tsareppsun Posted March 24, 2001 Go to http://www.intoyz.com/intoyzafweaponsC.html It's a detailed plastic toy model of the M134 7.62 minigun used in the movies "T2" and "Predator". I assume this also the very weapon used in the DOOM series, and if id wants to use this little toy to model for the polygon version of the M134 for the new doom, I think it's good reference. I don't have the know how to scan the cool different angle pics of the the toy,so maybe one of you in this forum could scan and show it off to everyone. Or even better, create an area with pics of the weapons from the game series,and use the pics of the M134 to start it off. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 24, 2001 Here are some reasons why the gun in Doom is *not* an M-134. 1) It's called the chaingun. Aside from that there are numerous graphical differences. 2) It has no support crane and it also doesn't have an encased feeding tube. Instead the chaingun feeds from a standard disintegrating belt and has a single bottom grip (rediculous). 3) It only fires 1 round at about 240 rounds per minute (my guess). An M-134 fires 6 rounds at a time and goes through 3000 rounds per minute. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 24, 2001 I agree with deadnail, this is not the Chaingun from Doom. It does look pretty cool though, and I'd love to see it in Doom. But the one thing id shouldn't do is give you weapons like this straight away, like in Serious Sam where you can get a Minigun in the first 15 minutes of the game. id should make us fight for our weapons again. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest PFCRon Posted March 24, 2001 I couldn't get the page to load up. Got a "page could not be displayed" message. Damn computer!!!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted March 24, 2001 deadnail said:Here are some reasons why the gun in Doom is *not* an M-134. 1) It's called the chaingun. Aside from that there are numerous graphical differences. 2) It has no support crane and it also doesn't have an encased feeding tube. Instead the chaingun feeds from a standard disintegrating belt and has a single bottom grip (rediculous). 3) It only fires 1 round at about 240 rounds per minute (my guess). An M-134 fires 6 rounds at a time and goes through 3000 rounds per minute. I know that it's called a chaingun, but big deal, the gun in Q2 called the same thing, and anybody can clearly see that it's a minigun, it has multiple barrels that spins, it spits rounds out like there's no tomorrow and whatnot, The only reason id couldn't goto all the design detail due to the graphical limitations(I'm talking about old DOOM engine) In Q2, the marine was drawn to hold all the weapons(one way!)he holds the puny "Blaster" like he carring any of the larger weapons, so to me the model designer was just being lazy on their part. But aside from that, So what,they call it a chaingun,it's still a minigun.id just designed it a little differently. It's beyond me why they would call a rotating barreled,super rapid firing machinegun a chaingun, most of the chainguns I've seen were way to big and heavy for humans to carry, only found on attack gunships and jetfighters, and those were mostly single barreled chainguns. 0 Share this post Link to post
sirgalahadwizar Posted March 26, 2001 1) Look at the chaingun when you go to pick it up in doom, looks mighty different than a minigun. 2) Miniguns fire much faster, even in a game like doom I would pit their fire rate at aobut 1200 rounds per minute (you have to decerase fire rate to make it playable in a game, it's upwards of 3000-4000 in real life). The Doom Chaingun fires one bullet every 5 tics, 35tics being a second, 5/35=1/7, 7*60= 420 rounds per minute. 3) While chaingun technicially identifies a rotary barreled weapon firing 20mm+ projectiles, I use the term to personally identify a heavy machinegun that either has a large drum of ammunition, or is fed by a disintegrating ammo belt (large, but still light enough to carry - like an m-60). I dont really like the doom chaingun. 0 Share this post Link to post
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