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Aiming System in Doom

Guest c-d-w

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Guest c-d-w

So, do you want the old, tired, crosshair in the middle of the screen aiming system, or perhaps something new where the gun doesn't feel like it's permanently attached to your head?

Ever play Infiltration for UT? Press a special "aim" key, and you will hold your gun differently (rather than the standard off to the side way). For example, the pistol. Hit the aim toggle key, and you now hold the gun in front of you, and you have to <gasp> use the actual sights to aim! - The rifles and machine-guns are similar, except they pull up like you were bracing them on your shoulder. The shotgun turns on a flashlight (cheap, but aim isn't much of a quality I associate with shotguns).

Also, I think there should be a slight noticable delay while mLooking. Think about it. You suddenly look left, your head is going to be there before your gun is. I want to feel like my head is a part of my body, not cemented to my shoulders.

Finally, I'm all for a little bit of realism. Not over the top, but simple and effective like SoF (which is the way I forsee id doing it).

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I think a laser pointer would be cool. Attached to the side
of the helmet or whatever....
If there would be athmospheric (? is this word correct ?)
fog, it would look very awesome when the laser gets through it.

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A laser pointer would be a no-brainer thanks to pixel shaders. It will look better than any pointer made until now.
The fog would be a cool addition, an a easy thing to code...

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