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classic doom levels


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if doom3 gonna be a remake of doom (it might not be)
what doom1/2 levels should go in?

this is NOT a top ten

I repeat NOT a top ten

that is all!

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None; all new levels even if it is a remake.

Why? Now they can make a level called 'Hangar' that actually look like a hanger, or a level called 'Suburbs' that maybe looks like some real suburbs.

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Guest Dark_Fox

An outhouse level! YES!
OhOhOH! Inspired, must open Worldcraft and map!

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deadnail said:

None; all new levels even if it is a remake.

Why? Now they can make a level called 'Hangar' that actually look like a hanger, or a level called 'Suburbs' that maybe looks like some real suburbs.

good point, the names didn't always fit the places they described. but what will the suburbs look like in the future? my guess: as repetative as they do now...

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Guest Archvile46

The game almost NEVER looked like the places it was trying to fit. I don't care what it is, I just want levels that actually look like something.

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Guest KilboypowerheaD

well i agree, i think they should have mostly (if not all) new levels, but it would be cool to re-do a couple of classic ones, maybe as multiplayer maps, or secret levels and the suchlike, if so i wouldn't mind seing bloodfalls in all its Doom III glory.

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  • 3 weeks later...
deadnail said:

None; all new levels even if it is a remake.

Why? Now they can make a level called 'Hangar' that actually look like a hanger, or a level called 'Suburbs' that maybe looks like some real suburbs.

I would like to see that too: levels that actually look like waht they're supposed to represent. The Hangar should look like a Hangar, and Command Control should look like a real hi-tech Command Control center.

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