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it is sad, i dont know about all of you but i couldnt buy the gforce3 (necesary to the game), till a long time after the game come out, and then which procesor will we need as a minimum requieriment?

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I am not a computer expert. I am constantly amazed at people like Zaldron and John Carmack who know all that crazy hardware stuff. Nevertheless, here's my take on system requirements :

CPU Speed : About 500Mhz minimum, 800+ recommended
RAM : 128Mb minimum, 256 or more recommended
Video card : 32Mb GeForce minimum, 64 or 128Mb recommended

As video cards get more and more important, I'd rather have a P3 900 with a GeForce3 than a P4 1.5Ghz with a GeForce2MX. So if you really want to spend money on updating for Doom 3, I suggest you get a new 3D card.

Personally, I'm going to get a job this summer (and the next, if Doom3 hasnt come out yet) and scrape some money together. When the first Doom3Test comes out I'll see how it plays on my GeForce2MX, and right before the game comes out, buy a kick-ass card. Fuck, you know Doom 3 is going to be great when I'm actually willing to work for it :)

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I saw a release date for Doom3 on a swedish site.


Just click on "Releaser" and scroll down to D and check it out.

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Guest Dark_Fox
Lord FlatHead said:

I am not a computer expert. I am constantly amazed at people like Zaldron and John Carmack who know all that crazy hardware stuff. Nevertheless, here's my take on system requirements :

CPU Speed : About 500Mhz minimum, 800+ recommended
RAM : 128Mb minimum, 256 or more recommended
Video card : 32Mb GeForce minimum, 64 or 128Mb recommended

As video cards get more and more important, I'd rather have a P3 900 with a GeForce3 than a P4 1.5Ghz with a GeForce2MX. So if you really want to spend money on updating for Doom 3, I suggest you get a new 3D card.

Personally, I'm going to get a job this summer (and the next, if Doom3 hasnt come out yet) and scrape some money together. When the first Doom3Test comes out I'll see how it plays on my GeForce2MX, and right before the game comes out, buy a kick-ass card. Fuck, you know Doom 3 is going to be great when I'm actually willing to work for it :)

Me! Me!
I know alot about computers, I'm getting a F***ing degree in them! Hello! Am I only known for my duck!

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Lord FlatHead said:

Wow wow wow where the fuck did they get that date ?

I guess the crack told them...

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I´ve been seeing results from the T&L capabilities of the GeForce3. There are heavy eye-candy demos using just 5% of the friggin CPU. That´s even less of what Winamp uses.

CPU speed shouldn´t be a big deal. There´s no reason to jump over the +1 GHZ processors, but get yourself a GOOD motherboard. The performance of card´s really influented by this.

The RAM needs won´t be below the 128 mark.

The GeForce3 is the only *EXPENSIVE* thing that we really require. The game´s more than 12 months further. And if the GF3´s still expensive, Im sure Nvidia will release a GF3 MX (probably August or September of this year).

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Zaldron said:

I guess the crack told them...


Well, they´re too optimistic IMO. Nothing before June I´ll say.
Anyway, this guys still promote Ultima Online Worlds : Origin (crappiest name ever made) so their believability falls a notch. Oh! and they have Max Payne as to be released this year...

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