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My God, man!


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Hey, watch it with that rocket launcher, buddy!
*Another senseless post by me*
Oh yeah, I know you're goin' to flame me big time for this one, but franky, I don't care!!
(rocket launches into my stomach)

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deadnail, DON´T delete this one.

Im making a new thread called "The morons and History". The true story of the dawn of newbie bashing. Seriously, I´m gathering all the gay posts this forum has stashed so far...

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Well that sounds like an... ambitious project. I hope your harddrive can handle it 'cuz this forum sure as seen a real cavalcade of idiocy.

BTW, you're not going to include swear matches between me and Sokath and our little MUD wargames are you?

Oh the hell with it; anything worth doing is worth doing well. Get them all, and see if you can get all of MacVileWhore's ultra-inflammatory rhetoric as well.

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"Gordon, get away from there! It's about to blow! No Gordon! Just get away...smacking it with your crowbar will just make it worse! Gordon! No! It's not that kind of headcrab! Just get away from that Diomatic-Endotonic-Subliminaplasmic-Ectodioxic Converter! No! I already said the crowbar isn't effective on it! Gordon! Noooooo! <KABOOOM>"

--Half-Life, the director's cut

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masterhassan said:

those insult game thingymafuckers were awesome. do the forums kepp posts dating back that far?

This is thread39 (for now called "closed"). Just throw a number from 2 to 38, and you´ll find ALL the messages stored. In Thread_closed2 you´ll find "Those who aren´t here anymore", the REAL oldies...

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Zaldron said:

deadnail, DON´T delete this one.

Im making a new thread called "The morons and History". The true story of the dawn of newbie bashing. Seriously, I´m gathering all the gay posts this forum has stashed so far...

Hey, instead of deleting these posts, we should have some sort of idiot post dungeons where all these threads get moved to so we can all go there and laugh at them.

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Guest Matt PmRd
DooMBoy said:

*Another senseless post by me*


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Zaldron said:

This is thread39 (for now called "closed"). Just throw a number from 2 to 38, and you´ll find ALL the messages stored. In Thread_closed2 you´ll find "Those who aren´t here anymore", the REAL oldies...

It's like every forum has a great grudge against newbies.....GIVE IT SOME MORE I SAY

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