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deadnail, your service is needed


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in the general forum. theres some shithead going by the name "fuckmordeth." if you havent been there yet...go. hes posted about 40 things in a row...all teh same post,

your mission- delete these posts, every last one of them. then return safely to the doom3 forum.. now go angels..i mean deadnail

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I'm a Doom 3 Forum moderator numbnuts, hence, I moderate the Doom 3 forum.

That requires the BLUE keycard. I only have the RED keycard.

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Too bad. The general forum is in dire need of your pruning talents right now.....

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Linguica already made the dirty work...

Anyway, why did everyone went nuts there? I mean, there´s a lamer named "fuckmordeth" who made his trick and then dissappeared. Now most of the thread´s just a shitload of "WTF HAPPENED HERE?" topics...

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deadnail said:

I'm a Doom 3 Forum moderator numbnuts, hence, I moderate the Doom 3 forum.

That requires the BLUE keycard. I only have the RED keycard.

numbnuts? who are you calling...oh yes, numbnuts, right

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