Guest Mauler Posted April 7, 2001 Everyone knows that Doom and gore are synonymous (or however you spell that). A couple days ago I saw a thing on the news about video game violence, they showed Doom. Doom should once again horrify parents everywhere. Realistic gore should be present throughout the game. I think the internal organs of every demon should be modeled. SOF is the game that came the closest to realistic gore, Doom 3 should be completely lifelike. Imagine how gore could be used in scripted events for great effect... You are walking down an empty corridor when you suddenly start hearing screams. You run down the hall and see that a human is crucified. A Baron of Hell is standing in front of the cross and ripping the intestines out of the man and eating them. The man is still alive, blood is shooting everywhere and guts and shattered limbs are everywhere. Then the Baron sees you... Or imagine you are running down a hall with another marine, he goes ahead of you and dissappears around a corner. Screams, roaring... His upper body flys back around the corner, blood shooting out of him as he hits the wall and falls to the ground. He tries to pull himself forward on his arms and a huge demon comes around the corner and flattens his head with it's hoof. Brains and blood squirt everywhere. Just think of how much this would freak you out. There should be some sort of option to turn down the gore, but there should be horrific, grotesque scenes of mutilation and possibly corpse eating. When an imp gets hit with a rocket, it should fly into a thousand pieces. Viscera, bones, and blood should coat the room. Think of a Cannibal Corpse song, think of how gruesome they are, Doom 3 needs to have that level of gore. Or am I just incredibly insane... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest JesusMk2 Posted April 7, 2001 I love these blood lusting sick people! >:) 0 Share this post Link to post
AIRmichael Posted April 7, 2001 Yeah, thats the key. Make doom 3 as scary as possible. I really missed that alot. Now with better graphics and sounds it can be amazing. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted April 7, 2001 Mauler said:Or am I just incredibly insane... You are... ;) But I agree. I would like to see that kind of Gore too.... It'll scare the hell out of you. 0 Share this post Link to post
MaCvILeWhOrE Posted April 7, 2001 Yes, there should be hella tons of besmurched gore everywhere. But no gored babies, That just ain't cool (sorry deadnail), and would really get parents and congress (or whatever you US guys call it) on the game and it would never see the light of day. 0 Share this post Link to post
bigd Posted April 7, 2001 JesusMk2 said:I love these blood lusting sick people! >:) About the comments on technology enhancing the gore... you're right, it will be amazing if they can utilize the tech to make the game extremely dark, scary, and sinister. In the new Doom, impaled guys could be full 3d models, squirming and bleeding but still alive, moaning and maybe shouting insane dillusional things. A scene like that (with monsters growling in the background) would scare the hell out of me... id should definitely use gore as a game-enhancer. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest PFCRon Posted April 7, 2001 You know what's what gonna make it harder to make violence and gore in games at least here in the US now,..........GEORGE W. (for "wussy") BUSH!!!!!!!!!! Damn Republican, he always gets support from the damn religious rights and parents groups! I tell you, republicans, religious right, and parent's groups are so thick-headed! They always say, "We must protect out children!" Protect from what???????? The difference between reality and fantasy?????? I look at it this way; you can't shield kids all their lives, because when they finally grow up (which most kids these days never do by age 20) and they've been shielded, they won't have a clue at what's going on and will still think eveything is real. So, the sooner they know about it the better. And those kids in Columbine had problems and were NOT mature about them. Basically, what it comes down to, I hate (for lack of a better word) people that say violent video games "desensitize" people. Hell, my MOM is the one that got me hooked on DOOM! Yet she doesn't go out and killing people, does she? Thank you and good day. 0 Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted April 7, 2001 Even though I agree with the gore factor and whatnot, But that is not what made DooM have the impact that it did on all of us. What made DooM great was "SUSPENCE!!!" The game could have gore cumming out your monitor in tidel waves, but if it doesn't scare the shit outta you,the game is just not DooM!! It's just another gory shooter,BIG DEAL!! This is probably the most important aspect to the new DooM's success. We need that suspence,all the way through the game. the player have to be kept in stress,off balance and in sheer panic most of the time,he must be afraid of what might be waiting around bend of that darkly litted corrider,or what consequences of going after that killer weapon sitting in the middle of that room. The monsters/mutants or the very enviriment should continue to annoy,worry and punish the player!! SUSPENCE!! SUSPENCE!! SUSPENCE!! That's what made DooM GREAT, not gore. 0 Share this post Link to post
GollumGlitch Posted April 7, 2001 PFCRon said: The problem is that kids are getting more retarded these days. I remember hearing about some stupid kids who got hurt jumping off a balcony pretending that they were a pokemon. Now Imagine if these kids started playing Doom, or some other FPS. they would probly end up shooting them selves with there dads shotgun. Anyway, its acualy up to the parents to teach the kids the diffrence between reality and fantasy. If they did this, there would be no problem with video game violence. As long as there is a warning on the game box that suggests that you be so old to play the game, you can't blame the game company for anything stupid the kid might do after they play it. Its up to the parents to make sure there kids aren't stupid enough to take the game literaly, and if they are that dumb, to make sure the kid dosn't play the game in the first place. Any way, Im sure most you in this forum have played violent video games for years, and have not yet brutily murdered someone. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest interrupt 00h Posted April 7, 2001 GollumGlitch said:The problem is that kids are getting more retarded these days. I remember hearing about some stupid kids who got hurt jumping off a balcony pretending that they were a pokemon. Now Imagine if these kids started playing Doom, or some other FPS. they would probly end up shooting them selves with there dads shotgun. Anyway, its acualy up to the parents to teach the kids the diffrence between reality and fantasy. If they did this, there would be no problem with video game violence. As long as there is a warning on the game box that suggests that you be so old to play the game, you can't blame the game company for anything stupid the kid might do after they play it. Its up to the parents to make sure there kids aren't stupid enough to take the game literaly, and if they are that dumb, to make sure the kid dosn't play the game in the first place. Any way, Im sure most you in this forum have played violent video games for years, and have not yet brutily murdered someone. I am not agree. When children are playing games, they redirect their violence and anger to game monsters. Sublimation of mortido. That's why in some Japan companies there are manequenes of chiefs: by striking them, workers redirect their violence. If human has no way to redirect his dark emotions, he will face stress, pain, depression and desperation. 0 Share this post Link to post
