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Source code


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Is there a place here you can download the source code to Doom/2,Ultimate or Final Doom? I have heard there is. I think it would be very fun to screw around with source code so you could do all sorts of things with the items/weapons, or enemies. Just imagine. Cacodemons that spit rockets! Lost Souls that spit out Pain Elenmentals! The possibilities would be endless!!

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You can do those things with a little program called DeHackEd. And where have you been the past few years? There's tons of modified versions of doom to play! Legacy and zDoom are the most popular ones. Personally I prefer Legacy because zDoom messes up my desktop icons after I close it and it reminds me of Quake.

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There are plenty of modifications to the original source code around here. Many total conversions, source ports and partial conversions has one thing in common : modified source code.

If you´re gonna screw around with the code of DooM, I´ll recommend downloading Legacy´s source code. It´s DooM code updated to run on win32. Zdoom and others have plenty of new features, but those new chunks of data can get pretty confusing, specially when you don´t know the specs.

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Guest fraggle`

what does this have to do with doom3?

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Guest JesusMk2
DooMBoy said:

Look at the DUCK isnt it great!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Some people r sooo mean. Wouldnt you agree?

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Hey, I'm not trying to be mean here, but who are you always quoting?

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uh-oh.. anal-homing duck coming from dark_fox! Everyone get down! (not you, doomboy, you can stay up too, JesusMK2)

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Yep, it's shinanigans time, again, everybody! Break out those brooms!

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