Disorder Posted April 11, 2001 I think it's safe to say the plasma-rifle will return in D3. In my eyes it's the coolest gun in Doom... But, if it will return, would you guys rather have the same plasma-rifle or not? If not, what would you dudes change? The only thing i'd like to change are the "balls" spitting out of the gun. They should look different and lighten up the whole room. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest lordjunge Posted April 11, 2001 havent they done that in q3 already? 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted April 11, 2001 I hope it works like a fluid, instead of a particle array. Kinda like the cool RTCW flamethrower, but made of a glowing blue light. The shape of the weapon was pretty cool, one of the most "advanced" weapons in the game, altough it had a nice "old" touch with the brown part. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 11, 2001 One aesthetic change I would make is that the gun has steam ports on the side... you know, the only byproduct of using fuel cells. Make it more realistic. As for an alt-firing mode... I'd say either shots that hit instantly (no travel time), do 2x damage and eat up 4x ammo (to keep you from doing it often)... or maybe just a pulse blast like the microwave gun from SoF... either would be hella cool. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Epistax Posted April 11, 2001 I just hope they have alternative fires for each weapon. maybe a faster weaker burst vs a slower stronger burst (that's refire rate mind you). I also hope projectiles in general are faster. The fact that you can outrun a missile in doom is so insanely stupid, almost as stupid as running at a 45 degree angle increases your speed :) personally I jacked up all the missile speeds by about 10, but I don't know what that is ten of. If you make their speeds really high they do cool stuff (like arc) but this tangent belongs in the editing forum. 0 Share this post Link to post
the-widow-maker Posted April 11, 2001 deadnail said:One aesthetic change I would make is that the gun has steam ports on the side... you know, the only byproduct of using fuel cells. Make it more realistic. As for an alt-firing mode... I'd say either shots that hit instantly (no travel time), do 2x damage and eat up 4x ammo (to keep you from doing it often)... or maybe just a pulse blast like the microwave gun from SoF... either would be hella cool. Er, I think that if the gun itself was so futuristic then this alone negates the need for steam ports, since it is reasonable to assume that technology exists to eliminate this. Also I think that the only real change that should be made to the gun is in the plasma rounds themselves: As in L.A.S.E.R technology, the energy of the beam dissipates over distance, so too should the plasma bolts become less effective. The gun should/must be kept the same though-I love the archaic feel that it has, it looks like ancient technology reawakened. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest PFCRon Posted April 11, 2001 Why not have just one gun with alternating ammo? It would be less to carry in real life. But then again, who said video games were a depiction of real life? And even if they were, could a gun like that exist? Just a suggestion. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest CRiZ Posted April 11, 2001 I'd love to see the plasma rifle in DOom3 and I'm almost certain we will. I want the gun to appear and feel as if its not such finely tuned technology. I think it should be some experimental alien-hybrid technology and so shooting it should worry you that you will be hurt. Actually... I realized I'm describing what the BFG should be like. When this fucker goes off, green plasma of death crackles out and fucking melts and chars everything in site. I want lots of energy arcing from the main plama blob and I think that the player should be hurt every time he shoots it and the extent of this damage should be related to how close you are to a wall. But with the BFG, if there's not 30 feet between you and a wall, consider yourself toast. I want electric green plasma FUCK YOU emitted from this thing! 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 11, 2001 the-widow-maker said:Er, I think that if the gun itself was so futuristic then this alone negates the need for steam ports, since it is reasonable to assume that technology exists to eliminate this. Also I think that the only real change that should be made to the gun is in the plasma rounds themselves: As in L.A.S.E.R technology, the energy of the beam dissipates over distance, so too should the plasma bolts become less effective. The gun should/must be kept the same though-I love the archaic feel that it has, it looks like ancient technology reawakened. It still uses cells for fuel. Cells contain hydrogen and their only 'byproducts' are electricity and water. The water is steam without heat capture, so sure, it can leak water instead... although that'll make it look like an air conditioner instead. =) L.A.S.E.R.? Hmm, lasers are beams of light that travel, ahem, at the speed of light. Plasma is the fourth form of matter, it's what fire is made out of. The distance on it should be very high, although I agree with the notion that it loses effectiveness from a distance. 