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***Cool hellSpawn***


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If you guys worked for ID software, and you had the chance to design a new creature from hell for Doom 3, what would it look like?

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Guest Dark_Fox

My pimpin duck!
You could also use him as a weapon, the ass plugger, simply walked behind an Baron of Hell and fire.. *Splort!* He not going to be playing craps with the imps any more =)

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A more "psychological" being. Some strange creature more shadow than matter, that keeps appearing trough your journey several times and dissappears in a blink.
Walking trough walls, crossing corridors and making scary echoes donw the halls would be his attacks. It will not harm you in the more "physichal" way, but instead try to scare you (at least for the first levels).

I see it as some sort of "hunter" spirit. After arrasing you for a big part of the game, he would try to kill you as soon as you get into a sticky situation (i.e. Your ammo´s depleted after an intense fight). It would look kinda like a black arch-vile, but fast and furious as an overpowered Imp.

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Guest Aradiel

A re-animated skeleton of some ungodly evil creature. Moves fast, hard to see, sorta like that undead skeleton monster in Serious Sam. Like a Hormagaunt from Warhammer 40k. It'd be nice to see a horde of those bounding toward you.

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Eight feet tall. Thin but muscular, a halfway point between a Revenant and a Baron. Dark gray skin. Lower half has goat legs, with dirty and knotted hair around the hooves. Long tail, maybe 10 feet (occasionally used as a whip). Disproportionately long arms with talon-like fingernails. Bat wings with a span of about 15 feet at least.

The head would look tight and decayed, with eyes glowing red from a human-ish skull. The mouth would be lined with razor sharp teeth, constantly drooling a think yellowed substance. Long and winding horns from above the ears.

This creature would be REMARKABLY fast, swooping in and around you to lash you with it's claws or bite you. May grab you with it's tail... lift you high and just drop you. Getting bitchslapped by a wing would be unpleasant as well and should send you flying through the air with a satisfying 'crack' sound from your armor.

When it wants to, a visible electric current can run along it's skin... and using it's horns as a lighting rod a single bolt of lighting will connect between you and it. Naturally this should hurt like a mofo and the only way to avoid this rare attack would be to dive behind a solid object. One quick blink of a bolt too, not that Shambler style crap. The bolt should curve around, not be a dead straight line either.

When killed it should scream horribly as all of it's flesh melts from it's bones as it collapses into a heap.

This what you wanted to hear?

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Zaldron said:

A more "psychological" being. Some strange creature more shadow than matter, that keeps appearing trough your journey several times and dissappears in a blink.
Walking trough walls, crossing corridors and making scary echoes donw the halls would be his attacks. It will not harm you in the more "physichal" way, but instead try to scare you (at least for the first levels).

I see it as some sort of "hunter" spirit. After arrasing you for a big part of the game, he would try to kill you as soon as you get into a sticky situation (i.e. Your ammo´s depleted after an intense fight). It would look kinda like a black arch-vile, but fast and furious as an overpowered Imp.

like the diciples of d'sparil in heretic, my favorite charecters

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Basically a lost soul, but it would latch onto you and explode if you didn't jump into water quickly enough.

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An Imp, but bigger and more muscular. it's skin is a combination of muddy brown and blood red. about three times as mny spikes adron it's skin than an ordinary imp. It's fireballs would explode like rockets, and if you got too close, it would unleash a flamethrower-like hellfire stream at you. and after you manage to kill it (would have about 300 hit points, Demons have 150)
It would explode, sending razor sharp spines in every direction.

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I would design a completely new demon that would have the ability of telekinesis; that is, it would have the ability to pick up objects in the environment(maybe even other demons) and throw them at you. And that would be its normal attack. Maybe it would have the ability to resist certain weapons, and have the ability to resurrect dead demons, like the Archvile. And it would have the ability to become invisible at will. Not suprisingly, it would exist in very limited quantities, and would be very hard to kill. I haven't thought of a name for it just yet, but I'm thinking of calling it the Phantasm.

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I would design a completely new demon that would have the ability of telekinesis; that is, it would have the ability to pick up objects in the environment(maybe even other demons) and throw them at you. And that would be its normal attack. Maybe it would have the ability to resist certain weapons, and have the ability to resurrect dead demons, like the Archvile. And it would have the ability to become invisible at will. Not suprisingly, it would exist in very limited quantities, and would be very hard to kill. I haven't thought of a name for it just yet, but I'm thinking of calling it the Phantasm.

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