Windowpain Posted April 7, 2001 bigd said:About the comments on technology enhancing the gore... you're right, it will be amazing if they can utilize the tech to make the game extremely dark, scary, and sinister. In the new Doom, impaled guys could be full 3d models, squirming and bleeding but still alive, moaning and maybe shouting insane dillusional things. A scene like that (with monsters growling in the background) would scare the hell out of me... id should definitely use gore as a game-enhancer. Well, Quake2 already had the moaning guys but I want them to look up at me and plead for me to put them out of their misery. 0 Share this post Link to post
Speshul Eddy Posted April 8, 2001 MACVILEWHORE said:Yes, there should be hella tons of besmurched gore everywhere. But no gored babies, That just ain't cool (sorry deadnail), and would really get parents and congress (or whatever you US guys call it) on the game and it would never see the light of day. Yeah, have to say that would be a little over the top. Besides, babies are pretty disgusting to begin with =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Speshul Eddy Posted April 8, 2001 That's what I love about Id. They can make a game with crap-loads of bloody-nasty stuff, and actually have it play well, unlike some companies(cough cough*mortal kombat*cough cough). 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest prets Posted April 8, 2001 PFCRon said:Exactly. For me, DooM's all about suspense. just remembering the first time i went down that 'uge elevator in the crusher level, or whatever it's called, and just going "jeez, it's deep. i wonder what's down there...?", and feeling the tension of facing some big daemon head on. i can only imagine DooM 3 as dark, sinister, filled with ambushes, and preferably some hard to see monsters (not like the invisible daemon in DooM, something more like a stalking monster who hides in shadows, using for such camouflage its dark colour, or sumthin') 0 Share this post Link to post
masterhassan Posted April 8, 2001 GollumGlitch said:The problem is that kids are getting more retarded these days. I remember hearing about some stupid kids who got hurt jumping off a balcony pretending that they were a pokemon. Now Imagine if these kids started playing Doom, or some other FPS. they would probly end up shooting them selves with there dads shotgun. Anyway, its acualy up to the parents to teach the kids the diffrence between reality and fantasy. If they did this, there would be no problem with video game violence. As long as there is a warning on the game box that suggests that you be so old to play the game, you can't blame the game company for anything stupid the kid might do after they play it. Its up to the parents to make sure there kids aren't stupid enough to take the game literaly, and if they are that dumb, to make sure the kid dosn't play the game in the first place. Any way, Im sure most you in this forum have played violent video games for years, and have not yet brutily murdered someone. i agree with you 117 percent. and a half, i rememebr when i used to watch beavis and butthead id hear a word and not know what it meant, but i knew not to repeat it. i was like 6 or 7 i had no clue what horny meant. but i knew it had something to do with penis just because of teh way it sounded. kids these days (i sound liek an old fart dont i?) dotn bother to make that conection., "oh look he said something hahahah its funny.' "do you knwo what it means?" "no but its funny" like my best friends little brother is 9, his mom got a new car and they went over to hi slittle borthesr frieds house, shes a girl. his favorite movie is austin powers, he went up to the girl adn said "does my car make you horny baby?" then he asked his mom "mommy, what does horny mean?' and she got suprised and went liike "wellm, means you want to kiss someone.' for lack of something better to say, then he said "oh, i told her i wanted to kiss her." i swear, nobody knows what common sense is. age has nothing to do with it. and its not just him, my little sister often laughs as jokes, i say "do you knwo what it means?" she says "uh no." 0 Share this post Link to post
Amanichen Posted April 8, 2001 ...or imagine you are running down another hall. Cause u gotta take a monster sized shit! 0 Share this post Link to post
Amanichen Posted April 8, 2001 masterhassan said: how old are you? (seriously, this isn't meant to be an insult to your maturity =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest TheEternalVile Posted April 9, 2001 tsareppsun said:"SUSPENCE!!!" The game could have gore cumming out your monitor in tidel waves, but if it doesn't scarethe shit outta you,the game is just not DooM Cumming out your mouth. Dude 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted April 10, 2001 The first original Doom and Doom2 were both pretty gory, if you ask me. Skewered corpses, and pools of blood all over the place, in certain levels....why shouldn't this stuff return in Doom3? I think the violence level should be between "Senate hearing" level and "original Doom level". Oh yeah, and what about an option for toning down the gore, like in Soldier of Fortune? What gory examples you give. You walk down a hall, and everything is silent. Suddenly you hear gunfire and screams. You rush down the corrior, only to see that a BullDog Demon has gotten ahold of one of your platoon mates and is tearing him to shreds, literally. You see his gun, which is lying twisted on the ground. You fire at the Demon, which turns around sees you. You glance down at hte mutilated Marine, and nearly puke. You see blood and guts all over the place, as well as his intestines and brains and other such things. Thus you are introduced to the BullDog Demon. Now that I 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Tonx Posted April 10, 2001 Yeah! I have waited years and years of this kind of game!! An EXTRA-GORY-GAME! ahhhh... whatta pleasure to kill... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest lordjunge Posted April 11, 2001 that was exactly what i was thinking when i heard that there was gonna be a third doom. organs organs my friend! 0 Share this post Link to post
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