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GBA -Doom II


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Whoa! Ive only been gone for a day or two and
so many great things happened! Doom for the GBA?
Sweet! Now I dont have to sit on my ass all day
while I play Doom! I can jogg and Doom and the
same time... HEY! I just thought about somthing..
Will it be compatable for the GBA links, so you
can have a four player death match?? Or even play
Co-op with people?? Probably.. And Duke Nukem the
movie? Cool. That new place that just opened, www.
doomcenter.com, looks really nice too.
Well, just a matter of time before D3 gets
released, and i'm looking forward to a Demo of it
by at least mid-summer? Or even to see a tech demo
at E3 this year. Oh well, gotta run, Cya.

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A demo of Doom 3 this summer ? You're WAAAAAY to optimistic man. I think it's possible we won't see a demo until late this year, and Doom won't hit the shelves until late 2002.

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That's funny, I was on Nintendo's official Gameboy.com the other day perusing the list of titles (Castlevania and Silent Hill? Wow!) for the Gameboy Advance and Doom II wasn't mentioned at all.

Even if it's a source-code internet project that wouldn't help 'cuz I don't have a cart copier.

Yeah, though, 4 player DM on a Gameboy would really kick ass, especially considering that doing that with a GBA only requires 1 cartridge! =)

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Guest lukin


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lukin said:


But what the fuck man? Activision? Shit. So far id's ports have been done by Raster with a license from either Williams or Midway. This is getting cool, id is testing the Nintendo waters again. =)

Just for the sake of conversating... the GBA is *NOT* a 3D system, not in the least! Doom is much more suited to the PSX than the GBA. However, the GBA has a 32 bit processor and EVERYTHING the SNES has got but better... so hey, it could end up looking quite swank. Plus, it's widescreen... heheh.

512 colors at once...
hardware scaling & rotation...

This could be a *REALLY* cool portable deathmatch! =)

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Lord FlatHead said:

A demo of Doom 3 this summer ? You're WAAAAAY to optimistic man. I think it's possible we won't see a demo until late this year, and Doom won't hit the shelves until late 2002.

2002? if that's accurate the topics around here should get kinda slim in doom 3 content...oh, we'll think of something

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Lord FlatHead said:

A demo of Doom 3 this summer ? You're WAAAAAY to optimistic man. I think it's possible we won't see a demo until late this year, and Doom won't hit the shelves until late 2002.

It didn't take more than a years time for the Q3 test to come out so why not? Well, it wouldn't exactly be a demo but hey... doom.

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Lord FlatHead said:

A demo of Doom 3 this summer ? You're WAAAAAY to optimistic man. I think it's possible we won't see a demo until late this year, and Doom won't hit the shelves until late 2002.

I dunno bout you, but I have a funny feeling it might get released in 2003...you know, as a 10th anniversary kind of thing.

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