Necromancer Posted March 23, 2001 I know we've all called it Doom 3, but let's have some fun with game titles! This is just for fun, you can post a serious one if you want, but I encourage funny titles. (This is not a top ten) 1. The New, Improved, Overkill Doom Blast-O-Rama 2. Doom Your Heart Out 3. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4. Doom - The Next Generation 5. DemonSplat! 6. Frags for the Hell of it 7. Doom Immersion Course #3 8. Fragging for the Reality Impaired - Vol. 1 9. A long time ago, on a moon base far, far away . . . 10. Uh oh, I think I pissed off Satan . . . 11. I Sold My Soul for Doom 12. UAC's Big F*cking Mess 13. We Go to Phobos to Hunt Demons and Kill and Kill and Kill and Go to Hell and Kill Some More and Come Back to Earth and Kill even More and Go to Hell Again and Kill Yet Again and Maim and Torture and Shred and Frag and Pulp All the Demons We Find and Kill the Biggest Demon Ever Seen 14. Doom - The Revised Edition . . . and yes, I am bored. Yes, I need professional help. Feel free to post! ----------- 0 Share this post Link to post
grutsch Posted March 23, 2001 Doom and Quake are both terms showing a lot of power. The title Quake doesnt have so much to do with the gameplay except for maybe rockets causing the earth to shake. mr. spacemarine i guess is doomed to kill. even though much more players are doomed to play doom. i dont think there could be a better title than doom3, or something close; doomed - again, doom rejuvnation, wth. considering ids namegiving for the last dont know years its gonna be just one word. i find it funny how some people tried to copy those oneword abstract titles --> unreal, halflife etc. what about: doom3 - ball shit snakes cant think of anything more abstract...dont know if its powerful 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted March 23, 2001 THE RETURN OF THE PHANTOM ROOFING CONTRACTORS FROM THE 11TH DIMENSION!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 23, 2001 1. DooM 3 - WHERE´S THE FRIGGIN KEY!?! 2. DooM : Now with 20% more damnation! 3. The Real Final DooM, at least for now... 4. John Carmack´s Let´s Shoot Stuff! 5. DooM 3 - My Lighting is pretty 6. DooM III : Something went wrong, again. 7. mOOd 0.333 : The adventure game 8. DooM 3 : THE KEY!?! ANYONE SAW IT??!? 9. DooM 3 : Unreal 2 my ass 10. BUY ME! - DooM 3 (BUY ME!) Mmmh, save a room for me in the asylum, Necromancer... we get group discount. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted March 24, 2001 Zaldron said:4. John Carmack´s Let´s Shoot Stuff! That reminds me: 11. John Carmack presents John Carmack's "JOHN CARMACK". 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted March 25, 2001 grutsch said:Doom and Quake are both terms showing a lot of power. The title Quake doesnt have so much to do with the gameplay except for maybe rockets causing the earth to shake. mr. spacemarine i guess is doomed to kill. even though much more players are doomed to play doom. i dont think there could be a better title than doom3, or something close; doomed - again, doom rejuvnation, wth. considering ids namegiving for the last dont know years its gonna be just one word. i find it funny how some people tried to copy those oneword abstract titles --> unreal, halflife etc. what about: doom3 - ball shit snakes cant think of anything more abstract...dont know if its powerful BLEED! 0 Share this post Link to post
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