Guest Cop999 Posted March 30, 2001 hey hey anyone watched the doom3 movie yet? o, i just did. God, it rocks! having this big public conversation with so many professional people about only this incredible engine - GeForce3, and it's new, it's cool, it rocks, so hard to believe it so, so hard to describe how cool it is! And id (John Carmack) is the first one who uses this computer graphic engine to make Doom3, haha lets just have some seats and watching Quake3 sitting duck! Is John Carmack is the smartest computer programmer you ever seen or what? In his explanation about GeForce3, i heard carmack mostly notices about the light and shadow, and monsters can be making it scarier. ohyeah, especially he said it has to be more realistic, hell cool! Also i remember that some site(maybe quake3world) says not all the people in ID agreed on start planning Doom3 project, but it says even though some ppl don't agree, John Carmack and Adrian Carmack will still do it, god they are the men! They said If they want to postpone Doom3, unless they fire both carmacks. If so, that's the suckiest news ever that they'd miss these two international geniuses. And John has made a smart choice to make doom3, he's gonna earn like billions again ! ohyea, Doom3 Rulesssssss 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted March 30, 2001 Yeah, Everyone has seen the video, it IS VERY IMPRESSIVE! But we are waiting for the next one! Carmack is not the first to use it, many have already used it and revealed some incredible screen shots (all at the MacWorld Expo) but the DOOM3 ones were the most impressive. And about that Quake3World Article you read about Some members of iD not want a New Doom to be made................. The Way I understood it was that Kevin Cloud & Adrian Carmack where against it but THE CARMACK said "yes we are making it, if you want us to stop you will have to fire us" So Cloud & Adrian kicked Paul Steed out the window(fired him), despite the fact he was extremely talented. At least that is how I read it, Am I right or not Correct me if I am Wrong. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cop999 Posted March 30, 2001 yeah, maybe you re right about that carmack wasnt' the first one who used GeForce3, but in computer gaming , carmack is the first one who uses it to make pc game, right? (correct me if im not right) And about that article, i don;t really remember it, i just randomly read it at like 2am., heh i dont remember clearly, gotta go check it out. i only remember some of it from my memory 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted March 30, 2001 Yeah Same here, I read it about 8 months ago, so I might of got some things wrong, yeah On that second thing: I am not sure, I read somewhere that Unreal 2 will use the GeForce 3, but it doesn't look like it, who knows, Carmack being the Genius he is made the most out of the GeForce 3's power which is why every ones jaw dropped. We will see. First Computer Game in GF3: probably. Doom 3 WILL KICK some serious A*S If this makes any sense, tell me and I will fix it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 30, 2001 Sweeney´s just taking advantage of the T&L and the texture passes, Carmack´s making the GF3 sweat and pour blood. 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted April 1, 2001 I see the difference now, yeah, but I never liked Unreal anyway so I will Stick to Doom and the New Doom. 0 Share this post Link to post
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