sirgalahadwizar Posted March 30, 2001 This has nothing to do with doom3, instead it has very much to do with gameplay in general across most FPS's. The main gist is what you consider to be the ultimate balanced weapon in a game. This doesn't mean a wepaon that fires a thousand bfg blasts per minute, it means what kind of weapon do you always end up using in a game, or if all weapons were mostly equal and you had to pick one based upon your preference for attack style - what kind of weapon would you pick. Types: A) Rifles/very accurate weapons. Includes railgun and sniper rifles. It does lots of damage, but requires great aiming skill to use and doesnt work well against moving targets. Slow reload factor. It's an all or nothing effect. Ammunition is plentiful and used quickly. B) Explosives. Includes rocket launchers and grenades. It does much damage, and is a hazard just to be around, unfortunatly they have travel-time and can be dodged. Ammunition is usually scarce because of the power it represents. C) Blasters/plasma. Fires bolts of plasma or some other kind of "energy" at the target, these attacks have travelling time - it takes time for the projectiles to hit the target, but they do lots of damage and have an excellent firing rate. Some of these weapons allow you to fire the said energy type in a continious stream (sacrficing power for attack speed). Ammo for these types of weapons is usually scarce, but more common in technological areas and is usually used very quickly. D) Shotgun/Spread attacks. Fires many inaccurate shots at the target, does more damage up close than farther away by virtue of how many shots miss. Can be a cumbersome weapon from slow reload or from how inaccurate it is. Ammo is common, but doesnt need to be because these weapons use the ammo slowly. E) Specialized attacks. Includes the "snark", chainsaw, impact hammer, "trap" (from quake2 mission pack), and many others that have a specific function. While some are more powerful than others (something that can be equalized), they add a somewhat interesting perspective to gameplay. I want to know what kinds of weapons you guys prefer. It could be a mix between the types or it can be something I didn't mention. Say, for instance, a blaster shotgun, or an accurate explosive launcher (like a rifle though). 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest RaYnoR Posted March 30, 2001 semi-auto rifle would do for me. good rate of fire, and moderate damage. doomwise, I would go for plasma rifle hands down. works great with arch-viles. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 30, 2001 F) Rapid fire bullet weapons. Fire a constant stream of somewhat accurate bullets. Ammunition is not common but not rare either, and its used rapidly. I like the idea of a Plasma Rifle like the one from Excessive Overkill Q3A. Of course, it should use ammo 10x faster, but it's hella crowd control! =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 30, 2001 I've always had a preference for assault rifles. Most explosive weapons don't do anything for me (very few games get the rocket launcher right, including quake 1 + 2 and Doom). And those damn snarks just scare the shite out of me. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted March 30, 2001 Personally I've always prefered miniguns, machineguns, etc. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 30, 2001 Above all, I always prefered medieval melee weapons like axes and hammers. Anyway, I´m the guy who loves shotgun. There´s something special about shooting those babies at zero range. Mmh, gibilisious... My other choice would be rifles. I like quick ballistic weapons, altough I dislike chainguns and similar. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted March 30, 2001 As a Quake3 player I don´t really have a favorite kind of weapon, because for every situation there is another weapon combination that works best. This is also what I want in a good singleplayer game, not one perfect balanced weapon, but the whole armory perfectly balanced to make a good use of all the weapons. But let me think... in Doom2 I used the single barrelled shotgun very often. In Quake2 the machinegun and the grenade launcher, but also the small shotgun for the guard guys and the railgun against bigger enemies, so that was a kind of good balance for the whole armory. In Halflife I used that small machinegun almost all the time. In the first Daikatana episode that ion blaster was my favorite. So maybe type C) is my favorite kind of weapon. 0 Share this post Link to post
Amanichen Posted March 30, 2001 1. Shotguns, shotguns, shotguns (Doom 2 S-Shotgun) 2. Quake 2 chaingun - Damn i love giving myself 10,000 ammo and just letting loose. I did some math, and at full speed its like 4000 rpm or something like that. (correct me if i'm wrong). 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dark_Fox Posted March 30, 2001 My Duck! The ass plugger 4000 Plug some Baron ass! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dark_Fox Posted March 30, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:I've always had a preference for assault rifles. Most explosive weapons don't do anything for me (very few games get the rocket launcher right, including quake 1 + 2 and Doom). And those damn snarks just scare the shite out of me. HL's Rocket Luancher is perfect! 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 30, 2001 Nah, Shogo´s better. It´s fast, has quick reload and the explosion´s probably the most realistic up to date. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest s999cop Posted March 31, 2001 In Doom & Doom2 Super shotgun, BFG are the safest arms for yourself at the beginning of 1 on 1 match, rocket launcher is also perfect to prevent your opponet moving toward you. I think SSG and BFG is the best combination for skill players, such as Adam Hegyi In Quake3 umm, Railgun, looks cool Grenade laucher is good for camper. heh 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted March 31, 2001 call me sentimental...the double barrel shotty you can't beat it for running up on things and BAM! deathmatch or single player... 0 Share this post Link to post
