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Ha! id already got my idea,what a coincidence

Guest s999cop

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Guest s999cop

i remember my first post in here was about the weapon i so-called it "x-railgun", did i even mention and explain about what was its functions? probably not practically, i was too hurry had to go. I said it can blast the whole screen a flash for a sec and everything in your way die. In Quake3 Teamarena, id already made a weapon calls Kamikaze. It just has a similar function as my idea for x-railgun, somehow we killers' thoughts are connected...suppose

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Guest Dark_Fox

:| -"Shoot me"

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"the whole screen a flash for a sec and everything in your way die"

Hmm, that sounds strikingly similar to the BFG 9000, plagarist.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Yeah, isn't the idea of a railgun that it's very percise and accurate. Shooting a peice of titanium at an extremely high speed... I don't see how the "X-Railgun" is even connected to the Railgun in concept.

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I thought you meant an X-ray gun... But both wouldn´t work the way you describe, railguns are super precise weapons, you need precise aiming, the high accelerated projectile hits instant and precise, what the hell has a big flashy Kamikaze explosion to do with that?!

By the way, the Kamikaze in Team Arena is not what i would call a weapon, it´s more an item ore a "spell".

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deadnail said:

"the whole screen a flash for a sec and everything in your way die"

Hmm, that sounds strikingly similar to the BFG 9000, plagarist.

No, it´s s999cop´s very own original idea, never heard of big flashy screen filling explosions before :D LOL

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That idea was used before, in ROTT.

That one flamecannon thing that exploded in a "+" shape of explosions... conincidentially it also invented the concept of rocket-jump for the first time (becasue it would blow you 3 stories into the air, although it would usually kill you).

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The famous "Rise of the Triad"

Damn, that game was made with the Wolf3D engine, but the design and gameplay were light years ahead...

Anyone remembers all the multiplay options?

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Well not really... it was a really funny game with lots of gameplay in it. And the weapons ruled. Basically you move around shooting terrorists.

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