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted April 11, 2001 i'd like to see the old reliable plasma gun in doom 3 too, i didn't like the "updated" look of the one in quake 3 though. i thought it looked like a water gun, and too brightly colored. i think they should go with a more classic look for it, as well for all the weapons...and fix the plasma "balls" 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted April 12, 2001 Zaldron said:The shape of the weapon was pretty cool, one of the most "advanced" weapons in the game, altough it had a nice "old" touch with the brown part. That´s exactly what I love about the look of the old Plasma Rifle =) It looked a bit like a secret experimental weapon from the Second World War. I hope there will be more of that style in Doom3, "grungy futuristic" or how to call it... 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted April 12, 2001 Tetzlaff said:I hope there will be more of that style in Doom3, "grungy futuristic" or how to call it... Exactly.. I love the look of that weapon !! I would love it if all weapons looked like that. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted April 12, 2001 I think the plasma rifle should look a lot like the one in the origional Doom, but more rounded. Both the plasma rifle and BFG looked too clunky, like they were prototype weapons. A great idea for the firing system of the plasma rifle would be to combine the PR and the BFG with an alt-fire system. You could charge the plasma rifle up like the Gauss in half life. Just think of what would happen if you let it overheat and it explodes in a BFG blast. Oh the possibilites... 0 Share this post Link to post
the-widow-maker Posted April 12, 2001 deadnail said:It still uses cells for fuel. Cells contain hydrogen and their only 'byproducts' are electricity and water. The water is steam without heat capture, so sure, it can leak water instead... although that'll make it look like an air conditioner instead. =) L.A.S.E.R.? Hmm, lasers are beams of light that travel, ahem, at the speed of light. Plasma is the fourth form of matter, it's what fire is made out of. The distance on it should be very high, although I agree with the notion that it loses effectiveness from a distance. Stop trying to be technical, it only outlines your ignorance. True plasma IS unlike lasers in many ways (laser-supercharged particles, plasma-ions are in flux so you were right about 4th state) but the only comparison I made was the fact that the two dissipate in power over a distance. How do you know cells contain hydrogen??? I doubt very much you have made a device ressembling the gun. Oh, fire isn't made out of plasma, its the other way round, but even that is stretching the truth. Plasma is infact when the subatomic particles are moving at such speed that the atoms themselves cease to exist, becoming merely cluters of positrons (anti-electrons, which incidentally move BACKWARDS through time, according to Steven Hawking) and gluons. Also I did read you last reply and am slightly appalled that you believe I think about your dick-don't flatter yourself either, as I have probably been with just as many girls as you (unless you are a porn star or something) but I certainly agree- dicks are for chicks. 'Whoa, no slander! I'm impressed!'-yes indeed, this is because I no longer derive any enjoyment from pissing off your 'minions' which you no doubt thanked from coming to your aid, although it seems that you do not need help in an arguement, so perhaps you should tell them to be quiet the next time a 'discussion' ensues, since their pathetic fawning for your attention is sickening. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 12, 2001 "Stop trying to be technical, it only outlines your ignorance." Back with us I see. As for the distance dissipation... don't forget that this is a game world, and only one level is rendered at a time. The distance it would take for a laser to truly dissipate just can't be put into a game (at least not a FPS). "How do you know cells contain hydrogen???" http://www.fuelcells.org Because they already exist. Clean renewable energy, thanks to the Americans. I know it hurts, but hey, you guys got the MSX and we never did. =) As for plasma, well... nothing is solid on that concept yet. The theory is still pretty new and it has changed a lot. I haven't been in school for a good while so I haven't actually heard that latest definition (assuming the one you said is the latest), so I'm still not sold on anything until they've done another decade or so of experiments on the stuff. I'm not much into theory. You've probably been with more girls than I have (I can count them on one hand), I care more about love than sex. Still... we could all use another notch on the belt. =) No longer derive enjoyment from pissing people off? That's good to hear, as I still can't really understand why you ever induced anger for pleasure. I don't need help in an argument? Why, that's the closest you've come to complementing me. Thanks kiddo. Pathetic fawning? Hey, are you guys fawning around here? Whatever problems you have with me can be easily discussed here, however this IS a public forum. If people want to join the argument and take sides they have that right and I don't have the right to deny them that. They're probably on my side because I've done more good for this forum than you have. Keep making good posts and constructive criticisms (devoid of insults or slander) and people will like