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It wasn't Final Doom!

Guest Aradiel

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Guest Aradiel

Final Doom was the third installment of the Doom series, wasn't it?. Shouldn't it be called Doom 3? Guess it wasn't so final, eh?

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Even id dislikes the DooM "3" label. They just refer to the game as "New DOOM". I donĀ“t know if id had already established the plot of the game, but they seem to be considering the DooM 1 remake idea.

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it wastn teh third installmetn of doom. it was just a collection o f2 unrelated doom2 episodes. it wasnt made by id. it was made by...some guy (i forget his name) adn team tnt. therefor it wasnt an official id released despite the fact that they got all the credit for it. so i guess that means that your just a dumb newbie who has neglected the fact that any idiot could (although dont) look back though the posts to about YESTERDAY and see that we discussed this topic many, many, many, many tiems already...hasta la see ya...in hell

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Guest Archvile46
masterhassan said:

it wastn teh third installmetn of doom. it was just a collection o f2 unrelated doom2 episodes. it wasnt made by id. it was made by...some guy (i forget his name) adn team tnt. therefor it wasnt an official id released despite the fact that they got all the credit for it. so i guess that means that your just a dumb newbie who has neglected the fact that any idiot could (although dont) look back though the posts to about YESTERDAY and see that we discussed this topic many, many, many, many tiems already...hasta la see ya...in hell

Plutonia was made by the Casali brothers...Mario and Dario.

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Guest PFCRon
Zaldron said:

. . .but they seem to be considering the DooM 1 remake idea.

Why not just get GLDoom? Or are you talkin about more than graphics?

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A lot more. Expand the story. Make that "The UAC screwed up and now someone must clean the shit" and actually tell a story.

It wont be a fragfest like Serious Sam or the older DooMs, but I guess it will be groundbreaking...

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