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Macvilewhore, missing?


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What's up with Macvile and his delicious coffee?
First, Fox's duck was missing, and now Macvilewhore is gone...
What the hell is going on??

(this is not doom-related, feel free to delete this crap)

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Good one.. :)
Maybe he's making a secret formula to enhance the "kill-factor" of his coffee.. I sure miss him (no, i'm not gay)...
/me wipes away tears...

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Dude, chill. Macvile has been doing this to us alot lately. He leaves for a week or 2,then comes back, posts some lame excuse for being gone (when he's actually been keeping his coffee all for himself) Greedy bastard.

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I like my women the same way I like my coffee... strapped to the back of a mule by Juan Valdez!

Bah, he's probably at Diznee Land or some other kiddie funpark again. Gotta love the new rollercoasters... twelve dollars a ride, in line for 3 hours, and the ride is over in 20 seconds. Yeah, that adds up.

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deadnail said:

... twelve dollars a ride, in line for 3 hours, and the ride is over in 20 seconds. Yeah, that adds up.

Exactly the same here but with hookers :)

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Don't worry...I think I saw a post by him about a week ago. If not he might be in the same place as Username...uh-oh.

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I thought the coffee around here tasted different lately. Oh well, hopefully he will return soon and whip us all up a batch of his special brew.

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