey, times gotta change. Make way for the new and out with the old!

You know? Pretty much half of today´s doom3 community´s composed from old members as you can easily tell by the replies below mine.

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I've been here for a long time... but haven't posted that much. The doom 3 topic is running out of ideas, so there isn't much to say anymore.

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Disorder said:

Correct.. Nobody likes you... :) -someday I'll cut you just like they cut me-

Seems you did :)

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fodders said:

Seems you did :)

-someday i'll cut you.......... blabla- That's my signature... So that doesn't count !! And the other part, well that's just a joke... If you post something like that, you ask for it. So, don'
t point any fingers at me........

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" quote:
And I think you specifically even made the comment about nobody liking me. ...

I doubt that... "

Can't say that and expect no comment :)

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Guest JesusMk2
PFCRon said:


My mate got bombed. :( Ive so far acounted, that I have recieved 137 Trojans (most r doubles). Thanks to my 30 pound fire wall its saved well over a grands worth of gear.

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Guest fraggle`

... how does a firewall save you from an email bomb?

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JesusMk2 said:

My mate got bombed. :( Ive so far acounted, that I have recieved 137 Trojans (most r doubles). Thanks to my 30 pound fire wall its saved well over a grands worth of gear.

Your firewall weighs a lot.

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Guest JesusMk2
fraggle` said:

... how does a firewall save you from an email bomb?

Ah It is simple my son. Paste your machine with every king of anti-virus software. Of course you machine works now through a treakle of snot but at least its working.

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Guest Dark_Fox

I run a large scale UT mod <- Time comsumed 35%
Im a modeler for a System Shock 1 TC for UT <-- Time consumed 25%
School <- 39%
Free Fun time with a babbon <- .8%
Screwing with newbies on the DW forums <- .2%

I've got a very active busy life..

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Guest fraggle`
JesusMk2 said:

Ah It is simple my son. Paste your machine with every king of anti-virus software. Of course you machine works now through a treakle of snot but at least its working.

firewalls are devices or software which prevent nasty people from connecting to your computer. anti-virus software is not a firewall. also, email bombs are not viruses. you can install as many firewalls and virus scanners as you want but it will not stop your email from getting bombed. of course, if you actually run a decent operating system where you dont have to worry about viruses wiping your entire system it isnt a problem...

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