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Been thinking


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OK, they had the gameplay at E3, does anyone know what the fps was? What I heard was 30 fps. However, by the time the game comes out, we will have gone through the next gen of ATI and Nvidia cards, and maybe near the gen after that. Same goes for chips, we might be breaking the 4 ghz range by then. I know the 3.08 ghz p4 is supposed to be out first quarter 2003. I guess what I'm saying is that the game will fly on machines that come out around the games release. Anyone else been thinking about this?

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it won't matter whether you play doom3 on todays top-of-the line tech or the next generation tech. doom3 was built to run very well with the gf3 generation of tech. so what i am saying is you won't really see a difference between playing doom3 on a gf4 ti4600 & a p4 2.2 ghz or playing on a next gen ATI & 3.08ghz pentium. does that make sense?

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From what we've heard the E3 presentation was running at 1280x1024 with most of the graphics options on, on an early version of ATI's new card. Judging from the video it maintained 20-30fps troughout the presentation, apart from a few slow bits (the portal opening for example).

So yes, by the time the game is out it will fly on high-end cards and run very reasonable on middle-range cards (GeForce3, Radeon8500).

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Did you notice that they didn't mention anything about the new NV30 and 35? I guess because they know once again ATI will be raped, since the NV35 does 500mhz and the ATI only does 315

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Alientank said:

Did you notice that they didn't mention anything about the new NV30 and 35? I guess because they know once again ATI will be raped, since the NV35 does 500mhz and the ATI only does 315

If you consider that though, a Pentium 4 runnning at 1.3ghz is easily outperformed by an AMD running at 1.1ghz... so speeds aren't as good as well built tech

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I guess you have a point there, however from what I've seen the TI4600 rapes the Radeon 8500 in all game tests. I'd expect the trend to continue

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