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Damn difficulty levels

Guest Epistax

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Guest Epistax

Pisses me off. Ok on a scale from one to ten this is how hard the difficulties are

I'm Too Young: 1
Not Too Rough: 1
Hurt Me Plenty: 2
Ultra Violence: 3
Nightmare: 17

None of those numbers are too low or too high. The number 17 was found after many moons of research.
Now throw in fast monsters, multiply the number by three. Throw in respawning, multiply it by four. Why doesn't ultraviolence times three times four equal nightmare? Because I'm not that kinda guy.

WTF does this have to do with doom3?

I they either make all the difficulties challenging,
They make it the game progression type so the last level is as hard as beating level 29 on nightmare in 2 minutes. Ok maybe a bit harder.

--Has anyone noticed that when you play coop you die a hell of a lot more?

Ok I kept talking but keep inmind yesterday was my birthday so I earned it.

happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
that makes me 18
happy birthday to me

i could just turn this into a full rant but if I do people may stop taking me seriously and I wouldn't want that because people don't like reading run on sentences cause they just keep going and going which irritates people with their personal problems.

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Happy B-day. Nice email adress ;)

Anyway, you´re right. The difficulty levels make no sense for experienced players. Ultra-Violence is the only choice for those guys who don´t want to speed run the levels (like me).

Personally I think they have to make every difficulty challenging. Modern FPSs aren´t that hard like DooM (except Serious Sam) because they use crazy enemies amount. There´s a limit for your brain/hand coordination, you know...
This should be fixed as soon as we get incredible AI, something that hasn´t been pulled out quite right yet. DooM3´s a nice candidate for the credit, since the renderer´s now almost entirely calculated in the GPU, leaving the CPU for these kind of stuff...

Altough some modern FPS have hard difficulties. Shogo springs to my mind. The last diff. level was really unfair, you died in a single spread of bullets, while enemies needed an entire M16 clip in their heads. SoF has an Unfair setting kinda like DooM´s Nightmare, wich is almost impossible. Serious Sam has a completely wicked Serious difficulty. Thief makes it harder by forbidding killing & knocking. System Shock in Impossible practically leaves you out of ammo and equipment 95% of the time.

Doom3 will be hard, specially if you play it for the first time at max difficulty. I make this for almost every shooter out there, and works pretty much all the time. We can´t expect DooM, an old game that we have already wasted several times, to be challenging. That´s why we have wicked wads and mods.

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Epistax said:

Ok I kept talking but keep inmind yesterday was my birthday so I earned it.happy birthday to me happy birthday to methat makes me 18happy birthday to me

Hey, mine too... cool. I'm 16, though.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

I agree. =)

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Guest Epistax
Zaldron said:

Wow you got something intelligent out of that?
yeah the email is nice but it gets so much junk mail now I may just drop it. I used to have president@unitedstates.com then thepres@unitedstates.com... but they took it away.

ANYway... :)

Brings me to another idea that is worthy of another thread but oh well. Saved games. Like'm? Need changing?
If we want to turn down the frustrating sense of doom, then it makes sence to be able to save at any point in the game. The problem is that in some cases that can be lame. ("yes i hit him now I will save it and if I get hit I will reload"). well ok maybe those are like the people who use cheats. they only ruin it for themselves but are usually too stupid to notice.

If I had an argument I countered it and won so no reply is needed.

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There was a "Daily Victim" on Gamespy some days ago called "Saveaholic". Infinite saving is a must for some people and just an option for others. While the first doesn´t need precisely 4354354 quicksaves per second to beat the game (in fact, sometimes they forget to save at all), they feel comfortable by having the option to save whenever the hell they want.

I´ll like a limited free-position saving system. People could slide the amount from 0 up to infinite. 1 or 2 should be enough for me, and if the games does autosave they aren´t needed at all. I have found that the lack of saving really puts you in the game, the inmersiveness goes really high, and all your focus/reflexes are focused on the game. A RTS player plays single player campaings peacefully, while they turn into adrenaline pumping beasts when they´re multiplaying.

The "you can´t undo your errors" effect really boosts up scary games. That´s why I want it on DooM3. Heck, if the game doesn´t come with this feature, I´ll play without savegames anyway...

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In my opinion it does not really matter when you save, but: I have played a few games where you could either save between levels or once you completed that level it would save it in a profile so you did not have to save it. The problem with this is that if the levels are big and take a long time to do you could get to metres away from the exit and do a dumb thing and get killed. You would then have to start it all over again, one example I can think of now is Alien Level 1 in AvP. I have played that level so often I know it incredibly well, yet I can not complete it. It gets boring.

Examples like this are reasons for in level saving,

At the same time Project IGI (I'm Going In) has the same system but nowhere near as repetetive, Maybe you could put it in the options menu: Options: Save Style A) In Game. B)Autosave (between levels)

It really depends on the player though.

AvP IS a good game though.

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Guest Epistax

maybe a time delay type thing- it saves every level, then if you get killed, you can go back 10 minutes or something. That way you wouldn't just be able to keep trying the same thing, but you also wont be lost on a huge level.

then again I don't care if someone ruins the game by saving every frame just as long as they don't brag about beating it. damn them. hehe

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