you. More flies with honey, I say, and boy there are a lot of flies around here... /me stares at Disorder J/K =P 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dream Destroyer Posted April 12, 2001 deadnail said:You've probably been with more girls than I have (I can count them on one hand), I care more about love than sex. Still... we could all use another notch on the belt. =) Actually, I'd prefer not to have any notchs on my belt. Widow-Maker, the fact that you take such a materialistic view on the whole girls/guys thing is dispicable. Do you truly believe that real power comes from being a whore? Which, btw, is exactly what you are stating that you are. You are effectivly calling yourself a slut. Why is being a slut "ok" for a guy, yet girls who feel the same way, consequently the same girls you sleep with, get condoned for it. That's kinda funny actually, if you bring everything down, it's almost like you insult girls for sleeping with you. I don't blame you, hell, I would to. :p 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted April 12, 2001 deadnail said:/me stares at DisorderJ/K =P /me puts gun op to the mouth.... :( Please remove that last line of your post or i'll write deadnail like this : "Deadnail" =P 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 12, 2001 Touchy touchy touchy. Didn't you read the J/K? Put down the gun or I'll delete THAT line! =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted April 12, 2001 Actually, that was meant as a joke.. Nevermind. It's my own typical humour and nobody understands it... :( /me puts gun up to the mouth again....... =) You respond fast man.. 0 Share this post Link to post
sirgalahadwizar Posted April 12, 2001 deadnail said:One aesthetic change I would make is that the gun has steam ports on the side... you know, the only byproduct of using fuel cells. Make it more realistic. As for an alt-firing mode... I'd say either shots that hit instantly (no travel time), do 2x damage and eat up 4x ammo (to keep you from doing it often)... or maybe just a pulse blast like the microwave gun from SoF... either would be hella cool. Well, It definatly wouldn't have steam ports but I do think it needs to ahve a 6-way blast just like a normal machinegun has (except make it really bright and amybe bluish). I definatly think that "cell" has more to do with a self-enclosed energy generation unit than anything else. Not fuel, but an energy clip of sorts - like a really really powerful battery. I definatly do not think that the plasma rifle is a laser. Plasma technology is far more powerful than lasers - at least more efficient. It might use a laser to make the plasma, but dont shoot out a laser. Sorta how an h-bomb uses an a-bomb to trigger it, but isn't designed that the a-bomb would do the most damage. But "Plasma Beam" makes more sense than "Plasma Ball" because plasma inherently likes to explode - and explode really big too. Lasers only decrese in power over distance because they aren't actually a beam - but a very narrow cone. I wanna see all of the "energy" weapons in d3 look more advanced. Q3's plasma rifle just looked too idealistic - sorta how a super soaker looks compared to a real gun. This is one case where I would like to see anime-style energy weapons. I ahve always though a plasma rifle was more of a slow but very powerful shot types of weapons rather than some sort of automatic weapon. "Pulse" and "Blaster" weapons as you commonly know them are actually plasma weapons FYI. 0 Share this post Link to post
the-widow-maker Posted April 13, 2001 Dream Destroyer said:Actually, I'd prefer not to have any notchs on my belt. Widow-Maker, the fact that you take such a materialistic view on the whole girls/guys thing is dispicable. Do you truly believe that real power comes from being a whore? Which, btw, is exactly what you are stating that you are. You are effectivly calling yourself a slut. Why is being a slut "ok" for a guy, yet girls who feel the same way, consequently the same girls you sleep with, get condoned for it. That's kinda funny actually, if you bring everything down, it's almost like you insult girls for sleeping with you. I don't blame you, hell, I would to. :p riiiight..... I am not a slut at all, I was just saying that I am not a shit shoveller (gay) and that I have had girlfriends. Quite where you get the whore thing from is beyond me, perhaps the pills you currently take are proving defective?? A word of advice-don't join an arguement unless you fully know what you are talking about. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest CRiZ Posted April 13, 2001 the-widow-maker said: Dude, i can't even guess where you learned your physics... probably the Internet. So now plasma is actually made of anti-matter? That's just plain wrong. Maybe you shouldn't try to be technical cuz you don't have a clue about physics. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest CRiZ Posted April 13, 2001 the-widow-maker said:riiiight..... I am not a slut at all, I was just saying that I am not a shit shoveller (gay) and that I have had girlfriends. Quite where you get the whore thing from is beyond me, perhaps the pills you currently take are proving defective?? A word of advice-don't join an arguement unless you fully know what you are talking about. you're lame 0 Share this post Link to post
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