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Plasma rifle & BFG ???

Guest s999cop

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Guest s999cop

okay, plasma rifle appears in doom3 most likely, agreed? and so will BFG. I remember last week when I started to play Quake3 in multi when I first try and test the weapons out, I couldn't believe plasma rifle can even melt yourself when you shoot off the wall closely. Wait, wait, wait! Scientifically, plasma is only some sort of blood cells. If we are speaking chemically, plasma is something deals with electricity. If plasma can even melt yourself off the wall, what kind of plasma is that? is that electronic? I don't think that would fit in Doom3, if so, BFG also uses up cells too. Does that mean when you shoot BFG off the wall, the target you shot and yourself will die? NO WAY , man! I think plasma rifle and BFG can change their lookings, ammounts of holding ammo, reloading methods, and other features that can be added on

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I think plasma (physical, not blood plasma) is a degree between gas and pure energy, so a real plasma rifle would hurt things much more than it does in the games.

BTW, I don´t want the same old BFG again in Doom3 (neither the Q2 BFG or the Q3 lamer weapon -the only unbalanced Q3 weapon btw-). If there is some kind of BFG that uses some nuclear plasma stuff, it should behave and look totally different to the old BFGs.

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I would love to see a Plasma Rifle that you could change the power setting on.

Setting 1:Slow firing explosive plasma bolt.
Setting 2:Ordinary fire
Setting 3:Concentrated stream of plasma
Setting 4:Like setting 2, but a WHOLE lot stronger, and it can overheat and explode

I think that would be cool.

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Guest Dark_Fox

Plasma is also another stage of matter. A semi-solid gas, this is found in our sun also. They have been able to create some plasma in the NASA labs but it quickly broke down afterwards.

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Guest Dark_Fox
Tetzlaff said:

I think plasma (physical, not blood plasma) is a degree between gas and pure energy, so a real plasma rifle would hurt things much more than it does in the games.

BTW, I don´t want the same old BFG again in Doom3 (neither the Q2 BFG or the Q3 lamer weapon -the only unbalanced Q3 weapon btw-). If there is some kind of BFG that uses some nuclear plasma stuff, it should behave and look totally different to the old BFGs.

Thank you =)

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Dark_Fox said:

Plasma is also another stage of matter. A semi-solid gas, this is found in our sun also. They have been able to create some plasma in the NASA labs but it quickly broke down afterwards.


I can´t believe he tought "plasma" was referred to the blood liquid base :D

What´s interesting of plasma it´s the lighting. At dark places, the thing glows, while under sunlight, it looks like mercury.

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Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma, that's what they're referring too. It's not a blood squirt gun. Plasma is not a type of electricity either, it's the type of 'fire' (for lack of a better word) that the sun is made out of.

As for ammo... well, fuel cells exist. They look similar to the cells in Doom. They combine oxygen and hydrogen to produce heat, electricity and pure water. It's 100% clean energy. The byproduct (without heat capture) is STEAM, so vents on the side of the weapon that release steam would be a nice touch.

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Like the ASMD from Unreal...

Besides, there´s another state of matter : Bose-Einstein Condensated Cube.

"fire" is a good term, since most of actual fire´s composition is plasma (according to some new theories).

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Zaldron said:

Besides, there´s another state of matter : Bose-Einstein Condensated Cube.

Zaldron, do you have any idea what your own IQ is ?

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Guest Epistax

Solids: Molecules/whatever have strong/many bonds
Liquids: Less/weaker bonds
Gasses: Very weak/very few bonds
Plasma: No Bonds, no molecules, pure atoms.

That condensed cube thing.. never heard of. Every bond possible is made I assume.

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Plasma: A state of gas in which more than 50% of the molecules are ions.

Basicially, plasma is a fire so hot that it will melt any kind of solid material in existance. Lightning produces plasma for a brief instant when it strikes. When you have problems thinking aobut what it would look like, think about the reflection of the sun off of a car: Imagine that bright ball travelling, that is waht plasma would look like.

The sun is composed of a hydrogen/helium plasma of extreme temperature (in the core).

Unfortunatly, scientificially plasma cannot be shot like it has been with the plasma rifle because in real life it would explode like a bomb as soon as it came out the barrel. This is the one big stopping block for most plasma weapons in the sci-fi universe from not being "sci-fi" but instead real.
But what would make it so effective is that it explodes on contact with anything solid it hits (and even more violently with liquids like water).

It's a wonder that the bfg doesnt kill everything in the room on impact with ll the plasma it has (but wait... it does :)

BFG uses an unknown energy type to be able to hit things in your view (and not you too), but i assume it it partially made up of plasma.

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Actually I think plasma is it's own state of matter, less stable than even gas. In this state, the atoms move so fast that they smack electrons, neutrons, and protons off each other (maybe just electrons). This creates a hell of a lot of ions. Plasma can be found naturally in stars, lightning, and electricity.

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I find that very strange-if plasma can melt anything solid in existance, then why does take 300 shots to kill a CyberDemon? Wouldn't plasma tear through flesh like a laser through butter?

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what's more interesting is the question of containment.
Plasma can indeed go through pretty much any physical material, so the only real way to contain it is with a REALLY powerful electromagnetic field, like they're doing in some experiments now. So it would be more likely that you'd see a plasma weapon mounted on a battleship or something.
Even if you could scale that kind of technology down to a semi-portable level, you still have to bear in mind that it would act like a plasma rocket engine.

So, basically you pull the trigger, the Cyberdemon in front of you is reduced to it's sub-atomic componants, you go permenantly blind, and by the time you realize your arm is gone, the gun is halfway back to Earth. =(

Man, I'm not so sure I like this whole realism thing...

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