Lost Soul Posted March 31, 2001 RaYnoR said:semi-auto rifle would do for me. good rate of fire, and moderate damage. doomwise, I would go for plasma rifle hands down. works great with arch-viles. Shotguns, Shotguns, SHOTGUNS!! Nothing is better than rushing an enemy point blank, and feeding them both barrels or buckshot! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest His Divine Shadow {PHX} Posted April 1, 2001 Well I have one rule for good weapons, IMO anyhow. Not all weapons in the game should follow this but some. "Primitive, Brutal yet efficient" Example: Game - Blood 1 Hairspray + Zippo lighter = Flamethrower = Burning enemies and innocent bystanders. 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted April 1, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:I've always had a preference for assault rifles. Most explosive weapons don't do anything for me (very few games get the rocket launcher right, including quake 1 + 2 and Doom). And those damn snarks just scare the shite out of me. My Choice really depends on which game I play, In some games the Chaingun could be the be all end all, but in others it is rubbish. However. I will always use: Sniper Rifle. (IGI, Delta Force's, Battlezone's (Free Tanks) Rocket Launcher. (Doom, Quake, Quake 3 Arena, Half-Life) Grenade Launcher. (Mp5 Secondary in Half-Life, Quake 3 Arena) RailGun (Quake2, Quake 3 Arena) Traps (A)Trip Mine (Half-Life) (B)Satchel Charge (Half-Life) Unusual (A)Flare gun (Blood) (B)Snarks (Half-Life) - Little bastards could really get you paranoid, hear their sqeak and look every where for them for about 5 minutes, then they swarm you like nothing else! ALL Rise Of The Triad Rockets! (On that note: Are you sure it used the Wolf3D engine?) 0 Share this post Link to post
sirgalahadwizar Posted April 2, 2001 I agree. Depending on which game I play, and what options are available, my weapon's style changes. The question I first posed came out all wrong. It basicially had the guidelines of the sort-of perfect weapon you guys would want to use - provided it was perfectly balanced with the rest of the weapons. It would be a new weapon really. In ROTT, I tend to use the mp-40 alot, and do, for some reason always end up defaulting to the plain vanilla bazooka. I hate the drunk missile (unless im killing those tough dudes in black armor). I also like the firebomb and the darkstaff (heh, a railgun-like attack using a projectile!). I didn't like how most of the "dumb" enemies took so long to kill with the machinegun. And yes, it was an offshoot of wolf3d (because of all the square walls, it wasn't vector-based maps like doom is, they just added a vertical component to the game). I only use Sniperrifle-like weapons if I can effectivly shoot them on the run. I have to be able to point and shoot, and have it shoot exactly when I pressed the fire button, unlike quake2's railgun in multiplayer (but I still use it pretty good anyway). A railgun is just a glorified sniper rifle. I dont like rocket launchers, esp doom's. They screw up gameplay in multiplayer (especially quake2 goddamit!) and don't look all that too attractive. Besides, they don't usually get a very nice looking explosion either. I love grenade launchers. Unfortunatly, doom doesn't have one (but some mods for it do). I love chainguns, but more specificially, the ones that dont have spin-up/spin-down (like doom chaingun, or plain ol' machineguns). I do tend to switch weapons when I meet up with a tougher baddie though, and it is pretty much perfect for multiplayer if you like hitting thins from a distance (it's hard to dodge a stream of inaccurate bullets). I like using blaster-like weapons such as plasma rifle because they are usually pretty. I do not, however like using them in multiplayer because it is usually really easy for someone else to dodge, and I end up expending all of my ammo for a measily 3 hits. It's projectiles have travel time, and this makes it abit unusable at greater distances. BFG-like weapons ahve always been at the top of my list. Even though i've never played unreal or UT, im sure I would quickly attach myself to the AMSD. These weapons are like a super rocket launcher using common ammunition. They do extreme damage - a plus for hitting big guys, and if they are an "energy" wepaon (shoots out plasma or something) they usually use the common "energy cell"-type ammunition. I dont care what you say, or understand why they ban it in DM, but the BFG10k in quake2 isn't really much of a threat - it takes forever to fire, uses up lots of ammo (ie, doesn't have many shots), and you have to sit out in the open for awhile to reap it's rewards (perfect time for someone to take your head off); You also can't just go up to someone and plug a cap in them either with it, because it has large splash damage now. I've never played blood or H/L, but heard of the snarks and seen what the flare gun does. Can you shoot the snarks as they come for you (like you can shoot an incoming redeemer missile)? 0 Share this post Link to post
Necromancer Posted April 4, 2001 Lost Soul said:Shotguns, Shotguns, SHOTGUNS!! Nothing is better than rushing an enemy point blank, and feeding them both barrels or buckshot! CHAINGUNS!!! GOTTA HAVE 'EM!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
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