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id software stock


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Ok I'm guessing here... but correct me if I'm wrong. I've been searching the stock websites to see if I could get any shares in id. I havent found anything at all. I figure if you buy a lot of their stock while it's low, and wait for it to shoot up as D3 is released, you'll make a hell of a lot of money. This game will probably be one of the quickest selling games of all time. Their stock would skyrocket! Anyone know if you can get some shares?

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Now THAT is what I call a get rich very quick scheme!!!! :)
But why would Id Put themselves on the stock market?
They are a Small games company with a BIG reputation but that's no reason for them to be on the Stock Market.

Don't get me wrong though, if they did that I would buy them in an Instant!!!!!

I Love Money!!!!!! Heh Heh

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I don't think id is public, so you can't buy shares in the company on the stock market.

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Um, the proper time to do it would've been before they released Doom. As it stands if you could even buy their stock it'd still be expensive as hell right now.

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Shares from a small development team. I don´t know if id´s even public. If you wanna get rich, buy shares from Activision, they will probably be DooM´s distributor.

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Guest Matt PmRd

I'd go for EXFO, NUAN, LU, NVDA, BRK/A(lol), SPWX

Also theres a competition against bill gates

you can win 10,000$

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