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What about gore?

Guest Corp_Taggart

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Guest Corp_Taggart

What will be the damage system? Will it be like the others, or will it be like SoF?

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Bah, behave you. This is **FAR** from the least intelligible post that's been put here recently.

As for the damage system, it's unknown. Basic hit detection (head equals more damage) is almost guaranteed but id going as far as Raven did with SoF isn't. It could happen, but it's doubtful. Most likely standard gibbing is all.

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deadnail said:

Bah, behave you. This is **FAR** from the least intelligible post that's been put here recently.

I think he means because it's a double-post, not cuz it's stupid ;)

Uh, yeah, good idea there.

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Guest Matt PmRd

Once angain, HOW THE FUCK DO WE KNOW??

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Check Flathead´s, New DooM, DooMWorld or DooMCenter FAQs first. Concrete data about the game´s stored there. Since id´s not monitoring this place (at least that what it looks like) we don´t have any exclusive information...

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