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Skull Tag and Commador 64...


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Skull Tag is Skull Tag..They should not change the name! Its classic, and will cause frustration... keep it Skull Tag!

Doom for the Commador64? Where the hell do I get that??

Somone mentioned earlier that they never seen a good nuke in a game... Try Red Alert II...

Peace out..

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Guest Epistax

looks to me like someone went to the wrong forum

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Ph yeah, F22 Lightning III also has a good Nuke. Cya'll...
Oh yeah... I was so bored today, I read Hell on Earth all the way through in less than three hours.. bye bye..

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Well, if they want to change their name I'm fine with that... it's their project, they have free will to do as they please within their license.

What about the name 'Hunter Hunted'? No, well.. fuck you. =P

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If they want to call it "Mighty gay ballerinas fighting for Justice in tiny underwear holding bundles of Xtrastrong dynamite" I´m fine with that.

DooM for the commodore, why you´ll want that? After the PC versions of DooM, I´ve never wanted to touch any other OS/console/computer port. The true essence of the game it´s there...

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Jeremy said:

Ph yeah, F22 Lightning III also has a good Nuke. Cya'll...
Oh yeah... I was so bored today, I read Hell on Earth all the way through in less than three hours.. bye bye..

What was that? Some kind of Big Brother Online or something.
I think that I speak for the people when I say "No one want´s to know how many times you went to the bathroom today"...

Oh, yes, and for the freaks that could ask... I went 6 times today :P

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Doom for Commadore 64...dammit I wish they had that around back when I had mine. I used to play that all the time: Choplifter, Donkey Kong, Centipede, Jumpman, Pitfall, Congo Bongo...good times.

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There is NO game with a good nuke. Every one with a 'nuke' is more like a big bomb instead. Hell, in Red Alert II, a nuke show blow up more than half the map, literally. I hate it when you launch a new within 50 feet of a power plant and it looses 3 health.

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