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Another "Whacky" Idea


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Aw Crap I just wrote a master piece here and my computer f**ks up and removes it all! Aw crap.......


Any Way, the brief point about what I said was, that the should be a 3D RTS Where the objective is to scare the shit out of a whole heap of people until the place becomes abandoned, and only rumours about the place are ever spoken about it, at which point you move on and go to a new place, all camera angles and a first person mode as well, or perhaps you can play a tourist and the computer tries to scare you, but I don't know..............

I know this is NOT a Doom 3 topic but we have discussed all items to the death anyway so I came up with this.

Tell me what you think.

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Guest KilboypowerheaD

sounds pretty cool, well what are ya waiting for? get scripting!!

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KilboypowerheaD said:

sounds pretty cool, well what are ya waiting for? get scripting!!

I wish I could, I don't know anything about that stuff,
I wish I did,

Maybe if someone did it for me...............................

Maybe I could get the Wolf3D source code, and learn from it!!!

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